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May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017



  • Thursday, 5/25 – Open House (5:30-6 Art Show in Multi, 6-7:00 Classroom Visits, 7:05-7:15 Volunteer Appreciation)
  • Wednesday, 5/24 - Walk or Wheel to School
  • Friday, 5/26 - Minimum Day (School Ends at 12:15pm)
  • Tuesday, 5/30 - Grade 1 thru 3 Spring Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/2
    • TK/Kinder Spring Music Concert (11am, Multi)
    • Minimum Day (School Ends at 12:15pm)
  • Thursday, 6/8
    • Last Day of School
    • 6th Grade Promotion (multi doors open @ 8:45am, ceremony @ 9am)
    • MINIMUM DAY (school starts *8:30am* and ends at *11:30am*)



...from Krisaana Gunsagar, 2016-17 Student Body President.

Nothing is impossible, if you try!

I wanted to remind you that every single one of you is capable of achieving your goals. Throughout history, people have been proving that nothing is impossible. They have discovered and created things that defy what everyone has ever known. Those people have literally made mindsets grow. But it was far, far from easy. They had to fight for it, work for it, and overcome challenges. They had to try! Sometimes they had to tune out the entire, discouraging world. So, if anyone ever tells you that you can’t do it, or. that’s never going to happen, cover your ears and sing at the top of your lungs, "Nothing is impossible, if you try!".

Trying isn't always easy either.  Your dreams don’t just come true with a snap of your fingers. There will always be challenges to overcome to achieve your goals. Think of life as an obstacle course race. Your goal is the finishing line, but before you can get there, there will be many obstacles in your way. Your shoelace might come undone or you might slip scaling a wall.  What if you couldn't go somewhere because of your race or gender. Yes, in life there are many obstacles, that is no secret, but we are very fortunate to have a lot of help. Before any race, you have to train. That’s where school comes in. All the things you learn in school: having a growth mindset, problem-solving, teamwork, perseverance, etc., is all to train you for life. Our school doesn’t teach you this because the standards say so. Our teachers want you to know all this so that when the time comes you can use your skills to get over obstacles.  Besides teachers, there will be others helping you complete your obstacle course. Your team members, coach, family, and friends will always be there for you, sitting in your bleachers of life. Remember, there will always be obstacles but if you set your mind to it, use your knowledge, and try your best, you can do anything.



  • The fundraiser to support the homeless has come to an end! The money is still being counted, but the final money raised will be announced at the Friday Assembly.  The class with the most money raised for May can choose from a movie or ice cream party or to donate the party money to the homeless.
  • Safety Patrol has been asking for spare change since Monday. They have raised more than 80 dollars this week!! Thank you to those who donated!
  • Next week is spirit week. Due to the long weekend, Spirit week will start on Tuesday.  Come dressed up for a different spirit day each day of the week!
    • Tuesday = Tie Dye or Tie day
    • Wednesday = Hawaiian Day
    • Thursday = Role Model Day
    • Friday = Homeroom Challenge


  • Your PTA is in need of two parents to volunteer to help coordinate hot lunch for the 2017-2018 school year. The positions and descriptions are as follows:
    • Hot Lunch Volunteer Coordinator - schedules the daily parent volunteers for hot lunch service, puts out the volunteer schedule before each semester, inputs automated reminder for workers shifts, educates new parents on the hot lunch process and rules, recruits parent volunteers as needed.
    • Hot Lunch Liaison - communicates with our vendor, Pasta Market, on all issues including the menu, stocks the lunch rooms supplies and puts up weekly menu signs.  
    • Hot Lunch Volunteers - oversees hot lunch delivery, observes students in hot lunch lines, communicates with Pasta Market staff as needed, records refrigerator temperature, helps 6th grade students should any issues arise, can do bi-monthly, monthly, 2x/week, weekly, daily.
  • Hot lunch at Almond School is run by the PTA and is an elective program that is dependent on parent volunteers.  It is a program that will be discontinued if we do not have enough volunteer support.  During the past year we have negotiated 2 staff from Pasta Market to help which has cut our volunteer needs in half but we still need to fill these positions or we are in danger of losing the program.


  • Next year Almond School will hold its bi-annual Spring Gala and Auction.  This event is the school's biggest fundraiser and a wonderful way to meet and socialize with other Almond parents, all in support of our amazing school and children.  The PTA is looking for several people to help plan this fun event:
    • Spring Gala/Auction Co Chairs:
      • Management of Auction Committee (delegating the following responsibilities below amongst the committee as needed)
      • Communications/negotiations with a 3rd-party auction company for support
      • Participation in and coordination of volunteers/parents to solicit donation of auction items from local businesses/vendors and Almond families
      • Space planning and set-up of physical auction
    • Spring Gala/Auction Treasurer
      • Collection of bids
      • Collection and tallying of payments (with support from on-line auction service)
  • If you have experience with event planning or you are enthusiastic for a new challenge, and would like to make an important contribution to our school, please let me know.  We also have past Auction chairs who are happy to provide information if you would like to get a better understanding of the role(s).

