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There are times when I watch someone work and its seemingly effortless nature transfixes me.
Have you even seen 2CELLOS perform? Wow! For Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser to have become as skilled at infusing the cello into contemporary pieces, it is certain that much sweat and hours of practice have been expended. Yet what draws me to watch them over and over is the fun they have when they’re playing. They found THEIR SOMETHING!
Whenever I watch Jimmy Fallon perform a routine like “The History of Rap,” I cannot help but be infected by the joy he exudes. In order to come out on the other side of the countless hours of prep, he’s got to love what he does; have a passion for it. He found HIS SOMETHING!
In “Everybody Got Their Something,” Nikki Costa sings about our passions; that something that we pour hours into without even realizing time has passed. You know that something I’m talking about. It’s that something that you go to sleep thinking about, or wake up extra early for. It’s that something that Steve Jobs spoke of in his 2005 commencement address at Stanford, “you've got to find what you love…Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Almond Elementary is committed to supporting each and every child in their quest to find “their something”. Along with a focus on academics, we provide experiences in music, physical education and art. This year we also have a heavy emphasis on S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, and math). In the next month, science takes center stage with the Science Expo (March 12th, 6:30pm) and Science Fair Night (March 26th, 6:30pm). “The something” for your child might be science. We aim to fuel that interest by providing great demonstrations at the expo and are thrilled to put your child in the role of scientist as they conduct research and share findings via the fair itself.
To achieve this goal around science, WE NEED VOLUNTEER JUDGES! Last year we had 70 science fair entries; this year almost 200!!! We are seeking parent volunteers who have a background in science. We know you’re out there! Please consider spending some time with us at the end of March and email Mrs. Leach to share your interest.
And by the way, I found my something - working in service of children and all the adults behind that effort. Each day I can’t wait to get to work and when doing what I love, I can’t help but smile and revel in the fact that I actually get paid for this.
3/8/25 6:02 PM