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May 5, 2017



  • Saturday, 5/6 - Rummage Sale (9am-1pm, Parking Lot)
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 1)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 2)
  • Thursday, 5/11
    • LASD Spring Concert Gr. 4-6 (12:45pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/12
    • Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
    • 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 5/13
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Tuesday, 5/16 - State of the School (6pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/19 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
  • Tuesday, 5/23 - 6th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5pm, Blach)
  • Thursday, 5/25 – Open House (5:30-6 Art Show in Multi, 6-7:00 Classroom Visits, 7:05-7:15 Volunteer Appreciation)
  • Tuesday, 5/30 - Grade 1 thru 3 Spring Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/2 - TK/Kinder Spring Music Concert (11am, Multi)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


Please excuse the delay in this week’s message.  


  • This week, 9 staff members from Almond traveled to San diego for a conference to learn additional effective practices in supporting diverse learners.  There is no single profile of “a typical” student.  Every student has a jagged learning profile that includes strengths and areas of need.  The American education system was developed and structured during the industrial age when it was sufficient to prepare most students for factory work and some for other types of opportunities.  The professional landscape with which our children must now contend spans the globe and necessitates skills beyond basic literacy and computation.  
  • We were also able to visit Design39, a public school in Poway that is incorporating some non-traditional practices into their school model.  Almond has been adjusting its instructional toolset over the past four years to meet the needs of ALL students.  Our visit confirmed that we have much to celebrate!
  • Join us on Tuesday, May 16th, at 6pm in the multi for a “State of the School.”  What is a “State of the School?”  It’s what happens when a school coffee and School Site Council swirl together (kind of like the Unicorn Frappuccino).
  • This will be hosted by many of the Almond staff members.  We will be sharing with you our successes, and reflecting on our learnings.  We will also solicit input on next year’s school goals.  Additionally, there will be a question/answer component.
  • We hope you’ll join us.


  • While there is a historical reason why this date was celebrated in Mexico; in the U.S. this date has become an opportunity to celebrate Mexican-American culture.  I particularly appreciate this day because I was born in Mexico City and spent the first five years of my life in that amazing country.  
  • Each and every culture has its own beauty that surfaces in the form of language, food, music, people, and traditions.  Our own experiences become enriched by learning about the contributions of others.


  • Today I provided some information regarding an accident that occurred down the street near the high school involving a driver and a student on a bicycle.  It was never my intent to cast blame on either party.  I shared some safety tips.  These were shared from the perspective of what kids can do to remain safe (e.g. look both ways when crossing a street, not be distracted while riding, and to make eye contact with drivers to ensure you’re seen).
  • I’d also like to take the opportunity to remind all of us drivers out there to take extra precaution while driving in school zones.  Please mind the the speed limit.  Please follow the “hands free” laws.  Please pay extra attention to the young people that are in sidewalks and streets making their way to school.



Spring Music Concerts Are Coming: May 10th-19th
“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning.” ― Plato. LAEF is proud to sponsor LASD Music for grades 4-6. Join us and enjoy classical pieces, folk songs, popular music, and film favorites. Fourth graders will be singing and playing their recorders. Fifth graders will have their 1st full ensemble performance in the band, orchestra, or chorus. Sixth will have their final performance in the band, orchestra, or chorus. For more information, please go to

Environmental Stewardship Day on Saturday, May 20 from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

  • This will be a community beautification day at Almond School where students, parents, and members of the community will help to maintain our gardens, plant flowers, and clean up the campus in time for Open House! If you have a 6th grade student looking for community service hours, this will also satisfy three hours of volunteer work.
  • This is part of Katia Gibson’s (Los Altos High senior and daughter of staff member Martha Gomez) Girl Scout Gold Award project, and everyone is invited. Students must have a parent supervisor to participate. No prior gardening experience is necessary, and we will teach various techniques such as pruning, planting, and mulching our gardens. Tools will be provided, but we would encourage you to bring your own labeled tools if you have them.
  • If you or your student would like to participate, please fill out the Google form:
  • Questions or concerns, please reach out to

Egan's VIKING SHOWCASE is coming on Thursday, June 1, and we need your help!
Previously known as Portfolio Day, the Viking Showcase provides the opportunity for our 8th grade students to reflect on their personal and academic growth and to receive acknowledgment for their work. This is accomplished in an interview format. We welcome parents and community members to volunteer as interviewers.  The interview process increases student motivation, builds a sense of accomplishment, and fosters community involvement with the school.  Past participants have truly enjoyed this invaluable experience.  Please save the date and sign up to volunteer at Viking Showcase Volunteer.  Confirmation emails will be sent once we have assigned all volunteers.  See Egan’s website for more information:  Viking Showcase.  If you have any questions, please contact Gayle Mujica at or Susan Cook at

Please complete a short survey on your experience with the after school programs this year.  I appreciate your feedback so we can make next year even better!




  • The PTA is organizing Almond’s first Rummage / Yard Sale.
  • Why: To raise funds for the school, to have a fun day, and to provide an opportunity for all the Almond families to sell all their unwanted stuff (second-hand clothes, toys, furniture, collectables, and any other products they wish to sell).  We are also inviting all the children and parents who are talented artists, designers, or avid hand-crafters to sell their creations.
  • When: Saturday May 6th, 2017
  • Where: Almond School Parking Lot
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • How to be part of the event:
    • Each family interested in selling items the day of the event, will set up a table in one of the parking spots. (Setting up time will be from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM)  The family-participant can either use one of the school’s tables or use their own furniture to sell their products.
  • The family-participant will decide between:
    • Donating part or all their profit.
    • Donating  food-drinks to be sold during the event.
  • We are looking for volunteers to help setting up tables on the day, selling the donated food and drinks, and/or cleaning up once the event is finished.
  • If you are interested please contact Jenny Rojas at


  • It's time to order school supplies for next year!  Almond Elementary is now available for ordering online at School-Pak.  Go to and quickly and easily order school supplies for next year.  Order by June 10th for DISCOUNTED PRICE and FREE school delivery, or order by July 12th for home delivery (shipping charges apply).
  • School-Pak is the simple way to shop for school supplies.  You'll enjoy brand name products you know and trust, pre-packaged kits that meet teacher approved lists, and easy payment options.
  • Please email Deidre Caldbeck at if you have any questions.


