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Dear Almond Families:
When my son Silas was 2 and a half, he spent the summer immersed in the story of the Three Little Pigs. I found myself retelling the story over and over again. And over again. At the playground: Three Little Pigs. On the camping trip: Three Little Pigs. It was a 3LP summer. He thrived on the predictability of the story and delighted in squealing about and calling the Big Bad Wolf “naughty” whenever he was mentioned. One day, I changed the story and the Big Bad Wolf ended up eating the first little pig on his way to the second little pig’s house (an alternate version of the story). Silas was furious with the change and quickly improvised a new character, a monster, that gobbled up the Big Bad Wolf. A wrong needed to be righted and that was the end of that.
Even though our littlest ones like Silas can't yet decode words, they are still readers and engage in reading behaviors from a very young age. He might not have been able to name it, but Silas knew the story had a beginning, a middle, and an ending, like all good stories do. And he was learning to interact with a text in a way that was meaningful for him. That's what we want for all readers--to learn the skills needed to read any text with authentic engagement. Thinking back on Silas’ behavior now makes me think of what we want for all students, to think like and see themselves as readers. After hearing books read aloud, we want all students to be able to retell the main details of the story (thinking within the text); we want students to feel strongly about what they read and express their opinions about characters (thinking beyond the text); and when they don’t like the way a story is going, we want them to feel empowered to know that they can think like an author and reshape a part of the story to provide alternative endings and storylines (thinking about the text).
At Almond, what strategies and skills are all students learning to help them think like readers and authors? How are we nurturing each student’s passion for self-expression through writing and reading? Please join on me on Friday, November 16th at 8:45 for our first Principal coffee this year to chat about the literacy program here at Almond School that supports all student readers and writers.
Here’s to all of our readers and writers,
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Mon, Nov. 12, Holiday—NO SCHOOL
Wed, Nov. 14, PTA Board Meeting, 8:35 in Conference Room
Thurs, Nov. 15, DELAC meeting, 9:00, iLearn Studio, District Office
Fri, Nov. 16, Principal Coffee, 8:45,
Mon and Tues, Nov. 19-20, Parent/Teacher conferences, NO SCHOOL
Wed-Fri, Nov. 21-23, Holidays, NO SCHOOL
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Teacher Conferences: Do you or your spouse need help translating?
Almond New Family Ambassadors and Translators are happy to help you - just get in touch!
Would you be able to help translate for our families that speak other languages? If you are able to help, please contact to be added to our list of available translators. We appreciate your assistance!
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LASD STEM and Math ISTs (Instructional Support Teachers), and LASD Art Docent leadership recently attended CA STEAM Symposium 2018, along with 3,000 STEAM educators from across California. Recognized as a leader in STEAM education, our LASD team led five professional learning presentations to inspire high-quality Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math instruction for all California students. LAEF is proud to support LASD’s outstanding STEM ISTs and Art Docent Director. We congratulate you for your leadership at this important statewide symposium.
Help fund Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math instruction at your school by donating to LAEF at, or text your donation to LAEF at 50155. The suggested amount is $1,200 per student or $120/month. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
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Traffic Safety!
Please take extra caution when driving your students to school. We have had a few close calls with pedestrians, bicyclists and cars, and we do want to ensure the safety of all of our students and adults. To avoid being in a rush each morning, please leave your home a few minutes earlier. And as always, thank you for all you do for our everyone’s safety and well-being.
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Selpa 1 CAC
SELPA 1 CAC is a group of people dedicated to raising awareness and education on special needs issues in our community. “SELPA” stands for Special Education Local Plan Area, and “CAC” stands for Community Advisory Committee. Our SELPA is made up of four school districts: Los Altos, Mountain View-Whisman, Mountain View Los Altos High, and Palo Alto Unified.
You are invited to these upcoming SELPA 1 CAC events!
1) Parent Coffees
2) Parent Chat - support group for parents of teens with mental health challenges
3) Ability Awareness week at Bubb
4) December General Meeting
1) Parent Coffees for Special Education and Learning Challenges will be held at Theuerkauf Elementary on 11/9 at 8:45, and at Egan Junior High on 11/14 at 9. SELPA 1 CAC will be presenting at Springer PTA meeting on 11/8 at 7:30 pm.
Cafés para padres para la educación especial y los desafíos de aprendizaje se llevarán a cabo en Theuerkauf Elementary el 11/9 a las 8:45, y en Egan Junior High el 11/14 a las 9. SELPA 1 CAC presentará en la reunión de Springer PTA el 11/8 a las 7:30 pm.
2) We are happy to announce the return of Parent Chat!
Parent Chat: Peer to Peer Support For Parents of Teens 14+
Come join a support group hosted by the Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1 CAC
7:00-8:30PM, second Tuesday of every month
Los Altos Library Orchard Room , 13 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos
Plática Para Padres: Apoyo de colega a colega para padres con jóvenes de 14+
Venga a unirse a un grupo de apoyo organizado por el Subcomité de Salud Mental de SELPA 1 CAC
7:00-8:30PM, segundo Martes de cada mes
Los Altos Library Orchard Room,13 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos
3) Ability Awareness is coming to Bubb Elementary in Mountain View and we need your help!
If you already have training in Ability Awareness activities, would like to get the training or would like to read for a classroom, we need YOU to help make Ability Awareness Week at Bubb a glowing success for the kids!
Reading for K, 2, 3rd grade can occur throughout the week of 11/13 (or beyond if necessary). The hands on activities for grades 1, 4 and 5 occur on Friday 11/16 from 8 am to 12:20. Training to help out in the hands-on activities occurs on Wednesday 11/7 at 8:15 am and Wednesday 11/14 at 9:15 am. Please let us know ASAP if you are able to help. It is a fantastic program that is so much fun to participate in.
Ability Awareness está llegando a Bubb Elementary en Mountain View y necesitamos su ayuda.
Si ya tiene capacitación en actividades de Conciencia de Habilidad, le gustaría recibir la capacitación o le gustaría leer en un salón de clases, ¡necesitamos que USTED ayude a que la Semana de Conciencia de Habilidad en Bubb sea un gran éxito para los niños!
Lectura para K, 2, 3er grado puede ocurrir durante la semana del 11/13 (o más si es necesario). Las actividades prácticas para los grados 1, 4 y 5 ocurren el viernes 11/16 de 8 am a 12:20. El entrenamiento para ayudar en las actividades prácticas ocurre el miércoles 11/7 a las 8:15 am y el miércoles 11/14 a las 9:15 am. Por favor, háganos saber lo antes posible si puede ayudar. Es un programa fantástico en el que es muy divertido participar.
4)SELPA 1 CAC's December General meeting will be Thursday, 12/6 at 9:30 am at MVLA District Board Room 1299 Bryant Street, Mountain View.
La reunión general de diciembre de SELPA 1 CAC será el jueves 12/6 a las 9:30 am en MVLA District Board Room 1299 Bryant Street, Mountain View.
3/9/25 2:52 PM