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A return to Moonshot Thinking…
In reflecting back on the past months, my mind continues to circle back to allowing curiosity and wonder make “seemingly impossible ideas” real. The Bookwave Kickoff tomorrow gives us the chance to settle into this concept a bit further.
For those new to Bookwave, it presents students with an opportunity to become published authors. Students take ideas and transform them into words or images that will forever be treasured in printed form. This year’s theme is, “What will you create?”
Engage your children in a conversation around this topic. Explore with them the imaginary worlds they create in their minds. Dialogue with them about the questions they wrestle with for which they seek answers. Encourage deeper learning about a topic that fascinates them. Inspire them to share their brilliance through Bookwave!
Switching gears for a moment – I’d like to reach out to you on a practical matter. Flu season is right around the corner and we need your cooperation to ensure that it has as minimal impact on our community as possible. Attached to this week’s Thursday Word is a letter from Sarah Bolter, our district nurse. If your child experiences any of the symptoms listed in the letter, please consider making a choice that is in the best interest of your child and our community – keep your child home. In addition, if you are informed by your doctor that your child has Whooping cough (pertussis), please notify us.
I extend my gratitude to you for the many ways that you support our school community!
3/9/25 7:21 AM