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September 29, 2016
Thursday, 9/29
Early Release Dismissal
TK/K = 1:10pm, Gr 1-2 = 1:20pm, Gr 3-6 = 1:40pm
Tuesday, 10/4 - LAEF Phonathon
Wednesday, 10/5 -
LAEF Phonathon
International Walk to School Day
Thursday, 10/6 - Food Pantry Volunteer Event (sign up required)
10/11 thru 10/15 - Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 10/12 - Photo Make Up Day
Thursday 10/13 - Minimum Day (Dismissal at 12:15pm)
Saturday, 10/15 - Almond Walkathon
Wednesday 10/26 - PTA General Meeting (Multi, 8:30am)
Friday 10/28 - Halloween Carnival (Blacktop, 3:30pm)
Friday 11/11 - Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
Principal Coffee
Approximately 30 parents attended. Thank you. It was wonderful to spend this time with you.
Here is the presentation. I did my very best to add notes to summarize what I spoke about.
We did have a Q&A session at the end and I very much appreciated the questions and comments that came forth. I was not able to stay for an extended amount of time but do invite any of you to reach out to me while I’m in the front of campus (virtually every morning and afternoon, sometimes standing by myself admiring the blue sky), or you may email me, or schedule an appointment with Jane.
Student Council Elections
As I headed down the hallway towards the lunch tables on Monday, I heard this.
Male Student A: “I’m only going to vote for a boy.”
Male Student B: “If you do that, that’s sexist. I’m going to vote for someone and she happens to be a girl.”
The vote these two students were discussing was Almond Student Council elections.
While supervising lunch with the upper grade students, I came upon this conversation.
Student A: “It’s not the actual percentage of votes that wins the presidency. It’s how many states each candidate gets. Even though [candidate*] has less states, s/he* has states with more value.”
[I stopped and listened with a smiled, marveling at the lunchtime discourse of one American student explaining “our” system to two Australian students.]
Mrs. Benadom: “You are describing the Electoral College system. I love that you are talking about this and am so impressed by your understanding.”
On Friday, Almond candidates will be delivering speeches regarding what qualifies them to hold a particular office with our student council. Every single student who is running is a winner. To stand in front of the electorate and speak, takes courage. I look forward to hearing their words and hope you are able to join us on Friday.
Adjustments to Lunch
I interviewed 3 people who will be joining the yard duty team. I created this document to provide clarity and guidance regarding expectations. I have made personnel adjustments.
On Wednesday I was present at the lunch tables from 12:00pm - 12:40pm. I asked lower grade students who needed more time NOT TO LEAVE so that I could provide them the time they needed. I was very explicit in that they were not required to leave. Less than 10 students remained. I did the same for upper grade students. Three students remained.
On Friday morning, the LASD maintenance staff will be re-orienting the nut free tables so that they face the same direction as the other tables, but are still a safe place for those with nut allergies. We have umbrellas that will keep them covered with shade. We will be adding 3 tables that will have signs that identify them as “NEED MORE TIME” tables. Lower grade students who want remain after 12:20pm will be encouraged to use these tables. In addition, lunch will be served a bit early to upper grade students so that those who want to start a bit earlier, may do so.
In addition, I gave the Hot Lunch chair my blessing to work with a former Santa Rita parent to explore different serving options to expedite the lines.
Please join us for International Walk to School Day on Wednesday 10/5 from 8-8:30am. Walk, roll, or bike to school along Almond Avenue and enjoy bagels and juice in the Rotunda when you arrive. The Los Altos Police Department, the LAHS Marching Band, and the Almond Eagle will be joining us. The band will play a quick concert on the Blacktop at 8:15am. Wear your favorite Almond Shirt and show your school pride. Please contact Christi Crosby at for more information. Hope to see you on the way to school!
Carve out some family fun and submit your best decorated pumpkin for the Almond Halloween Carnival Pumpkin Decorating contest. Drop off your entry at the Rotunda during Drop Off on Friday, October 28. They will be on display all day. Prizes will be awarded for "Scariest" "Funniest" and " Most Creative" in two age groups (3rd Grade and Below and 4th Grade and Above). Winners will be posted after school on the same day and prizes can be picked up during the Halloween Carnival. Pumpkins should be picked up and taken home on your way home from the carnival. For more information contact: Lesley Sehnert at
The Almond A Team played Gardner Bullis on Monday and won by a score of 19-2.
The Almond B Team played Oak and won by a score of 19-12.
THIS Friday, the Almond A Team will be playing against Springer Elementary at 4pm, at Almond. The B Team will be playing Gardner Bullis at Almond at the same time.
It would be great if we could get some Almond supporters out there to cheer on their school. We’ll see you on Friday!
LAEF: Save Us A Call! LAEF’s Phonathon is next week
Have you made your annual contribution to LAEF? We would love to take you off our call list, so please go to today and make your tax-deductible donation or pledge by September 30th. If you’re a first-time donor or if you increase your gift to LAEF this year, it will be doubled by the LAEF’s Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle, up to $100,000. Thank you!
Are you already an LAEF supporter?
We need you! Join the fun and help us meet our $3.7M goal by signing up for our phonathon on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4th & 5th. You’ll enjoy a cheap (free!) date night with a gourmet spread, flowing wine and enjoyable banter with parents and teachers. There are many ways to help, both on the phone and behind the scenes. Sign up now at
EXPANDING HELPING HANDS PROGRAM - The Helping Hands Program is looking for volunteers! This program is designed to help the First Graders adjust to being at the "Big Kid" lunch tables and playground, but really it is beneficial for all grades (1-6).
3/9/25 7:53 AM