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May 31, 2018

May 31, 2018


  • Friday, 6/1, Minimum Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm
  • Tuesday, 6/5
    • TK/K CSMA Parent Concert (1pm, Multi)
    • Gr. 1 - 3 CSMA Parent Concert (2pm, Multi)
  • Thursday, 6/7
    • Last Day of School
    • Morning Assembly (8:30am, Multi)
    • 6th Grade Promotion (8:45am doors open for seating, 9:00am ceremony begins)
    • Minimum Day Dismissal - 11:30am


My stream of thoughts during this morning’s assembly...

“Interesting.  There are kids wearing tutus.   I wonder why?  My goodness there are lots of Walkathon shirts.  Did I miss the memo?  Ladders?  Why couldn’t Manuel tell me why they’re out here.  Wow, there are lots of parents here to see Mrs. Matteroli.  That’s awesome.  I hope she gets a super warm welcome.  It’s time to present her with the balloons and present?  Where’s Kristin?  I don’t see her.  Why can’t I get a hold of anyone in the office on the walkie?  Where is Kristin?  Oh, there she is.  Hey, is that my husband?  Why is he here?  Stay focused Erika.  Stall for the balloons.  Jokes.  The kids always love to tell their jokes.  Alright.  Almost done.  Time for the pledge.  Oh that’s right, the 6th graders are going to present a class gift.  Wait a minute...the whole 6th grade is presenting?  What is Anju doing with a purple cape?  What is going on?  OMG!  Alex is rapping to Glorious.  He’s so killing it.  Is this what the first graders were so excited about?  Stay present.  Pay attention.  Teachers with wigs.  Hey, I remember that move from ‘Born This Way.’  Is that Jenny Eldridge dancing front and center?  This IS the surprise.  There’s more?!?!?  The little ones are joining in.  Swallow those tears have kindergartners behind you.  Ohhhh, and the TK students are here too.  That’s right.  They wanted to meet the new principal.  Mary is here too.  Oh Mary - she helped me prep for so many crazy assembly ideas. I can’t hold it in.  This is so beautiful.  Look at their faces.  They are so proud.  Their smiles go from ear to ear.  They’ve been working so hard for this.  They have been keeping this surprise for so long.  They are awesome!!!  I am THE luckiest person in the Universe to have had the opportunity to be their principal.  THE luckiest.  The kids.  This staff.  We’ve had SO much fun together.  I will miss them.  All of them.  I will carry each and every one of these extraordinary little and big people in my heart forever.  Forever!”

Student Homeroom Placement
As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, teachers are working together creating groups of students without any associated teacher.  In 2018-19 students will be heterogeneously placed into grade level homerooms.  The staff has received clear guidance regarding the many factors to consider in developing balanced homerooms.  The principal will assign teachers to the various groups, monitor each and every homeroom list, and make all final decisions regarding placement.  Homeroom placement information will be communicated via email with parents the Friday before school starts in August (08/17/18).

Updates Regarding Staff Departures for the 2018-19 School Year
We thank each member that is transitioning to a new opportunity for their time and dedication here at Almond and we wish them our very best.

  • Jenny Wishnack (4th grade) will be retiring.
  • Sauro Manganelli (tech specialist) will be retiring.
  • Manuel Casino (daytime custodian) will be retiring.
  • Rachel Doblick (2nd grade) will be a Literacy Instructional Support Teacher at Loyola.
  • Laura Better (5th grade) will be teaching in Belmont, closer to home.
  • Allison Aubrey (6th grade) will be moving to Tennessee.
  • Kristin Clouser (school psychologist) will be working at Los Gatos High School, closer to home.
  • Elizabeth Leach (STEM teacher) will be a LASD Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction at the district office.

Teaching Roster for 2018-19

  • Transitional Kindergarten:  Lisa Schubert
  • Kindergarten:  Leanne Kridl, Laurie Lamb, Joan O’Dell
  • First Grade:  Jenny Eldridge, Savanna Goltzer, Samantha Nguyen
  • Second Grade:  Rachel Gassner, Brianna Lopez, Tammy Reilly
  • Third Grade:  Sarah Hall, Joann Martinez
  • Fourth Grade:  Annie Daggett, Kelsey Greene, Emily Simon
  • Fifth Grade:  Vicki Burke, Kathy Day-Bobb, Kaitlyn Pasket
  • Sixth Grade:  Jasen Stuart, Anju Vriksha, TBD
  • Instructional Support Teacher (IST), STEM: TBD
  • Instructional Support Teacher (IST), Literacy Focus:  Jill Croft
  • PE Teachers:  Mary Alber, Doug Core
  • ELD Teacher:  Jessica Mountz
  • RSP Teacher:  Melissa Powell
  • Speech Teacher:  Julie Chen

