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Call the school (650-917-5454) the same morning to report the reason for your child’s absence. If we do not get a telephone call, we will call a parent to verify the absence. If your child is absent for more than 5 days for any reason other than illness, we suggest you pick up an Independent Study Plan from the office prior to the student’s anticipated absence. Homework may be requested by calling before noon. The work may be picked up in the office at the end of the school day by the parent or another student. The office will inform parents by notice of any communicable diseases such as mumps, measles, chicken pox, strep throat, infections etc.
Students are encouraged to have medical, dental, and other appointments outside of the regular school day. If it is necessary to make an appointment during school, please send a note or email to the teacher explaining that your student must leave at a specific time and why. You must come to the office to check-out your student. Please have him/her check-in at the office upon return.
Notify the office immediately of any change in your address or telephone number either at work or at home. It is important that Emergency and Disaster cards be up to date in case of injury. Whenever both parents will be out of town, temporary phone numbers and authorizations should be given to the office.
At Almond School, all classes are heterogeneous groupings. The staff carefully groups students to try to place each student in a situation which we feel will be the most educationally beneficial to him/her. Classes are balanced by staff, taking the following factors into consideration: boy-girl ratio, achievement levels, leadership, social factors, special needs and behavior. Parent input about a child’s special needs are taken into consideration, but a requests for a specific teacher are not accepted.
School wide communication with parents is provided through the weekly newsletter The Thursday Word. It is extremely important that you read this publication to keep abreast of the school calendar and special events. The current edition of the district's weekly newsletter is available via the link in The Thursday Word or directly at the LASD website.
Close communications between individual parents, teachers, and principal is encour- aged. A parent-teacher conference is held in November with all the parents, how- ever, a conference may be requested at any time during the year. Please feel free to contact the school office or your child’s teacher to make an appointment.
In the event of a disaster (fire, earthquake, or other emergency) a contingency plan is in place. Most staff members have been trained in first aid and CPR. Each class- room has a first aid kit and water. Fire drills are conducted regularly, and earthquake drills are performed three times per year, including one complete earthquake simulation.
No child will be allowed to leave with another person, even a relative or baby-sitter, unless we have written permission to that effect, or that particular person is listed in your child’s emergency information. If a serious earthquake does occur, please come to school as soon as possible to pick up your child and any others for whom you are the emergency card designee. In case you or your designee cannot pick up your child by the end of regular school hours, your child will remain at school in our care until you arrive.
Parents should instruct their children: If an earthquake occurs while he/she is walking or riding a bike to school, he/she should continue on to school. If the earthquake occurs while he/she is walking or riding a bike home from school he/she should continue on home. Children should be instructed to walk quickly, but in as safe a manner as possible, away from concrete walls and buildings. In a severe earthquake, we would appreciate having any parents who are able to do so, report to the school to help. We encourage each family to have a plan should an earthquake occur when children are not in school.
Parents are asked to update their emergency data information online using the InfoSnap process at the beginning of the year. Please be sure to keep this emergency information up to date. We also ask that you list only people who are readily available to assist your child, if we cannot reach you. You should be aware that only parents can authorize medical treatment should your child require it. We appreciate being informed should you plan to be out of town or have made arrangements for someone else to care for your child. Please notify the office of any change in your address or telephone number (home and place of employment).
Fields trips are taken at the discretion of the classroom teacher in conjunction with the curriculum. To enhance the educational experience of all students, parents are asked to donate the students’ share of the trip plus bus expenses. No student will be excluded from participating in an LASD field trip because of lack of funds. Confidential financial waivers are available. Please contact your classroom teacher regarding financial hardship. Students must have signed permission slips in order to go on field trips, including walking trips. Only parents who have had their insurance verified by the district will be allowed to transport students when cars are used for short trips.
Almond School provides health-related services to students in school. Among these services, vision and hearing testing are probably best known. Vision checks for farsightedness, tracking, and convergence are given to all kindergarten, first and fourth graders and to all referred students. Initial hearing test screening is done by the county audiologist in a soundproof van, and tests are given yearly to Kindergarten, second and fifth graders and to all referred students. All problems noted are recorded, followed up, and referred. Referrals for testing are done whenever requested by a teacher, parent, or student. Children with head lice will be sent home from school if they are found to have active adult head lice and/or nits. Parents will be contacted immediately to pick their child up for proper treatment. Staff will maintain the privacy of student identified as having head lice.
All removable articles of clothing should be labeled with your child’s name. Unclaimed articles will be donated to local charities at the end of each year. Valuables such as keys, money, watches, etc. are turned in to the office.
