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February 11, 2016

Join the movement to celebrate the awesomeness of each and every child at Almond!  Come to tomorrow’s Friday assembly at 8:30am on the blacktop.


I bought a whole bunch of white t-shirts today and many kids wrote words that captured their wonderfulness.  I ran out of shirts but PROMISED I would have more tomorrow morning in the multi.  If you don’t have a t-shirt that you’ve already made or are planning to make tonight, feel free to come by in the morning - to the multi.  It would be fantastic if you were able to come assist your child in selecting a word that describes what makes them special and to get it written with a Sharpie.  I won’t be in there because I’ll be setting things up...but all the supplies will be ready for you.


If I haven’t told you lately, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!

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