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August 21, 2013
Dear Almond Families,
What a remarkable first day at Almond School!  The excitement was palpable as students found their ways to their classrooms, looked for their seats, met their teachers for the year and reunited with friends.  Teachers greeted their students with excellence and exuberance.  The multi was abuzz with parents learning about volunteer opportunities and programs to extend learning. 
I would like to offer my gratitude to the Almond PTA who organized the coffee and all the community partners for sharing the ways you enhance the Almond experience.  A special thank you also to our teachers, office and custodial staff who are amazing at handling countless details.  Finally, this day would not have been the success it was without the help of our volunteers that supported our lunch hour.  As a result of this unified effort, children at Almond experienced great success throughout the day.
Important Information
  • The Ice Cream Social is this Friday (August 23rd) at 7pm on the blacktop.
  • The New Family Orientation is this Friday (August 23rd) at 5:45pm in the multi.
  • Back to School Night is on Tuesday, August 27th.  The schedule is as follows:
5:30pm – 6:00pm Grades 1-3
6:00pm – 6:40pm Grades 4-6
6:40pm – 7:40pm Kindergarten
7:45pm – 8:00pm School-wide in Multi
*Please join us at the grade level times indicated above and for the whole group welcome at 7:45pm.  We anticipate that for some the school-wide meeting may not be possible with your schedule but do hope that you are able to meet with your classroom teachers as they will have lots to share.
The YMCA will offer childcare from 6:00pm - 8:00pm on BTSN.  The charge is $10/child.  They will offer food and a movie.  Please sign up at the YMCA.
  • Also, this is the accurate listing of teachers for the school year.
Kinder:Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Powell, Ms. Schubert
Grade 1:Ms. Chapman, Mrs. Hall, Ms. Reeves
Grade 2:Miss Conlon, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Reilly, Ms. Williams
Grade 3:Ms. Martinez, Mrs. Uhm, Mrs. Wishnack
Grade 4:Mrs. Call, Miss Daggett, Mrs. Dowling
Grade 5:Mr. Chan, Mrs. Nguyen, Miss Ohlund
Grade 6:Ms. Abraham, Ms. Aubrey, Mr. Stuart
STEM Teacher:Mrs. Leach
I look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!

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