Students are expected to eat lunch on campus. We do not permit students to leave campus for a restaurant lunch unless accompanied by an authorized adult. The adult must sign in at the front desk in the office.
No medication, including aspirin, can be administered at school by any staff member unless a medical form has been completed by the child’s doctor and is on file in the office. If your child has serious allergies, such as to bee stings, notify the school and discuss contingency plans. Please be aware that the District nurse is only at Almond School one half day a week, however, our office staff has been trained in first aid procedures.
The school is unable to provide class lists or private information, including the telephone numbers of teachers. The PTA publishes a directory in October with names, addresses and phone numbers for each class for use by other Almond families. For the safety of children, please consider this directory confidential information and keep it in a safe place.
If children do ride bikes to school, they must have a lock and bikes should be locked to the racks. Bikes should never be left at school overnight. Almond School cannot assume responsibility for any damage or loss that may occur to bikes. Please have bikes licensed and equipped with a strong lock and chain. A bike helmet is a must. Bikes are to be walked on the school grounds at all times - before, during, and after school. "Walking" the bike means the owner will walk along side the vehicle, not sit on it and push with his/her feet.
Skates, roller blades, and skateboards are not to be used on the school grounds during the school day and should be removed immediately upon entering the school campus.
For the safety of children, the drive-through curb lane is a drop-off and loading lane only. Cars are to move continuously unless children are actually entering or exiting the car. Parents are asked to park in designated slots whenever they must wait for older children, visit with other parents, or stop by the office. The cooperation of all parents in observing these procedures is needed.
Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled in November for all students. Teachers are available for additional conferences at any time during the year. Call the office or send a note requesting an appointment. We encourage parents to contact us at any time if there are concerns or questions rather than waiting for a small problem to become a larger one. Report cards are distributed three times during the school year in grades 1-6. No report cards are issued for Kindergarten.
Almond provides full adult supervision before school, at recess, and noon. We do not provide supervision before 8:15 am or after school as teachers have scheduled meetings and conferences at those times. Please do not allow your student to arrive on campus before 8:15 am or stay after dismissal time unless special arrangements are made with the classroom teacher or school office. Students are required to leave school immediately after dismissal, unless they are involved in after school home- work center or an after-school, pre-approved enrichment activity. Students are to report to their homes, baby-sitters, etc., at the close of the school day before returning to play on the school grounds, and should not return until after 3:30 pm. If a primary students needs to wait for an upper grade sibling to be dismissed, he/she must wait in front of the school.
Tardies interfere with student learning: thus, promptness to school in the morning and following recess and lunch is encouraged. Tardy students are often required to make up time they are late either at recess or after school. Parents will be contacted if a pattern of lateness develops.
Students are to use the telephone only for emergency situations. Students are not allowed to use the telephone to make after school plans. These and rainy day plans should be made before arriving at school.
All visitors must check in and out through the office regardless of the purpose of the visit. This is for the protection of the students and to avoid interruptions in the classroom. Volunteers are asked to sign their names in the Volunteer Sign-In Book in the office upon arrival and sign out upon leaving so that we will know who is present in case of an emergency at school or at your home while you are volunteering. If your child forgets his/her lunch, please bring the lunch to the office and we will make sure that he/she gets their lunch. Please do not go to the classroom, as this could be disruptive to the children.
PTA enjoys a large membership of parents and teachers who are concerned about improving the education of children. PTA facilitates parent/community involvement in cooperative volunteer/staff programs for school enrichment such as the Library, Math Lab, classroom volunteers, noontime activities, field trips, etc. It publishes a yearly school directory and raises funds for specific school needs. Monthly meetings are open and interested parents are encouraged to attend.
The Almond School Site Council consists of an equal number of parents and staff and also includes community representation. It is responsible for writing, reviewing and implementing Almond’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Although the number of parents on the council itself is limited, all meetings are open to the public.
Student Council is an important part of the Almond program for students in grades 3- 6. Classroom representatives are elected twice a year, and meetings are generally held twice a month. The student body elects officers to the Student Council, following a week of campaigning and speech making. Students in grades 3-6 then cast their ballots. The Student Council meets to discuss student concerns, contribute to school and playground rules, and to suggest ideas for special events.
Student Behavior Overview
Behaving appropriately is an essential aspect of learning. All behaviors have consequences. Without a disciplined atmosphere teachers cannot teach effectively and the learner cannot learn. It is the assurance that these consequences will occur that guides us as human beings in choosing and modeling appropriate behaviors. We believe that all students can behave appropriately at school if they know the expectations. These are four useful behavior management tools we can teach our students:
Behavior Standards
Almond School has a set of behavior standards that is simple and direct.