  • We hope that everyone had a great Spring Break!!
  • If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to order your copy of the 2016-17 Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were *not* ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to reserve your copy:
  • (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:
  • (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms are available in the school office.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your copy now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (
  • Thanks, Fintan McCabe & Leon Yao (Yearbook Committee)


(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Ruby Border, 4/21, Solving problems. Created an exit ticket for a student when we ran out and guided the student through it.
  • Sophie Brauer, 4/24, Solving problems. Helping Ms. Carla organize.
  • Eason Dong, 4/29, Solving problems. Being an awesome translator!
  • Alex Federov, 5/4, Respecting self and others. You've been making good choices lately!
  • Charlotte Jones, 4/28, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Charlotte had a great attitude and showed respect to teachers and students!
  • Madison Louie, 5/3, Solving problems , Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others. Respecting teachers and peers and always making great choices!
  • Sean Parker, 5/4, Solving problems. Picking up trash during lunch without prompting.
  • Kira Polan, 5/4, Owning learning. Loves to learn! Stays on task and works hard.

April 27, 2017


  • Thursday, 4/27 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Friday, 4/28 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)
  • Sunday, 4/30 - Students from China go to San Francisco Excursion
  • Monday, 5/1
    • Grade 5 CAASPP Testing (Science)
    • Students from China return to China
  • Wednesday, 5/3  - Girls on the Run Mock 5K Event (3:05pm, Almond Field)
  • Friday, 5/5 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)
  • Saturday, 5/6 - Rummage Sale
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 1)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 2)
  • Thursday, 5/11
    • LASD Spring Concert Gr. 4-6 (12:45pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/12
    • Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
    • 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Saturday, 5/13
    • Seussical Performance (4pm, Multi)
    • Seussical Performance (7pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/19 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
  • Tuesday, 5/23 - 6th Grade CSTEM Showcase (3:30-5pm, Blach)
  • Tuesday, 5/30 - Grade 1 thru 3 Spring Music Concert (1pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 6/2 - TK/Kinder Spring Music Concer (11am, Multi)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


...from Mrs. Benadom

Last Friday, our community came together in celebration of cultural diversity at the International Festival.   The PTA leaders who coordinated the event gave so much of themselves to make the evening a great success.  Throughout the night, my heart filled with gratitude and I saw beauty in the pride our families had for their cultural heritage.

Yesterday evening, almost two dozen Almond families welcomed 24 student visitors from Hangzhou, China.  My heart filled with gratitude and I saw beauty in the generosity of those opening their homes.

This coming Friday is Junior Olympics.  There is something electrifying about this annual LASD tradition.  It brings together all of our schools in fun spirited competition.  Our students are able to excel in the physical realm to balance all their hard work in growing their brains.  

This incredible day cannot happen without the support of volunteers.  I just checked out the list and there are MANY empty slots for this Saturday’s Junior Olympics.  We are still in need of much support.  If you haven’t yet done so, please visit THISspreadsheet and indicate how you can lend a hand to make this event a success.  

And, I am certain, that on Saturday, my heart will be filled again with gratitude as I see beauty in the cheers of encouragement from all the spectators to our brave athletes.



  • There has been a fundraiser going on in Almond. The money is being donated to CHP's Learning Academy. This years goal is to raise $2,750! The school has raised more than $1,900! Money can be donated by check, bill, and/or coins. Be sure to donate! There is a box in the office, as well as your child's room. The Student Council has also been asking for money during school events such as the STEM EXPO and would like to do it during the Junior Olympics.
  • The annual Junior Olympics is coming up! On Friday is the school Pep Rally, make sure your kids wear their Junior Olympic shirts.
  • Last week was the Sports Day Do-Over Spirit Day. The classes that won were all in 4th grade: Ms. Greene’s class, Ms. Wishnack’s class, and Ms.Daggett’s class.
  • The next upcoming spirit day is Character Day, which will be on May 19. Your kids can dress up like any Character they want from a book, movie, or tv show. (Make sure it is school appropriate).

LAEF: Let’s Celebrate Junior Olympics – It’s Countdown Time!
We’re looking forward to celebrating our 4-6th grade LASD athletes and community spirit with you this weekend! During this “Countdown to J.O.”, we would like to thank the 2,003 families who have donated to LAEF this school year with 563 families also requesting a corporate match. We are getting close to the finish line, and that means we are counting on a few more families to donate, request a match or fulfill their pledges by Friday, April 28th.  Contributions in the past week have ranged from $100 to $5,000, and every dollar you give will help us meet our $3.7M fundraising goal. Donate today at or bring a check to the school office this week. Thank you!


