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This past Saturday, YOU, our community, gave Almond students an amazing gift - pride in accomplishing a goal! Students are glowing with satisfaction not only for walking the number of laps they had established as a target, but because they exceeded their own expectations. None of this could have happened without the selfless contributions of hundreds of parent volunteers!
Whether it was the parent who stood at the finish line nearly the entire day cheering students on, or those who’s hands must have gotten cramped from spritzing mist to keep the runners cool, or the card punchers, setter-uppers, taker-downers, boo boo fixers, thirst quenchers, rock and rollers, checker-inners, checker-outers, computer gurus, Thrift Shop dancers, prize dispensers, water bottle keepers, authentic cuisine cookers, YMCA ball pit bouncers, book fair queen and checkers, t-shirt designers, art work masters, or the coordinator who brought it all together…every single one of you made this event as magical as it was.
I offer my heartfelt gratitude to all for your service to our children!
Upon the heels of such generosity, it seems almost too bold for me to draw your attention to another need. However, if we want to maintain some of the innovative offerings in which Los Altos children partake, then I must. The Los Altos Education Foundation (LAEF) supports small group reading, physical education, library, art, STEM labs, music and small class sizes. On Tuesday Oct. 22nd and 23rd, our Almond LAEF board members and ambassadors will be calling all families who have not yet made donations. Last week, email reminders went out via LAEF executive staff to those who had not yet donated. Please help us save our hard-working volunteers a call and get your donation in: You may email or contact Frank Brucato, Lisa Cuppett, Jennifer Walker, or email
3/9/25 8:24 AM