We expect students to show respect and concern for other students’ feelings, property and person.
We expect students to act in a safe and responsible manner.
We expect students to show respect for adults and authority.
Almond's Cornerstone Program
Almond has adopted Project Cornerstone, which is a program that promotes a positive school climate for all children. Parents, students and staff work collaboratively to make our school feel safe and caring for all children. Each classroom has a parent monthly reader who reads selected stories that focus on student respect, dealing with peer abuse and building social skills. Members of our Student Council develop and implement a school-wide action plan with which to improve school climate. Parents are encouraged to continue the conversations with their children regarding the concepts highlighted each month.
Dress Code
Students at Almond are expected to dress using safety, common sense and appropriateness as their guide in choosing school clothing. During the day, students engage in physical education activities and clothing and shoes must be safe for these activities. Appropriate attire is defined as clothing that allows the student to work and function in group settings. When necessary, the principal will make the determination as to whether clothing is deemed safe, appropriate and uses common sense. If a student is wearing clothing judged to be disruptive of the instructional process, they will be given a clothing item to wear which must be washed and returned to school on the following day.
The following points should be considered when children dress for school:
all underwear must be covered by outer clothing
shorts and dresses should be of an appropriate length (measured by arms straight at sides, fingers extended, with fabric measuring even with, or longer than, the finger tips); “short shorts” are unacceptable
“spaghetti strap” tops, halter tops, strapless blouses (girls) or tank tops (boys and girls) are not allowed; if you wear them, you must wear another piece of clothing which covers your shoulders and upper arms
bare midriff is unacceptable
clothing with offensive language or pictures, or words written on the derriere of shorts or pants, is unacceptable
flip-flops and platform shoes shall not be worn for safety reasons
hats and headdresses are not to be worn indoors
Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Rule 1: Always try your best to be safe, be fair, and kind.
Rule 2: Do not interfere with teaching and learning.
Student Safety
Student safety is our first priority. Remember to stop and think. PLAY SAFE! Students should ask themselves two important questions:
Will my actions hurt someone on the outside? Remember to keep hands and feet to yourself. Pushing, pulling clothes, grabbing, kicking, martial arts, wrestling, hitting or throwing unsafe objects will not be tolerated.
Will my actions hurt someone on the inside? Bullying, teasing, threats, profanity, exclusion or harmful language will not be tolerated.
General Rules
Be responsible and take care of school property. Be kind, honest, polite and helpful. Act as a positive role model. Treat others and their property with kindness and respect.
Refrain from throwing stones, sand, water, dirt, tanbark, pebbles or rocks.
Refrain from using abusive language, gestures or physical aggression.
Once on school grounds and sidewalks, students are to walk their bicycles, scooters and skateboards. Rollerblades should be taken off before entering school grounds or sidewalks.
Remain on campus, unless signed out by a parent or guardian in the office. Almond is a closed campus.
Adult supervision is required to be in a classroom, multi-purpose room or library.
Report any problem at school to an adult. Students who observe and fail to report a problem are just as responsible as those who caused the problem
Restroom Rules
Be considerate of others and keep the restroom neat and clean for the next person.
Wash hands, with soap, after each use.
Exhibit good behavior while using the restroom. Refrain from playing in or around the restrooms. Remember, “Use, Wash, Leave.”
Use the drinking fountains and restrooms before the bell rings.
Assembly Rules
Sit quietly and directly (flat) on the floor. Talking during the assembly disturbs others, as well as the speaker or performer.
Be a polite audience by showing respect to those performing.
Applaud performances in a correct manner.
Hallway Rules
Sidewalks and corridors are for walking only. Treat hallways as “quiet zones” when walking to and from your destination.
Balls are to be carried when walking to and from classrooms.
Games such as pole tag and jump rope are inappropriate on walkways.
Lunch Schedule
Lower Grades (1st, 2nd, 3rd):
12:00 to 12:20 p.m. (students play from 12:20 to 12:45 p.m.)
Upper Grades (4th, 5th, 6th):
12:20 to 12:45 p.m. (students play from 12:00 noon to 12:20 p.m.)
Behavior During Lunch
Students shall not throw food or any object, leave their eating space in a dirty condition, use food in an inappropriate manner or refuse to comply with instructions given by teachers, yard duty aides or Helping Hands volunteers.
Behavior During School Sponsored Activities
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible manner during school hours, on sponsored activities, during programs and on field trips.
Playground Rules – General
Students must walk in an orderly manner to and from the classroom, use the playground equipment responsibly, show respect for others by using appropriate language, and obtain permission to leave the playground.