  • Pep Rally - Friday morning is our annual JO Pep Rally at the morning assembly.  Please remind your 4th-6th grade students to come to the multi (after dropping off their backpacks) to line up for the parade/rally.  We will have the 4th-6th grade students gather in the multi around 8:20/8:25 and begin the "parade" at 8:30, once the younger children have been seated on the blacktop. They should also wear their Junior Olympics t-shirt.  
  • Volunteer Sign Ups - It's not too late.  If you haven't already done so, PLEASE sign up to volunteer at the event.  The document is filling up but we still need some help in Security and Long Jump.  All parents of participating students are asked to contribute some time to make this incredible event a success.
  • Event Information — An event map, schedule, snack bar menu and more are included in the program. Programs are available at the event and online at Please review your child’s events ahead of time to plan out your day. Each school has a tent where students can gather between events. Chairs and blankets are also helpful to have.
  • Food — A snack bar is set up to sell food throughout the day including sandwiches, salad, pizza, healthy snacks and beverages. CASH ONLY
  • Parking — Parking is available along streets, in the MVHS lot by the tennis courts, in the church lot on Truman Ave and at Oak School. Please DO NOT park in any of the red emergency vehicle zones or main lot on Truman x Bryant. Due to limited parking at MVHS, we recommend that families walk, bike, and carpool as much as possible and plan to arrive early.
  • Attire — In order to compete, athletes must be dressed in their school JO t-shirt and wearing tennis or running shoes (no cleats, no bare feet, no sandals). Students should wear comfortable clothes, layered for temperature variations, and bring water and sunscreen. Please remind athletes to keep drinking water throughout the day, especially before their events.
  • Sportsmanship — Junior Olympics is a friendly competition. Any unsportsmanlike behavior (fighting, arguing with judges, taunting, etc.) will subject athletes to disqualification or removal from JO.
  • Running Events — NO cleats, spikes, soccer shoes, track shoes, track shoes with spikes removed, or bare feet. Students should warm up and stretch prior to each event. The 1320 run will be held at 8:00a.m. (1320 runners should plan to arrive between 7:30 and 7:45 am.). The top 6 finishers in hurdles and dash qualify for finals. Official batons are provided – athletes do not bring their own. There is only one entrance to the track events (1320 comes through a different gate onto the track that closes after the  event).
  • Opening Ceremony — The Opening Ceremony will begin promptly at 9:00 am (Students should arrive between 8:30 and 8:45am). Students assemble near their school’s colored balloons on the practice fields of the high school, next to the track. After the ceremony, students will exit the track near the school tents.
  • Please arrange to meet your child at your school tent. If your 6th grader is in the band, please follow prearranged plan for meeting them and retrieving their instrument.
  • Track Access — Only authorized volunteers and athletes are permitted on the track. Dash, Hurdles and Relay participants must enter the track at the athletes’ entrance and exit the track near the finish lines of the events. Relay coaches do not go onto the track with the athletes.
  • Results — The top 6 finishers in each event will be posted on the fence near the info booth as well as online at The top 6 Hurdles and Dash finalists qualify for Finals.
  • Los Altos Downtown Visioning Committee - In between cheering on our athletes, be sure to stop by the Los Altos Downtown Visioning Committee's booth to make our voice heard for downtown planning. What do you want downtown Los Altos to be?  What do you want to improve? What is important to you?  The Visioning committee is seriously in need of opinions from Los Altos families with children.
  • Junior Olympics is a fun-filled event that includes almost 1500 participants, hundreds of cheering fans and tremendous community support. We look forward to seeing all of the athletes achieve their personal best on this day!
  • Thank you! Kirsten, Vicky & Suzanne

GIRLS ON THE RUN MOCK 5K, 5/3 @ 3:05pm
Come cheer on a group of students who have been training for a 5k on Saturday, 5/20 at Vasona Park.  These students will run a mock 5K at the field this coming Wednesday.  It would terrific if they had some support and encouragement.


  • The PTA is organizing Almond’s first Rummage / Yard Sale.
  • Why: To raise funds for the school, to have a fun day, and to provide an opportunity for all the Almond families to sell all their unwanted stuff (second-hand clothes, toys, furniture, collectables, and any other products they wish to sell).  We are also inviting all the children and parents who are talented artists, designers, or avid hand-crafters to sell their creations.
  • When: Saturday May 6th, 2017
  • Where: Almond School Parking Lot
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • How to be part of the event:
    • Each family interested in selling items the day of the event, will set up a table in one of the parking spots. (Setting up time will be from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM)  The family-participant can either use one of the school’s tables or use their own furniture to sell their products.
  • The family-participant will decide between:
    • Donating part or all their profit.
    • Donating  food-drinks to be sold during the event.
  • We are looking for volunteers to help setting up tables on the day, selling the donated food and drinks, and/or cleaning up once the event is finished.
  • If you are interested please contact Jenny Rojas at


  • In April, the 1st-5th graders are reading Enemy Pie by Derek Munson. This book focuses on building interpersonal relationships by using a growth mindset that embraces meeting new people and discovering new things about classmates and friends.  Students will be challenged to recognize their own prejudice and stereotypes and how snap judgements about others can sometimes lead to a perceived "enemy."  The book also shows how a caring adult can help create opportunities for friendships to bloom and overcome obstacles.  
  • The Kindergarten students will be reading Reach Out and Give by Cheri Meiners. This book talks about the importance of service to your community.  It empowers children to understand that their special skills can make meaningful contributions to their family, school and neighborhood.  
  • This month the 6th graders are discussing "Middle School Confidential" - Chapter 8: Make New Friends. We will provide tools that they can use next year since everyone will be moving on to a new school with the opportunity to make new friends. We will discuss how starting a new friendship can be awkward or difficult, but that it is a lifelong skill that even adults can benefit from.
  • For more information about the ABC Program, see our section [] on the Almond website or contact Jen Walker, Julie Watson, or Mona ElNaggar


April 20, 2017




  • Friday, 4/21
    • Sport Outfit Spirit Day
    • International Feast (Multi, 6pm)
  • Saturday, 4/22 - Almond Community Service Meal Packaging Event
  • Monday, 4/24 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 4/25
    • Grade 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
    • Almond Singers Spring Concert (Multi, 7pm)
  • Wednesday, 4/26
    • Grades 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)
    • Families from China arrive in PM @ Los Altos
  • Thursday, 4/27 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Friday, 4/28 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)
  • Sunday, 4/30 - Students from China go to San Francisco Excursion
  • Monday, 5/1
    • Grade 5 CAASPP Testing (Science)
    • Students from China return to China
  • Friday, 5/5 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)
  • Saturday, 5/6 - Rummage Sale
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 1)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA Part 2)
  • Thursday, 5/11 - LASD Spring Concert Gr. 4-6 (12:45pm, Multi)
  • Friday, 5/12
    • Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
    • 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)
  • Friday, 5/19 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament (3:45pm, Blach)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.

After administering the interim assessments this week, we adjusted the schedule to add time for the ELA performance task because it requires a substantial amount of writing and we wanted to spread it over two days.  The changes are noted in red above.



