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January 12, 2017
...from the Almond Teaching Staff
NOTE: Italicized portions are a repeat of what was communicated regarding reading results.
Tomorrow you will receive paper copies of the 2nd administration of the iReady computerized assessment for math.
As a reminder...
This measure is just one of many that we utilize. Because iReady is only given three times a year, it serves as more of a progress monitoring tool than a data source to determine targeted instruction configurations.
We would like to share some of the results that we have noted through our analysis.
iReady Math
As a reminder...
Your child’s iReady reports will communicate two scores via a bar chart; Test 2 and Test 1. It will also provide a breakdown by subject area domain. As noted in the data above, many students experienced an increase of score between the two administrations. There were however students whose scale score went down. We ask you to consider three things when reflecting on this information: 1) There is a standard of error of (+/-)approximately 10-15 points. 2) This is one single measure taken on one particular day or series of days. 3) We are looking at each and every students’ results and following up on how to further support growth with specific actions from the education team at Almond.
We want ALL children to be challenged in their sweet spot of learning.
If you have any specific questions regarding your child’s iReady reading results, please address those directly to your child’s teacher.
Correlation Analysis & Reflections of iReady Math and CAASPP:
ONE of the many sources of pride for the Los Altos School District is the high achievement of our students. These accomplishments manifest in a great many ways. The contributions of our young people in the greater world around them. The higher education that they pursue. The careers into which they become leaders as adults. And, one of those measures also includes the statewide assessment known by some as the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and known by others as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Both the same assessment that is only applicable to grade 3-6. We will standardize on referring to is as the CAASPP. Because we know some of you will look at the iReady and draw correlations to how your child “might” perform on the CAASPP, we would like to directly address this as a staff.
On your iReady report, there is a green shaded area that indicates “On Level.” There is a range in this level that is “Early,” “Mid,” or “Late.” Anything to the left of the green shaded area is “below” level. Anything to the right is “above” level. If you’ve ever engaged in a conversation with Mrs. Benadom, you know she despises these terms because at times they can be used to label and limit children. This does not contribute to a growth mindset. As an Almond teaching staff we have worked tirelessly to be very mindful of the language we use in describing a child’s learning needs.
As we looked at iReady Spring 2015 results alongside CAASPP Spring 2015 results in math, we found these correlations: There was a strong correlation between the iReady relative labels of “2 or more below” and the CAASPP label of “Standards Not Met.” We also found a strong correlation between the iReady “1 level below” and the CAASPP “Standard Nearly Met.” We found that when a student achieves at the “early” or “mid” grade level designation within their age appropriate placement, the CAASPP result was typically “Standard Met.”
We found a significant discrepancy between the iReady “Above” and the CAASPP “Standard Exceeded.” We attribute this to the difference in the two subject matters and the depth and complexity of math. While iReady Math performance may report a child within the “On Level” zone and list the progress as “Late” in the Placement column, this typically translates to “Standard Exceeds” on the CAASPP. In other words, if you perceive that your child typically performs at a high level in math and when you look at the report he/she has a scale score bar that is falling within the “On Level” area and not reaching to the far right of that as you expected, please don’t panic. If your child is making progress and the trajectory is headed towards them reaching into the far end of the green, where they would be considered “Late,” our analysis points to a strong correlation that their CAASSP score will most likely be “Standard Exceeded.”
As a final reminder…
We share all of this with you so that when you receive your child’s iReady results, you may consider this information within a reasonable context. We are midway through the school year. There is still more learning to take place. We will continue to focus on the diverse needs of students and work together as a staff to personalize learning for ALL of our students. Again, we cannot emphasize enough that this is one single measure upon which we reflect to ensure we are supporting the learning of our students.
Happy New Year from LAEF!
We hope you had a wonderful break and are looking forward to a great second half of the school year. The end of 2016 brought in many contributions! Special thanks to those families who made a tax-deductible gift or requested a match from their company. Stay tuned for an exciting update on our fundraising progress. In the meantime...for more information about LAEF or to donate, please go to
Starting with January, we will clear out the Lost & Found at the end of each month to keep it from getting ridiculously full. Please put your child's name or at least a family name in your children's clothing and we will do our best to return it to you. Remind your children to look in the Lost & Found regularly.
LASD PARENT EDTALK: Assessment and Reporting
Friday, January 27, 2017 @ 9:00am in Gardner Bullis School - Staff Lounge
Join us for a Parent EdTalk on Assessment and Reporting in LASD. This talk will include an overview of standards based teaching and learning, as well as provide details on our district-wide K-8 common assessments: the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Benchmark Assessment and the iReady Diagnostic Assessment in Reading and Math. Seating is limited to 50. To reserve a place please click link:
FROM LAST HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT: When to Keep Your Child Home From School
Father / Daughter Dance, Feb 11th 6:30-9pm in the Almond School Multi
Screenagers Film Showing:Growing Up in the Digital Age
Reset Your Child's Brain: Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen Time
Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
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