Playground Rules – Balls
Playground Rules – Games & Equipment
Playground Rules – Play Structure
Playground Rules – How to Resolve a Conflict
The Conflict Resolution and Cornerstone programs teach valuable communication skills to help students resolve everyday problems that arise during school.
Students are encouraged to first try to resolve their own conflicts by following these simple steps:
Stop! Wait until you cool off before you speak.
Talk and listen to each other. Always use an “I” message.
Find out what you both need.
Think of ways to solve the problem.
Choose the idea you both like best (a “win/win” solution).
Make a plan and follow it!
If students are unable to reach a “win/win” solution on their own, they can seek out an adult to help them work through the problem-solving process.
Harassment / Bullying
Bullying is a physical, emotional, verbal or nonverbal mistreatment where there is an imbalance of power and the victim is exposed to negative actions on the part of one or more students. A student shall not harass or bully another student.
Assault or Threat
A student shall not behave in a way that could cause physical injury to other students, any school employee or other persons in the school building or on school property. This also applies during school-related activities held off school premises.
Damage of School or Private Property
A student shall not damage school or private property, on or off school premises, during a school activity, function or school event.
Toys, Money and Gum
We encourage children to use equipment and supplies available at school. Toys and money should not be brought to school, except for specific occasions when they might be requested. Personal sports equipment, cards or electronic devices should not be brought to school. Refrain from bringing or chewing gum on campus.
Cell Phones
While the decision regarding whether or not a child has a cell phone rests with the parents, acceptable use during school hours is the student’s responsibility. If a student does have a cell phone to call a parent after school or to contact a parent in the event of an emergency, the following rules must be followed:
the phone must be turned off during the school day
the phone must be placed in a backpack and not taken out during the day
phones are NOT to be used during the school day, which includes calls and text messaging
phone calls may be made at the front of the school after the school day ends
Dogs are prohibited on campus from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Dogs are not to be brought to school during school hours or at arrival and dismissal times. Outside school hours, dogs must be on a LEASH when on school property, which includes the campus and the soccer field. We expect dog owners to be respectful of children who play on the soccer field by immediately picking up after their pet.
Dangerous Weapons and Hazardous Instruments
Students shall not possess, handle, transmit or conceal any dangerous weapon or instrument---real or a toy--- on school property, in a school vehicle or at any school-sponsored activity. Should a student have knowledge of a weapon or dangerous instrument on school property, in a school vehicle or at a school-sponsored activity and not report it to a school employee, the student may be held to the same disciplinary measures as that of the perpetrator. Hazardous items such as Swiss Army knives, cap guns, matches, butane lighters or firecrackers are prohibited at school.
Use or Possession of Tobacco, Drugs and Alcohol
A student shall not use, possess, transmit, conceal or be under the influence of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol while in a school building, on school property or involved in any school activities held off school premises.
Students shall respect the personal ownership rights of others.
Discipline Policy
It is necessary for all children and their parents or guardians to have a clear understanding of school expectations with regard to behavior. Each child is expected to behave appropriately in all school settings and activities and to accept responsibility for his or her actions and the consequences of those actions. Students and their parents or guardians also need to understand the consequences of inappropriate school behavior and that the administration and staff will strictly enforce adherence to this policy. Parents or guardians and staff share the responsibility for maintaining and supporting the school’s behavioral objectives and working together to correct problems that may arise.
Disciplinary Actions
We expect students to use good judgment in their actions at school and respect themselves, their teachers and the rights of other students. Good behavior is essential for effective learning. Those who lack self-discipline not only interfere with their own learning, but also prevent others in the class from learning. We want all of our students to be successful at school.
Discipline is handled on an individual basis with problems falling into three categories:
We appreciate your support in working with behavior problems and reinforcing school rules and expectations at home.
Consequences for Inappropriate School Behavior
Listed below are actions, arranged by increasing seriousness, assigned to the student by the adult handling the situation. Consequences depend upon the particular circumstances of the infraction, the frequency and the severity of the inappropriate behavior.
1. General Supervision Consequence Options:
a. Redirect to another activity
b. Issue an apology
c. Warning – verbal reprimand
d. Pick up trash
e. “Time Out”
f. Behavior referral – teacher / student / parent notification
g. Sent to the Principal – teacher / parent notification
2. Teacher / Student Conference Consequence Options:
a. Recess detention
b. Lunch detention
c. Loss of privileges or activity
3. Principal / Student Conference
4. Principal / Parent Conference:
a. Damage or replacement fees
a. Damage or replacement fees
b. Suspension
c. Referral for expulsion
d. Police action
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