...from Mrs. Benadom

His name is Felix.  He’s a first grader.  He has blonde hair and has recently been dawning a Stanford cap.  His voice is a delightful melody full of sweet tones.  He’s curious.  His stride includes joyful bounces and his smile communicates warmth and openness.  He’s from Sweden and has friends who are from all over the world.  Language is never a barrier when he plays.  He’s welcoming and loving.

This week, Felix held up a drawing [see this Tweet] to me and said, “Mrs. Benadom, what do you see?” With utter amusement at his excitement, I responded, “Felix, I see two things.”  The wonder evident in his pleasure, that I saw what he saw, was precious.  He exclaimed, “YES!!!! A duck and a rabbit.”  We talked about which was which and for Felix, regardless of the orientation of the image, he saw both each time.  I shared that for me when the ears were to the left, that looked more like a rabbit.  When they were to the right, I could better visualize the duck’s beak.

Felix was my teacher this week.  He reminded me that perspective is critical and personal to each of us.  Sometimes we can get locked into a way of looking at something.  Sometimes our past affects what we see.  Sometimes we need hear someone else’s perspective to inform our own.

On Tuesday evening, my learning was extended at the school coffee titled, “Supporting Your Child’s Gender Journey.”  Kristin Clouser, Almond’s school psychologist, did a tremendous job in sharing information about the evolution of the construct of gender.  In the presentation, astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson explains, “I think that once you learn language the language shapes how you think more than your thoughts shape what language does.  It takes a very creative person to start inventing words for thoughts that they had for which no words applied.”

Not only was the content of the evening relevant and applicable to today’s youth, we had some superstars from our own community participate.  Thank you so much to Cade Maw, Mark Tanner, and their amazing mom, Dr. Jill Hagenkord.  Here is a link to thepresentation and a Tweet capturing their glory.

My learning for the week is not yet complete…

I am really looking forward to tomorrow night’s International Festival.  One of our incredible 4th graders, Sophie, stopped and chatted with me this morning as she walked her bike past the front of school.  With a smile from ear to ear that held a deep sense of pride, she announced this will be her 3rd International Feast and that her family is bringing an Austrian pasta called spaetzle.  My mouth is already watering!  I can’t wait to try all the treats.

What I am most looking forward to though - is reconnecting.  Chatting with children and their families.  Listening to stories of how they found their way to Los Altos.  In essence, broadening my life perspective by learning more about those I am blessed to know.



LAEF’s in the final S-T-R-E-T-C-H
As we gear up to celebrate 50+ years of physical education and community spirit with Junior Olympics on April 29th, LAEF is also in the final stretch to meet our $3.7M fundraising goal. Therefore, we are requesting your partnership by making a donation or requesting a corporate match before Friday, the 28th to help us cross the finish line. Please give online today at or bring a check to the school office this week.

An Exciting LASD STEM Update
Launched four years ago with seed funding from LAEF, the STEM program is now recognized nationally for its well-integrated student-centered projects.  New in 2016-17, LASD expanded the elementary robotics program to now include 2nd-5th graders.  Some of the robots students are creating include a Bristlebot using a small motor, a Jitterbug run by solar energy, an Innovativebot and an Ambot with four motors and a breadboard. Exciting! Your donations to LAEF fund our outstanding team of STEM teachers and district STEM Coordinator this school year.


  • It's time to order school supplies for next year!  Almond Elementary is now available for ordering online at School-Pak.  Go to and quickly and easily order school supplies for next year.  Order by June 10th for DISCOUNTED PRICE and FREE school delivery, or order by July 12th for home delivery (shipping charges apply).
  • School-Pak is the simple way to shop for school supplies.  You'll enjoy brand name products you know and trust, pre-packaged kits that meet teacher approved lists, and easy payment options.
  • Please email Deidre Caldbeck at if you have any questions.


  • Junior Olympics is less than 2 weeks away!  As you probably know, the event is scheduled on Saturday, April 29th from 8am - 4pm at Mountain View High School.  The kids have been working hard training during PE and are very excited for the day to arrive.  
  • Like so many other events that happen in our amazing school district, Junior Olympics would not be possible without all the parent help that goes into it.  JO is planned by a district committee comprised of volunteer representatives from each elementary school and lead by a LASD PE specialist.  Each school is responsible for running an event (Almond's event is Long Jump) and several district-wide duties (i.e. security, program, food, etc) as well staffing the school booths.  All parents of participating students are asked to contribute some time to make this wonderful event a success.  
  • Please sign up for a volunteer shift HERE.
  • Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thanks so much!  Kirsten, Vicky & Suzanne


  • The 21st annual Bob Celeste 6th grade basketball tournament for the girl's will take place on Friday May 12th and the boy's tournament will take place on Friday May the 19th. Both tournaments will be held at Blach School.  The tournament will start no later than 3:45 and end at 7:45.  The two schools with the best records will play in the championship round from 7:45 - 8:15.
  • Mr. Core will take sign-ups for the teams through PE.  We need to have at least 8 players on the roster.  If we can't get at least 8 players we can have 5th graders (we have done this twice over all the years) fill in the roster.  There is no limit to how many players a school can have.  


  • Please help us continue to support the homeless by donating to our coin drive! There is a box in the office, as well as your child's room. The class that raised the most money for the month of March was... Mrs. Burke's Class! Make sure to donate so we can reach our goal of $2,750! The Student council has also been asking for money during school events such as the STEM EXPO, thank you too all who donated. So far, our school has raised $1,900! Way to go Eagles!
  • Two Fridays ago was Sports Day. Unfortunately the Student Council Forgot to remind everyone before Friday, so many students forgot. We have decide to host another Sports Day this upcoming Friday, April 21st. Show your sporty spirit by wearing clothing from a sport or team of your choice.