LAEF:  Tick-tock…three weeks and $59,325 to go!
In these final weeks of the 2016-17 school year, we are counting on 40 more LASD families to donate, fulfill their pledges, or submit a corporate match. We are so close to meeting LAEF's $3.7M fundraising goal, but we still have $59,325 to go. Every dollar makes a big difference! Please give or request a corporate match via or drop a check in our school’s office this week. Thank you.

Project Cornerstone/ABC Reading

  • In May, grades 1st-5th will be reading The OK Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld. In this clever and literal play on words, OK is turned on its side, upside down, and right side up to show that being OK can really be quite great. Whether OK personifies an OK skipper, an OK climber, an OK lightning bug catcher, or an OK whatever there is to experience, ok is an OK place to be. And being OK just may lead to the discovery of what makes one great. This lesson celebrates the real skills and talents children possess, while encouraging and empowering them to discover new sparks and interests through a growth mindset.
  • The 6th graders are hearing the book "Who Moved My Cheese? For Kids" By Spencer Johnson, M.D. and his 12 year old son Christian Johnson. This book is told as a parable to allow kids to explore the topic of how people handle change. Resiliency and the power to control how we react to new situations will be discussed. The children’s version of this book is an excellent resource to help sixth-graders develop a positive approach to the changes they face as they prepare to move to junior high school.  
  • Our Kinder students will be listening to Try and Stick With It by Cheri Meiners. This lesson focuses on the ability to be flexible and having perseverance. Children with a can do attitude learn that with perseverance they can accomplish and learn new things.  With this growth mindset, students are taught to view challenges as something new to learn.
  • More information about the ABC Program.

All City Management Services Inc. is a family-owned company providing School Crossing Guard services for over 30 years. We currently have several positions open, right here in Los Altos. These are paid, part-time and seasonal positions. To qualify you must be 18 years old or older. No experience is necessary. Paid training is provided. Please call us at (800) 540-9290 for more information.




  • Medications that have resided in the nurse’s office will be available for pick up from June 8th 2017 (last day of school) until June 14th 2017.
  • We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An adult must pick up the medication.


  • It's time to order school supplies for next year!  Almond Elementary is now available for ordering online at School-Pak.  Go to and quickly and easily order school supplies for next year.  Order by June 10th for DISCOUNTED PRICE and FREE school delivery, or order by July 12th for home delivery (shipping charges apply).
  • School-Pak is the simple way to shop for school supplies.  You'll enjoy brand name products you know and trust, pre-packaged kits that meet teacher approved lists, and easy payment options.
  • Please email Deidre Caldbeck at if you have any questions.


(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Kyle Anderson, 4/21/17, Owning learning. Kindergarten PE.
  • Clare Chang, 5/18/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices.
  • Benjamin Chock, 5/18/17, Solving problems, Owning learning.
  • Amber Clark, 4/21/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Kindergarten PE.
  • Ben Crawford, 5/23/17, Always making good choices. Ben has made AMAZING progress these past few weeks!
  • Alex Crosby, 5/23/17, Respecting self and others. Alex is always willing and eager to help out classmates in need.
  • Michelena de Senna, 4/7/17, Owning learning. Kindergarten music.
  • Nirelle De Witt, 5/17/17, Owning learning.
  • Verona Diesch, 5/18/17, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Ari Frank, 4/21/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Kindergarten PE
  • Jungsoo Hahn, 5/23/17, Always making good choices. Jungsoo works very hard, always tries her best, and is always eager to help adults and other students.
  • Prisha Jain, 5/19/17, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Always helps others and respectful to everyone.
  • Sofia Kang, 5/18/17, Respecting self and others. Always kind and helpful to others.
  • Luna Latko, 4/7/17, Owning learning. Kindergarten music.
  • Max Lee, 5/19/17,  Always making good choices , Respecting self and others. Always helps in the classroom.
  • Jack Meyer, 5/22/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Jack owned his learning by staying focused and making good choices.
  • Anishka Pradhan, 4/7/17, Owning learning. TK music.
  • Olivia Quino, 4/21/17, Owning learning. TK PE
  • Angel Rios, 5/22/17, Always making good choices. Angel made the choice to help pick up balls at the end of lunch recess for two weeks straight!
  • Rodrigo Rios, 5/18/17, Respecting self and others. Being a good friend to everyone!
  • Camille Steciw, 5/14/17, Solving problems.
  • Blake Thompson, 5/18/17, Owning learning. Hard worker!
  • Tyler Vaughn, 4/7/17, Owning learning, Always making good choices. Kindergarten music.
  • Alex Winny, 5/17/17, Always making good choices.
  • Kyle Wolcott, 5/22/17, Always making good choices. Kyle made the choice to help pick up balls at the end of lunch recess

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