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Summer excitement is in the air! Almond students are eagerly anticipating special trips, fun camps, sleeping in, a respite from homework, time with moms and dads, and so much more. While we only have 5 more days after today, we still have 5 more days after today. As I meander on the playground and support conversations around conflict, I gently remind everyone to be a little bit more forgiving and tolerant of friends and interactions. The Almond staff would be grateful for your reinforcement of this message at home. If we all take a few extra deep breaths and assume the best intentions of each other, we will get through the next 5 days with grace and success. We can do it!!!!
Following are some updates regarding staffing for the 2014-15 school year.
Here is the teaching roster for 2014-15.
We are in the process of staffing our kindergarten aide positions and one more noon duty position for next year. If you’re interested in this opportunity, please let me know.
And, in the event you were wondering…yes, I’ll be your principal next year! I’ve had several students ask and point out that I’m the 3rd principal they’ve had since they started Almond. Earlier this year I wrote in one of my Thursday Words about how I truly love what I do. Not only do I love being A principal, I love being YOUR principal. I am so incredibly excited about all that we have and will continue to accomplish together.
Please find the results of the Almond School survey for 2013-14 in the email version of the Thursday Word. We have begun reviewing the data and will be certain to incorporate it as we reflect on how to offer the best educational experience for children.
3/9/25 8:10 AM