  • We hope that everyone had a great Spring Break!!
  • If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to order your copy of the 2016-17 Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were *not* ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to reserve your copy:
  • (1) Order online and pay by credit card - go to this link:
  • (2) Fill out a Paper Form and pay by check or cash.  Paper forms are available in the school office.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your copy now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (
  • Thanks, Fintan McCabe & Leon Yao (Yearbook Committee)


  • Please join fellow Almond families this upcoming Friday evening from 6-8 pm for Almond's 4th Annual International Feast/Potluck.  It’s a fun casual way to mingle with fellow families, meet new families, sample various ethnic cuisines, optional hand's on activity and just enjoy a casual Friday evening with fellow Almond families - all the while enjoying some new ethnic performances.  In line with last year's Chinese Lion dance and Contemporary Dance Performance - which were amazing, this year we have an amazing line up of Taiko Drummers, Mexican Dances and an Irish Children's Dance performance!
  • Date: Friday April 21st
  • Time: 6:00-8:00 pm (we will end at 8 pm sharp)
  • What do you need to do:
    • Bring a dish to share - there are starters, entrées or dessert options galore and you just need to make enough for 10-12 servings. Please no nuts! If you can bring an index card with the main ingredients of the dish!
    • Also if your child (or you would like to highlight a talent please consider sharing it with a friendly audience! Please contact Lori Sevcik ( or Marcsi Kratochwill ( to signup to perform!
    • And if you desire - dress in some swag from your country or your favorite country!
    • Questions or any new ideas please talk to one of the ladies noted below or email Seema Chavan (
  • Thank you -  Seema Chavan, Julie Watson, Marcsi Kratochwill, Amy Heath, Lori Heath and Jen Walker


  • WE have a few spots remaining for the Community Service event of the year - we hope to see both returning as well as new families at this really fun but truly giving back family oriented community service event!
  • Back by popular demand, Almond Community Services is pleased to bring back our largest hands on community service event of the year - Rise Against Hunger ( on Saturday, April 22 (10 am to noon). Last year over 85 Almond participants joined together in the Almond Multi to bag over 14,000 meals - a truly successful and memorable event.
  • We are able to bring back this hands on community service event through the generous donation of our local real estate broker (and Almond Parent) Tim Anderson of Alain Pinel Realtors. We truly appreciate Tim's generous donation, which allows us to bring a family focused community service activity, where our families (of all ages) will be able to bag 10,000 meals, to Almond.
  • Rise Against Hunger is a wonderful nonprofit organization with the mission of ending world hunger. The Rise Against Hunger event will last about 2 hours (10 am to 12 pm) and is for the entire family (last year we had kids as young as 4 years to adults helping). It's an extremely fun and hands-on event - where participants work in teams at different stations, forming an assembly line and packaging meals of healthy dry staples (including vitamins packet, soy mix, rice and dried vegetables, etc. provided by Rise Against Hunger). Staff from Rise Against Hunger will provide an overview of its program, as well as educate our families about world hunger and how the meals that will be prepared make a difference by supporting school feeding programs, orphanages, and crisis relief around the globe. You can watch a great short video to get a better idea of what the event entails.
  • Space is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. Please email Seema Chavan at with your name, number of participants, and contact email by April 7th. In addition, if you would like to make a tax deductible donation in support of this amazing organization (thereby we can pack even more meals on the 22nd!), please send a donation through PayPal (
  • Thank you and we look forwarding to seeing you at the event!

April 6, 2017


  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Tuesday, 4/18 - Evening School Coffee re: Supporting Your Child’s Gender Journey (Multi, 6:30pm)
  • Friday, 4/21 - International Feast (Multi, 6pm)
  • Monday, 4/24 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 4/25
    • Grade 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
    • Almond Singers Spring Concert (Multi, 7pm)
  • Wednesday, 4/26
    • Grades 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
    • Families from China arrive in PM @ Los Altos
  • Thursday, 4/27 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Friday, 4/28 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)
  • Sunday, 4/30 - Students from China go to San Francisco Excursion
  • Monday, 5/1
    • Grade 5 CAASPP Testing (Science)
    • Students from China return to China
  • Friday, 5/5 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


Congratulations to all students who participated in this week’s STEM expo.  Your projects were fantastic!  Thank you also to Beth Leach, Laura Ohlund, and Jasen Stuart for all of your support in organizing this event.  None of this would be possible without funding from LAEF.  Here are a couple tweets showcasing the awesomeness.  Tweet 1.  Tweet 2.

CAASPP - Grades 3 thru 6

  • Students in grades 3 - 6 will take the California Assessment for Student Performance & Progress (CAASPP) the last week of April and first two weeks of May.
  • This state assessment is ONE measure for looking at the learning growth of our students and in reflecting on the overall progress of our school.  Please support a healthy mindset around this assessment by simply encouraging students to "show what they know" by giving their best effort.
  • Our staff would be GRATEFUL if you do not schedule any appointments during your child's grade level testing time.  We are REQUIRED to ensure that every student takes this assessment.  If your child is present on the day of scheduled testing, they will take the assessment with their class in an environment with which they are familiar.  If your child is late (past 8:45am) or does not attend (obviously if they are sick - do not send them to school), they will take the test on another day in a different location and not with their teacher.
  • Finally, routine and structure are vital during these days.  Please support your child in getting a great night sleep, a nutritious breakfast, arrival to school on time, and a healthy school snack.
  • We look forward to creating the most positive environment possible for our students to perform to their greatest potential.

S.O.A.R. Celebrations
Please note the new section below repeated announcements that honors students who have been recognized for soaring.


LAEF: We need 30 more families to donate in April
We are a month way from Junior Olympics where LAEF will make its 2016-17 annual grant to LASD. With $257,180 to raise between now and then, every dollar you donate will help. Did you know that if 30 more families gave at each school, we would reach our goal? Your donation to LAEF directly benefits your child’s education THIS school year.  Please give online at or bring a check to the school office before Spring Break.


  • This year Almond has decided to raise money for materials for CHP"s Learning Academy and support the homeless in our area.   This year’s goal is to raise $2,750! Money can be donated by check, bill, and/or coins. Be sure to donate! There is a box in the office, as well as your child's room. The Student Council has also started to ask for money during school events such as the Stem Expo. The class with the most money this month will be earning a pizza party! Next month the class with he most money donated will earn an ice cream party. Almond has done such a great job of donating so far!
  • This Friday is Sports Day! Make sure your child does not bring cleats, bats, balls, or anything like that. Kids can wear clothing from any team they would like to, even if its a team they have played on.


