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What do you get when you combine coffee filters, scissors, 200+ students, and 1 nutty principal? Well snowflakes, of course ;-). My favorite exclamation, “Mrs. Benadom, it snowed in the multi!”
I had the great opportunity to spend time with children yesterday while teachers collaborated and received training in growing their data driven practice with one of our multiple measures.
As I contemplated my plan of attack, I knew that a passive experience for students just wouldn’t do for a school that wants minds and bodies active and engaged. It was also important that there be some level of new learning. Ahhhhh, that’s when the crazy idea of crafting snowflakes paired with the science of these beautiful creations came to mind.
Every winter, my daughters and I turn a space in the house into a winter wonderland with dangling snowflakes. Our home version includes the use of food coloring, glue, and sparkles. I thought including those elements with just me and 200+ students might not be the wisest of ideas ;-D.
This time that I spent with our students yesterday - THE highlight of my day! We watched this informative PBS video, folded our filters into fractions (½, ¼, ⅛, 1/16), and then applied our unique imprints. In the video, Ryan Teague not only educates the viewer on the study and science of snowflakes, but he also addresses the often overused metaphor that compares humans with snowflakes. Rather than simply emphasizing the obvious connection between the distinctiveness of each person and that same correlation to snowflakes, he broadens the comparison to one that focuses on the similarity between our journeys.
Both humans and snowflakes are masterpieces. We both contain symmetry and imperfections. We are each sculpted as a result of our singular path through life. Our existence is fleeting and temporary.
Enjoy this beautiful day!
While the water molecules falling from our skies here in Los Altos won’t turn into intricate designs of ice, there is so much beauty around us. It’s in the eyes of each child, their smiles, the sounds of their laughter, their thoughts and enthusiasm.
Let’s continue working together to grow their curiosity and wonder.
3/9/25 7:51 AM