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As the 2014-15 school year winds down, our Almond staff is working diligently to prepare for the 2015-16 school year. Our focus will remain on our number one LASD Goal: Meet the individual learning needs of all students. A) Ensure meaningful formative feedback is included as a constant in student/teacher interactions. B) Develop a communication process that allows teachers, students and parents to utilize actionable feedback about each child’s learning. C) Regularly incorporate small group instruction as a method for meeting individual student needs. D) Design learning opportunities that allow for student choice and passion.
We will dedicate our collective capacity to this effort. As a first step in realizing this goal, as a united staff, we have agreed to teach mathematics (8:30am-9:30am) and language arts (10:30am-11:30am) at the same time every day. This will support our efforts to ultimately regroup students based on learning needs.
There is a distinct difference between regrouping and leveling. Regrouping involves a unit of instruction with clear learning objectives that covers a finite span of time (4-6 weeks). Students can flexibly move between groups depending on their learning needs. We will not be leveling (a.k.a. tracking students) for the duration of the year.
We are, and will continue to undertake a thoughtful, systematic approach while taking it one step at a time to ensure student learning is our continued emphasis.
Every step of the way we will communicate this work with our community.
Following are some updates regarding staffing for the 2015-16 school year.
Here is the teaching roster for 2015-16.
I look forward to dispelling the myth that has come to my attention through a question I’ve been asked by several students during this school year, “Why is it that a principal can only be a principal for 2 years?" It has been an honor to serve the students, staff, and families of Almond for the past two years and I look forward to a great 3rd year ahead.
3/9/25 8:11 AM