  • It’s time to order your copy of the 2016-17 Yearbook!  (Yearbooks were *not* ordered during the Back-to-School Registration, so you need to do it now!)
  • There are 2 easy ways to reserve your copy:
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to the classrooms in early June and quantities are limited, so order your Yearbooks now!
  • Email Leon with any questions (
  • Thanks, Fintan McCabe & Leon Yao (Yearbook Committee)



  • For many, gender has existed in a binary paradigm (male/female).  Current research expands this construct to one that is multi-faceted and rich with dimension.  The greatest gift a parent can give their child is the assurance that they will be loved for who they are.  Period.
  • Join a group of distinguished guests, Coni Cullimore (Egan Assistant Principal), Dr. Jill Hagenkord (Almond Parent), Cade Maw (Egan Student), Mark Tanner (Almond Student), Kristin Clouser (Almond School Psychologist), and more still in the works.
  • When:  Tuesday, 4/18 at 6:30pm in the Multi.


  • Our Fourth Annual INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION (formerly known as our International Feast) is just a few weeks away! Come join us in the Almond Multi-Purpose Room on Friday, April 21st between 6:00pm and 8:00pm and find out what all the talk is about!
  • Come enjoy a fun evening with our special Almond Community - just celebrating our community's diversity and friendships. And while you socialize enjoy some regional cuisines (incredible Indian food, the spectacular Hispanic food and amazing Australian Pavlova) or someone's favorite dish! Bring a dish to share - there are starters, entrées or dessert options galore and you just need to make enough for 10-12 servings.
  • WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are looking forward to the Taiko Drummers and Irish Dance Troop performances. BUT we'd love to highlight Almond's own talent - if your child (or you!) participates in a dance troop (ballet, tap, Mexican dance, bangra, the sky is the limit), instrumental troup (guitar, dhols, accordions, etc.), please consider sharing your talent with our families) Please contact Lori Sevcik ( or Marcsi Kratochwill ( to signup to perform!
  • An added feature this year is the Raffle! Earn your free raffle entry ticket by getting in the spirit and dress in some swag from your favorite country.
  • Please be on the lookout for more information, the online or hard copy sign-up sheet coming soon. In addition, please confirm your attendance on the google document here:
  • Questions or any new ideas please email Seema Chavan ( or talk to one of the ladies noted below!  
  • Either way, just come! It’s a great night to be part of our diverse Almond community.  
  • Thanks - Seema, Julie, Marcsi, Amy, Lori and Jen

PTA Almond Used Laptop Donation Drive EXTENDED
Do you have a working laptop that you don't need anymore?  We can put it into good use.  We are collaborating with a non-profit organization called Equal Opportunity Technology to provide refurbished laptops to needed students at Almond Elementary School. You may bring your working and password-disabled laptop with driver, operating system and charger (if available) to the office before spring break.  All donations are tax-deductible.  For any questions, please email Alice Lee at


  • WE have a few spots remaining for the Community Service event of the year - we hope to see both returning as well as new families at this really fun but truly giving back family oriented community service event!
  • Back by popular demand, Almond Community Services is pleased to bring back our largest hands on community service event of the year - Rise Against Hunger ( on Saturday, April 22 (10 am to noon). Last year over 85 Almond participants joined together in the Almond Multi to bag over 14,000 meals - a truly successful and memorable event.
  • We are able to bring back this hands on community service event through the generous donation of our local real estate broker (and Almond Parent) Tim Anderson of Alain Pinel Realtors. We truly appreciate Tim's generous donation, which allows us to bring a family focused community service activity, where our families (of all ages) will be able to bag 10,000 meals, to Almond.
  • Rise Against Hunger is a wonderful nonprofit organization with the mission of ending world hunger. The Rise Against Hunger event will last about 2 hours (10 am to 12 pm) and is for the entire family (last year we had kids as young as 4 years to adults helping). It's an extremely fun and hands-on event - where participants work in teams at different stations, forming an assembly line and packaging meals of healthy dry staples (including vitamins packet, soy mix, rice and dried vegetables, etc. provided by Rise Against Hunger). Staff from Rise Against Hunger will provide an overview of its program, as well as educate our families about world hunger and how the meals that will be prepared make a difference by supporting school feeding programs, orphanages, and crisis relief around the globe. You can watch a great short video to get a better idea of what the event entails.
  • Space is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. Please email Seema Chavan at with your name, number of participants, and contact email by April 7th. In addition, if you would like to make a tax deductible donation in support of this amazing organization (thereby we can pack even more meals on the 22nd!), please send a donation through PayPal (
  • Thank you and we look forwarding to seeing you at the event!
  • Seema ( and Polly (

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Michael Ballabio, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Quinn Daniel, 4/45, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Quinn is focused during work time & strives to do his best.  Quinn also always follows directions the first time. - Rm. 10
  • Nirelle DeWitt, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Paul Gao, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Nate Gisselman, 3/31, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Krisaana Gunsagar, 3/14, Owning learning, Organizing experiment test subjects for STEM Expo by crafting an email to send to all 5th grade parents. - Ms. Ohlund
  • Natalie Hiltgen, 3/30, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Is always one of our “first five” for following directions & treats everyone with kindness!
  • Kyle Hiltgen, 4/4, Owning learning.  - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Ayumi Ikeda, 4/5, Respecting self & others. Ayumi always helps others in class and on the playground.  She is caring & polite. - Rm. 10
  • Kyona Ishii, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Claire Jackson, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Salama Kuhlmann, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Luna Latko, 3/31, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Maxx Mathai, 3/23, Solving problems, Respecting self and others, Helps his peers and is focused on doing his best work.  Doing an excellent job treating others with respect.
  • Alex McIntyre, 3/30, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others...consistently for a whole week.
  • Elyse Pollman, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Olivia Quino, 3/31, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Nisha Sanjeevan, 3/29, Respecting self and others.
  • Vivaan Seghal, 3/30, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others.
  • Julia Seryakova, 3/27, Always making good choices.
  • Alina Stern, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Tyler Vaughn, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Helena Waibel, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)
  • Zachary Wang, 4/4, Owning learning. - Ms. Alber (PE)


[None at this time.]


Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.

Quick Links…
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

March 30, 2017


  • Thursday, 3/30 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Panel (Egan Library, 7:00pm)
  • Friday, 3/31 - Incoming 7th Grade Student Tour & Elective Faire (Egan, 8:30am)
  • Monday, 4/3 - STEM Expo School Day Showcase
  • Tuesday, 4/4 - STEM Expo Community Night (Multi, 4:30pm - 6:00pm)
  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Tuesday, 4/18 - Evening School Coffee re: Supporting Your Child’s Gender Journey (Multi, 6:30pm)
  • Friday, 4/21 - International Feast (Multi, 6pm)
  • Monday, 4/24 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 4/25
    • Grade 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT ELA)
    • Almond Singers Spring Concert (Multi, 7pm)
  • Wednesday, 4/26
    • Grades 4, 5, 6 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
    • Families from China arrive in PM @ Los Altos
  • Thursday, 4/27 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Friday, 4/28 - Students from China Attend Almond
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)
  • Sunday, 4/30 - Students from China go to San Francisco Excursion
  • Monday, 5/1
    • Grade 5 CAASPP Testing (Science)
    • Students from China return to China
  • Friday, 5/5 - Grade 3 CAASPP Testing (PT ELA)
  • Tuesday, 5/9 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (CAT Math)
  • Wednesday, 5/10 - Grades 3 thru 6 CAASPP Testing (PT Math)

CAASPP stands for CA Assessment for Student Performance & Progress
CAT stands for computer adaptive test.
PT stands for performance task.


Spring is a time of year when blossoms greet us after a long, wet winter.  

[Seventy five percent of our school year is complete, we have 44 remaining instructional days.]  

These bursts of color serve as reminders that beauty still exists.  

[We educators need to find resilience in our souls to focus our gaze on the bright ways that our students shine.]

Ocean Park Standoff’s song “Good News” captures this mindshift.  It is easy to get lost in the craziness of the world.  

Here is a whole lot of good news...

(listed alphabetically by last name)

  • Mallory Abel, 3/25, Respecting self & others, Eagerly helped clean up a mess in the classroom she didn’t make - Mrs. Hall
  • Ryan Apfelberg, 3/24, Always making good choices
  • Cesar Bautista, 3/16, Always making good choices, helping kinder during recess & lunch
  • Dominique Beatty, 3/16, Always making good choices, helping kinder during recess & lunch
  • Kavya Bhaskaran, 3/22, Owning learning
  • Dylan Brown, 3/22, Owning Learning
  • Abby Carter, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Fantastic origami crane teacher - Rm. 24
  • Kate Carter, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, The best origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Julian Chavez, 3/16, Always making good choices, Helping kinder during recess & lunch
  • Jeff Chen, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Super origami crane teacher - Rm. 24
  • Axel Edin, 3/20, Always making good choices, Axel picked up basketballs after recess without being asked. :-) Mrs. Hall
  • Emilio Farias, 3/16, Always making good choices, Helping kider during recess & lunch.
  • Marat Gilvanov, 3/23, Solving problems, Owning learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others
  • Jacob Kung, 3/21, Solving problems, Came up with a respectful fair and mature way to discuss and hopefully solve a problem.
  • Ella Liniger, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Fanstastic origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Liam Meyer, 3/22, Always making good choices
  • Micheal Park, 3/20, Sovling problems, Eagerly cleaned up a mess in the classroom he didn’t make.  - Mrs. Hall
  • Angel Rios, 3/16, Always making good choices, Helping kinder during recess and lunch.
  • Eva Rolnick, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Great origami crane teacher - Rm. 24
  • Konstantin Rolnick, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Super origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Nisha Sanjeevan, 3/14, Owning learning in math - Mr. Stuart
  • Izzy Sehnert, 3/14, Solving problems, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others, Excellent origami crane teacher - Rm. 12
  • Elliott Song, 3/16, Solving problems, picking up trash and placing jackets in lost and found
  • Sammie Stegina, 3/15, Owning learning via book review
  • Connor Uchida, 3/22, Always making good choices
  • German Zuniga, 3/23, Solving problems, Owning Learning, Always making good choices, Respecting self and others

(listed alphabetically by last name and submitted by the community)

  • Flynn, Jimmy - “He is constantly smiling and is friendly to everyone.” (Jen Walker)
  • Lenart, Ella - “Ella has developed a love of math even though it is complex and feels challenging. She is a roll model for others as she encourages them to push through the tough points and see the exciting parts of math. I see her having a growth mindset here and trying to instill that in others without even realizing she is doing that. Even more than doing math Ella loves nothing more than sharing multiple ways of thinking about problems.  One day in particular, on a day with a sub, the entire class was unclear on a complex math topic and wasn't understanding it.  Ella openly shared her method of tackling the problem with the class. She led the class in how she thought  about the problem. There was a huge "Ah ha" moment from the entire class. Sharing knowledge is a huge component of leadership, and I'm so proud of Ella for both stepping up and for successfully being able to get people to see a different perspective.”         (Kristen Lenart)
  • Popescu, Razvan - “Thank you, Razvan, for taking on the role of organizing the students in Helping Wings. You have made it possible for teachers to have student helpers and for students to be able to give back to their school.”    

