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The following are not words any woman wants to hear as she leaves a salon, “I always tell my blondes that your hair will look a bit grey for a few days...but it will wash out.” Well, those were just the words I heard recently upon trying a new stylist in the area. She wasn’t exaggerating! My daughters added that it’s not only grey, but there are strands of white, and even iridescent lavender. Uhm, NOT the look I was going for.
Because I am a “silver lining” (excuse the pun) kind of person, I’m going to chalk it up to the channeling of my inner Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. Nevertheless, I will not be returning for a second dose of this misfortune. And, just for the record, that’s not why I’ve been out this week. I was terribly under the weather and recovered just in time to spend a phenomenal day at the LASD iLearn Lab today planning with the Almond leadership team.
This recent color mishap has inspired today’s message and is dedicated to every young person approaching adolescence that is convinced when they walk out of the house with that pimple on their forehead, no one will see anything but that blemish.
Parents, do you recall the anguish of our younger years? Perhaps it was the hole that you tore in your pants at an inopportune time? Then again, maybe it was that food stain you garnered early on a day that you worked furiously to conceal for hours? Or actually, was it that atrocious haircut (or perm) that didn’t go as you had planned?
Those of us who have made it to our mature ;-) ages have learned there’s a whole lot more to us than what’s on the outside. A single imperfection occupies only a small spot of our surface area and doesn’t have the power change the amazing human being within. As we build relationships with friends and colleagues, what is it that we value? A sense of humor? Intellect? The ability to empathize and be compassionate? Work ethic? The list goes on...
As we educate our Almond students, it’s so much more than just about developing academic skills, it’s also about building self esteem and a sense of being. Without a strong belief in ourselves, there’s no point to having a brain full of important information. Both are needed to ultimately realize our dreams.
One of the ways that we nurture a strong sense of self is by providing students with numerous opportunities showcase their varied talents. Think about it. Do you recall a time when you shined or excelled at something and shared that with the world? Remember that feeling of pride and accomplishment? That feeling...right there...that got tucked away and stored into your sense of self. This is just one way we build up our students; by allowing them to shine. Some of us sparkle when we write, others when we demonstrate our physical capabilities, perhaps it’s the musical arena, or maybe even whipping up some culinary creation.
Here are some upcoming opportunities for our students to shine: International Festival, Bookwave Blast, STEM Expo, Junior Olympics, LASD Film Festival, and the Almond School Musical.
Whatever it might be, shine, and SHINE BRIGHTLY! Just as we did, our youngsters will learn that zits eventually go away and bad haircuts grow out. What stays the course though is who we are as human beings and that is what the world needs to see.
3/9/25 7:40 AM