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June 05, 2015

The door is ajar.  


The destination - “The Unknown.”  


You can see into the distance, but it’s fuzzy. While you can’t see the pathways and edges ahead, something is drawing you in. The light, colors, and textures beckon. You imagine the possibilities.  


Do you go through?  


It requires you to depart from your current position; to let go. It necessitates entering a place that is unfamiliar. It demands your trust that all will be well. If it’s not, rely on your confidence in knowing you have what is needed to adapt and ultimately thrive.


You must dig deep for that courage, that bravery. It’s inside of you!


Suddenly, someone’s fingers interlace with your own. First on the right, then on the left. As you glance to your right, there’s your friend. Her smile warms you. To your left is that colleague who believes in you. His eyes reflect your capabilities. Suddenly you realize you don’t need to step through that door alone.


Together, you take the first step...


“The Unknown” means something different to each and every one of us. There are two times during the year that I most treasure; New Year’s Eve and summertime. Both represent to me an open door to opportunities for transformation. While we can certainly make adjustments to our lives at any point in time, these particular markers are ones when many are simultaneously contemplating change through some opening that awaits.


This summer I will be reflecting on the wisdom that I’ve been receiving from a book by Marie Kondo, “the life-changing magic of tidying up,” along with the Myth of Average Tedx Talk by Todd Rose.


May this summer bestow you with relaxation, adventure, time with family, time for you, a change in routine, epiphanies, uneventful days...or...whatever it is that your heart needs.


Thank you for a great year!  See you in August.

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