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For the past several weeks the theme of the principal message has related to vision and how we are preparing Almond learners to be successful in life. An emphasis has been placed on cultivating “moonshot thinkers” that embrace curiosity, courage, perseverance and passion. In compliment to this mindset, focus has also centered on a commitment to our community and the relationships that bring all of us together.
Today, attention shifts to a fundamental component with which we need your help – STUDENT SAFETY!
In addressing safety with students, we’ve used the metaphor of Almond Eagles flying in a myriad of directions and velocities (image on left). We’ve explained to our students that behavior expectations must be honored to ensure that a focus on learning is maintained (image on right). Otherwise our attention will be diverted to bringing order to chaos rather than growing brilliant minds.
Parents, please join us in this effort of respecting and supporting learning. It is our expectation that if your child is dismissed at 2:25pm that you will be on site to monitor your child’s behavior in the rotunda. Learning is taking place in classrooms (kindergarten & 4th – 6th grade) until 2:45pm. If your child is dismissed at 2:45pm, it is our expectation that your child be picked up no later than 3:00pm. Please discuss with your children that appropriate behavior while waiting to be picked up includes:
Parents, Almond School thanks you for assisting us in safeguarding the learning of children by adhering to the expectations outlined in this message.
3/9/25 7:53 AM