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Brené Brown is one of my favorite researcher-storytellers.
She defines [human] connection “as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, [are] heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
Take a moment and read that one more time. No. Really. Do it.
Seen. Heard. Valued.
Give. Receive. No judgement.
Sustenance. Strength. From relationship.
Aside from all the knowledge and skills that we want to ensure students master, I believe it is our ultimate responsibility to connect with ALL students.
This year Almond has 66 new TK/K students and 37 new students in grades 1- 6. That’s a total of 103 new children on our campus out of a total of 539. That’s 19.1%. Wow, almost 20% of our student population just joined us. One fifth!
We’ve taken some intentional steps as a school staff to ensure our newcomers build connections with peers. New students were paired with buddies during recess and lunch so that they had a friend to acclimate them to this new setting. The staff performed a skit at last Friday’s assembly to illustrate how to be inclusive by spending time with people with whom we have things in common, those who have different interests, and those who have just joined us. We will continue to be mindful of deliberate ways that we can promote a nurturing environment.
Each of these incredible young people has a parent or guardian that is also new to our community.
At Back to School Night, new parents will have a name tag with a ribbon that celebrates their arrival at our school. If you are an existing Almond family and you see a new parent, it would be WONDERFUL if you would extend a gracious welcome by introducing yourself and initiating a conversation.
Let our new families know that you see them, hear them, value them. By giving of yourself, you will receive ten fold. And, you will contribute to the incredible strength and beauty of the Almond Community.
3/9/25 7:37 AM