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Almond Wear
Parents can order Almond apparel and accessories using the Quicklink on the left side of the website.
Almond Website
Supportive Counseling on the school site is offered by CHAC (Children’s Health Awareness Council, an agency founded jointly by the school district and local cities).
Changes to family contact information
The childcare at Almond School is provided by the YMCA of Silicon Valley. Almond Kids’ Place offers PM/after-school care for Almond students in grades K-6.
AM Care is available 7-8:30 am for $150/month, open to any Almond family.
For childcare questions, please contact the YMCA of Silicon Valley
Child Study Team
This team serves as a resource to classroom teachers and parents to explore possible curriculum modifications and interventions to meet individual needs. The team includes the Principal, Resource Teacher, School Psychologist and three regular education teachers as well as the referring teacher.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
ELAC advises the principal and staff on issues related to the development of a detailed school plan for English Learners, the development of the school’s needs assessment, administration of the school's language census (CELDT), provide parents educational opportunities for supporting their children in the learning process. ELAC is comprised of elected members from the parent community and meets three times per year.
Almond subscribes to eScrip, an online service where merchants donate a portion of patron purchases directly to our school. The eScrip online mall consists of more than 800 vendors. By accessing your chosen vendor (e.g. Nordstrom, Amazon, Travelocity, etc.) through the eScrip website, up to 10% of your purchase will be donated directly to Almond. Click the Quicklink on the left for more information and instructions.
English as a Second Language Program provides special instruction for students learning to speak English.
Helping Hands
Volunteers assist first graders with lunch and playground activities during recess. Helping Hands helps make the transition from kindergarten to the big playground a little easier. Volunteers help students with their lunch containers, encourage recycling, pass out playground equipment, and help reinforce safety rules. Helping Hands is during the lunch hour, Monday through Friday. Volunteer as often as you prefer.
Please note that parents may NOT bring younger siblings along when volunteering for Helping Hands.
Hot Lunch
We have a fantastic vendor that offers many healthy choices, flexible ordering, and great prices. Click the Quicklink on the left to read more and order.
Lead Room Parents
Room parents organize parent volunteers for classroom activities and field trips. They assist the teacher where needed and can be used as a source of information by parents in the classroom. Each room parent maintains the classroom calendar.
Los Altos School District Newsletter
The school district provides a weekly newsletter (previously called the "Frequent Flyer") which is available from the Los Altos School District Quicklink on the left side of our website. It is also sent as a link at the bottom of every Thursday Word.
Marquee/Bulletin Boards
There is a marquee in front of the kindergarten playground that can be viewed by parents at drop-off and pick-up. It will show the main activities occurring during the current month. There are also bulletin boards outside of the multi that have pictures of the children at the most recent school events.
New Families
For new families please contact your lead room parent or the volunteer coordinator, Chris Mesel for more information.
PTA Membership
Click here to see what joining the PTA can do for you and your children. You can join the PTA during the Back-To-School process or by contacting the above parent.
School Directory
From the information provided in the Back-To-School system, Almond provides a hard copy directory of all students and families. It is usually distributed to the oldest child in the family in mid-October. Each family gets one free copy, and dual household families get 2 free copies. Additional copies are available to purchase for $5 through the Back-To-School System.
SchoolPak School Supplies
At the end of the school year, parents are given the opportunity to order and purchase school supplies for the upcoming year through an online vendor called SchoolPak. Watch the Thursday Word for more details and the ordering window.
Special Education
Students with suspected disabilities are offered assessment by district staff at no cost to the parent. If the student meets state eligibility criteria, an IEP [Individual Education Plan] is developed to provide special instruction (and related services if needed.) A resource specialist teacher and a speech therapist are available at each school to provide services on site during the school day. Services are provided in the least restrictive environment, in the regular classroom if possible. Students with more specialized needs may be served at another public school in the area
The SELPA 1 CAC is dedicated to raising awareness and education on special needs issues in the four school districts that make up our SELPA: Los Altos, Mountain View-Whisman, Mountain View Los Altos High, and Palo Alto Unified.
SELPA 1 CAC (Special Education Local Plan Area 1 Community Advisory Committee)
For more information, please see the Special Education page of the Los Altos School District website.
Translation Services and Meetings
The International Liaisons Committee helps translate information for those families whose first language is not English. Currently, all Back-To-School information is translated to Spanish, as is the Thursday Word Weekly Newsletter. Google Translate is implemented on the website for any language.
Thursday Word Weekly Newsletter
Each Thursday the Principal and PTA put out a newsletter with important information about Almond. You can submit an entry to the Thursday Word by emailing your request to the contact email alias above by Monday at noon for the current week. To sign-up emails to receive this correspondence, either set-up the email during the Back-To-School process or click the Quicklink on the left of the website that says "Add/Change/Delete You School Contact Information".
The Almond webmaster keeps the school website up-to-date throughout the year. The website is based on Cyberschool. Maintaining it does not require technical knowledge. The site is setup like a blog and only requires a logical mind and typing. The site developer will be available for any substantial changes. This is an ideal volunteer position for parents who are able to help during non-school hours.
3/9/25 9:42 PM