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March 27, 2016

It’s 7:58pm on Thursday and I’m sitting with my family at Islands restaurant in Cupertino after being at Alex’s (my 9 year old) softball game.  I’ve been searching for inspiration for my Thursday Word principal message all day and never found it.  So I’m doing what I’ve told my own students to do when they experienced writer’s block; I’m just writing whatever is in my head.


While we wait for our food, Sammi (my 10 year old) is reading her book, Chris (husband) is to my right gazing at the Kansas & Maryland March Madness game on the screen, Alex is tracing a crayon through the maze on the kid menu. 


A myriad of topics cross over the dinner table:  the 102 year old author who came to speak at their school today, a birthday sleepover plan for June, the request for wife to step up her game and help with lunches in the morning, what mom’s writing, how bacon makes pretty much everything better.  You know, typical conversation.


Alex then chimes in, “Mama, let me help you.  What’s happening at your school that’s interesting?”


I tell her that I could write about…

  • last week’s Gala, thank the amazing volunteers that contributed, and rave about how successful it was.
  • the STEM Expo which showcased projects from students in 1st through 6th grade and how the incredible Mrs. Leach led the event with support from fellow staff members and selfless volunteers.
  • a dedicated 5th grade team that collaborated today around how to support writing in a systematic, thoughtful way for students.
  • engaging lessons I observed this week where students were active, participatory, and challenged in their learning.
  • the admiration I have for our PTA leadership team that fields innumerable challenges and forges ahead with an unwavering commitment to focusing on what’s best for children.
  • Almond’s staff that has come to consensus around behaviors and actions to which we will all hold ourselves accountable as we revolutionize learning for children.
  • an awesome conversation with our district team regarding transformational approaches to support students who will attend summer school.
  • how much I valued spending lunch with one of my principal buddies in between interviewing candidates for teaching positions in our district.


It is now 6:37am on Friday morning and I’m already at work to get a head start on the day.  While I didn’t make the 9pm software cutoff for the Thursday Word last night, today’s a new day, full of endless possibilities.  Let’s make it a great one!

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