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Over the holiday break I had the great fortune of spending time with an individual who has had an incredible impact in shaping me as a human being - my father. My dad, a business executive by career and a poet by gift, taught me that one of the most powerful attributes we have in navigating life is our attitude. He has successfully managed life with epilepsy and has survived three different types of cancer - all with an incredible wit and sense of humor. Yet this is not what I admire most about this man. It is his willingness to take risks, even at his young age of 70 something. He recently launched a website to showcase and share his poetry – just one tribute to his fearless approach to living.
As I reflect on the qualities that I want to nurture with my own daughters and our children of Almond, courage is at the top of the list. If you have an idea – have the audacity to pursue it and make it a reality. If you have a question – be bold and ask it. If you want to try something new – take a chance and explore that possibility. Might you stumble? Yes. Might you fail? Quite possibly. Might you feel embarrassed or dejected? Maybe. But what will dictate your actions? The fear that one of those things might happen. Will you let fear hold you back? Or, will you instead prepare, do the research, think it through and then take that leap of faith and go for it?
Let’s support our children in taking that step, the step towards progress, towards growth, towards learning. Let’s create an environment for them where they can feel safe to be courageous, audacious and bold. And let’s lead by example! Let’s share with them examples of when we took chances and how we soared or flopped and what we gained and learned in the process.
We have a special Friday morning assembly planned on January 17th that will rival the unveiling of the Almond Ball Pit and Miss California’s visit! One that will provide students, staff and parents with the opportunity to come together as a community to step outside of our comfort zone. We will be courageous, we will be bold, and we will be audacious…because we expect great things of ourselves in 2014.
Life Is What You Make It
by Gregory Franklin Huyette
February 24, 2013
Life is what you make it.
You can build it up or break it.
Use the things you’ve got;
Forget what you have not.
Strengths upon which to build
Will guarantee desires filled.
You all have many abilities
To improve if you please.
For yours and all our sakes
Recover from those heartbreaks.
Life’s voyage that is worthwhile
Is filled with many a strenuous mile.
Failures and mistakes can be treasures
If you use them as learning measures.
They can truly be your friends
If you know what each portends.
To understand what is in store,
View yourself and what you stand for.
Thus the world will offer many an elective
So you can put each in perspective.
Then life will offer you a prodigious way
And allow you to have the final say.
Life is what you make it without doubt.
Know yourself and don't fear the route.
3/9/25 7:58 AM