More About Those Joining Almond

  • Brianna Lopez (2nd grade) - I taught 5th grade for two years in San Carlos and am overjoyed to take on a new role as a 2nd grade teacher. This will be my third year teaching and the time is flying by. Teaching 2nd grade has always been a dream of mine, I'm excited to have the chance to make my dream a reality. Literacy is my passion and I love teaching students how to find a love for reading. When I am not teaching I like to spend time with my family, friends and my dog, Toby. Toby is very energetic and enjoys going on long runs with me. I am working on my Master's Degree in Primary Reading, which is taking up most of my free time. I will finish my Master's in August and I'm looking forward to having more time to enjoy the school year.
  • Emily Simon (4th grade) - I am so excited to be joining the Almond community in 4th grade! I just finished my first year teaching in Los Altos at Covington in 2nd grade. I grew up next door in Palo Alto, and I love teaching in a community (and climate) so near and dear to my home. I started to love teaching at my first job with Galileo Learning in the Bay Area, but have taught all over including Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, and schools in the Greater Boston Area. I used to teach middle school drama in Boston, and I love incorporating theater across disciplines to engage students in the fun of learning. I am looking forward to meeting the parents, staff, and students that make Almond an incredible community of learners.
  • Kathy Day-Bobb (5th grade) - I am a 27-year teaching veteran having taught all grade levels, two years of college, and have spent over fifteen years of my career in this district. Teaching 5th grade at Santa Rita for the last several years has been my last assignment. I am passionate about engaging students in the learning process with their peers while they grow as individuals. In my personal life, I spend time exercising, socializing with friends and traveling, when I can. I like to spend time with my 25-year-old daughter who lives in Minneapolis near my seven siblings living in Iowa. I am excited for a new learning and teaching adventure here at Almond.



  • LASD’s Board of Trustees is seeking community perspectives regarding the plan for the proposed new school site—and they would love to hear from you!
  • Next week, the district will launch a ThoughtExchange, an online forum where you can share community perspectives. The online forum is convenient, easy to use and confidential—and I hope you will participate.  You will receive an emailed invitation to participate, or you may pre-register here.  Visit ThoughtExchange to learn more or email  Learn more about LASD’s progress in obtaining a new school site here.
  • Thank you for supporting our students.

LAEF:  We’re in the home stretch!
Help us raise the final $100K to fully fund teachers at your school this year. A gift of $50, $100 or even $300 will make a difference! It's not too late to donate or apply for a corporate match. Donate now.

LAST JAMBA JUICE SALE - Thursday and Friday!
Almond's 6th graders will have their final Jamba Juice sale after school on Thursday, May 31 and Friday, June 1 in the Rotunda. The all-fruit 10 oz smoothies will cost $4, and the proceeds will be donated to a Santa Rosa elementary school. The fires destroyed 140 students' homes as well as the school's K-2 grade classrooms and library.


  • It's that time of year for you to purchase the prepackaged school supplies from SchoolPak!  If you purchase before June 8th, your school supplies will be shipped to the school and delivered to your child's classroom before their first day.  We provide this service since it should reduce your school supply costs by over 25% if you were to go buy this yourselves.  
  • Here's the link:
  • If you would prefer to get the supplies on your own, you can go to the website and select the grade you are interested in, and scroll down - you will see the complete list of items.
  • If you any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.  Thanks!  Darin, SchoolPak Coordinator,


  • We have very much enjoyed being your Student Council Officers. We can’t believe that it is the end of the school year! Thank you so much for an amazing year!
  • We also can't wait to see what your class has come up with for our final spirit day, Homeroom Challenge, on Wednesday, June 6th!



  • Medications will be available for pick up from Thursday June 7th 2018 (last day of school) until Wednesday June 13th 2018.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Brooke Anderson, 5/30/18, Owning learning. Being an active participant in her problem-solving group. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Liliana Aliashvili, 5/20/18, Respecting self and others. Helped store PE gear.
  • Ruby Border, 5/25/18, Owning learning. Never hesitates to ask questions or to ask for help on challenging math problems. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Chloe Caldbeck, 5/30/18, Respecting self and others. Put away PE equipment.
  • Aiden Cwik, 5/30/18, Always making good choices. Consistently having "whole body listening" on the rug! :-)
  • Axel Edin, 5/29/18, Owning learning, 5/29/18. Working well with a peer and engaging the peer in decision making on an activity in Problem Solving rotation.
  • Ben Elkin, 5/30/18, Respecting self and others. Helped with PE gear.
  • Juliana Enos, 5/20/18, Respecting self and others. Helped put away PE equipment.
  • Ayumi Ikeda, 5/30/18, Owning learning. Ayumi always goes above and beyond in her assignments and is always ready to learn. <3 Mrs. Reilly :-)
  • Karen Izaguirre, 5/30/18, Respecting self and others. Helped put away PE equipment.
  • Prisha Jain, 5/30/18, Always making good choices. Prisha is always willing to help out in the classroom and help others. She was especially helpful during Open House time! <3 Mrs. Reilly :-)
  • Sophia May, 5/30/18, Always making good choices. Consistently having "whole body listening" on the rug! :-)
  • Sameer Mishra, 5/24/18, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. You are helpful and know what to do without being asked.
  • Benjamin Park, 5/30/18, Owning learning. Consistently uses Math Talk Stems in Problem Solving. Mrs. Burke :-)
  • Maliha Parmar, 5/30/18, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Maliha is always making great choices and is kind to others! <3 Mrs. Reilly :-)
  • Ayumu Sano, 5/30/18, Owning learning. Ayumu has worked really hard to learn English and interact with others. <3 Mrs. Reilly :-)
  • Maggie Wang, 5/30/18, Owning learning. Maggie is always taking detailed notes in math and pushing herself to succeed. <3 Mrs. Reilly :-)
  • Addison Wolcott, 5/30/18, Respecting self and others. Helped pick up PE gear.

Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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