(listed alphabetically by last name and submitted by the community)

  • Alberico, Stacie - “I see how hard Ms. Aberico works every single day to move things along and keep the kids focused on learning.  These children may never say thank you to her, but the rest of us know and see it: Thank you Ms. Aberico.  Our TK class wouldn't be the same without your selfless effort and giving!” (Emily Guy)
  • Au, Sharon - “Its cold, its raining, its windy.. doesnt matter! You have Sharon standing there waving in kids and cars & controlling traffic for everyone's safety! She has the friendliest smile & tries hard to learn kids' names too! Thank you for what u do!” (Shivani Pradhan)  “For greeting us all by name and with a smile, morning and afternoon at the crossing in the carpark.” (Renee Boustead)
  • Aubrey, Allison - “For being an inspiration, from learning... to running :).” (Barbara Petit) “She always shares her resources and troubleshoots for our team-all with a smile on her face.” (Jessica Saretsky)
  • Axley, Natalie - “Making all her students feel super special.” (Renee Boustead)
  • Chan, Joe - “Mr. Chan is more than just a teacher who teaches academics. He truly cares for each of his students!  Many life lessons taught that will stay with my son for many years. (Parent)  “Caring and committed. More than just academics.  I appreciate how he always tries to get to know my child at a personal level.”  (Former & Current Parent)
  • Daggett, Annie - “Annie Daggett teaches key subjects but her effects on the kids transport past the classroom. Ms Daggett's teaches academics through projects and hands on methods that create long term learning -the kids talk about how much they love learning and doing the activities. They are developing a natural curiosity about learning. Ms. Daggett creates a warm environment where kids feel comfortable - the kids talk about how patient she is when things get a little crazy  in the classroom and much they appreciate her. She is honest and sharing. For example they like hearing her methods of dealing with difficult emotions, like breathing deeply a few times.  The kids feel safe and cared about and sometimes accidentally call her Mom.  Ms. Daggett essentially creates both a love of learning and creates internal motivation in kids which is an incredibly difficult thing to do.” (Kristen Lenart)
  • Eldridge, Jenny - “We appreciate Mrs. Eldridge because she warmly welcomed Everly into her classroom - and prepped the class to warmly welcome Everly - when she arrived as a new student in November.  It helped make the transition much easier for our daughter.” (Ashley & Richard Kraska)
  • Gomez, Martha - “Ms. Gomez supports so many things at our school, and always has a positive, can-do attitude.”           (Kristin)
  • Musselman, Joyce - “I work with Joyce on an almost weekly basis to handle the financial handshake between the school (Joyce) and the PTA (me). She has been unbelievably patient and kind as I move slowly through the learning curve. I can not thank her enough for all of her understanding and time she provides to me.” (Lori Sevcik)
  • Nguyen, Samantha - “Mrs. Nguyen takes time every morning to greet each one of her students before taking them to the classroom.  This is a nice personal way to start the day for her students. It shows she cares about them and recognizes them as individuals.   My daughter looks forward to this everyday and makes sure she's in line and ready to go to class!” (Eunice Louie)
  • Ohlund, Laura - “For inspiring our kids to stretch and grow, be bold, be adventurous and enjoy learning.” (Barbara Petit, Lucie Michel's mum)  “Dedicated and wants my child to excel in all areas.” (Parent)  "Ms. Ohlund is one of the most passionate, dedicated and extraordinary teachers at Almond. She is an amazing leader of her team, always communicating with the other fifth grade teachers about student needs and strengths as well as collaborating on curriculum to create the most dynamic lesson plans to support and motivate students in all areas of academics. She creates exciting science lessons that inspire students and she leads them to discover the greatness within themselves as scientists. [insert paragraph] Ms. Ohlund genuinely cares about her students and their access to the curriculum in all classes and goes above and beyond for her students so that each child feels important and able to succeed in her classroom. I have been amazed with the quick responses to parent emails, for being so thoughtful with her thorough answers and her action plans. Ms. Ohlund has also been the leader in getting her team to respond to student behavior questionnaires for individual student testing and has attended many long meetings with enthusiasm in order to create individualized learning plans for her special needs students. She has done everything she can to modify assignments whether it is using Google Voice in the classroom or helping students write down homework in their planner, Ms. Ohlund goes the extra mile to help her students to succeed as well as to also encourage them to become independent learners, thinkers and planners. [insert paragraph]  This is a teacher who leads her students to find that they are powerful beyond measure. She provides incredible feedback to her students on how to change course, try something new and different so that they can succeed using their strengths. Ms. Ohlund is that rare gem of a teacher who impacts her students for a lifetime." (Susana Herrera)
  • Powell, Melissa - "Thoughtful and engaging teacher who leads by example. She has high expectation from all our students and helps them achieve their academic goals as well as personal interests.” (anonymous) “Clear vision, direction and deep care for each and every child and their growth.” (Courtney Hu)
  • Reilly, Tammy - “Her gentle, loving way inspires students to be the best person they can be.  Because she develops such a rapport with children, they are given the confidence to work and learn to their full potential.” (Jen Walker)
  • Sanders, Jane - “Mrs. Sanders can handle (what seems to be) and unlimited number of simultaneous requests. She does this every day, with a smile on her face, and a huge willingness to help, even when it might be pretty inconvenient. (Amy Mendenhall)  “Jane fills the role of friend, confidant, mother, aunt, and nurse to so many of us in the Almond community including parents, teachers, and children. She not only does it with grace and humor but also with firmness and finesse.” (Lori Sevcik)  “She makes every student and parent feel valued and welcome.  Jane demonstrates the culture of our school from the moment someone first walks into the door.” (Jen Walker)
  • Schubert, Lisa - “She leads by example! She goes above and beyond to make our kids feel at home in TK. Even more incredible is her humility & selfless drive to give more, do more! She donated to PTA for kodable -programming for kids & Tkers have been coding since November it seems!” (Shivani Pradhan)  “She effuses passion, nurturance, warmth, patience and love for her students and her profession. She is truly a gem. She models a delicate balance of kindness and structure every time I am in her classroom. She is always smiling and laughing, but keeps it real! We are so grateful that my daughter's first elementary experience was through the eyes of Ms. Schubert.” (Gaby Stern)  “She handles a room of 25 5 year Olds like it's nothing, making each of them feel curious and excited about learning and coming to school. Each kids feels like she has her special attention. She is amazing.” (Laurel Anderson)  “Every child has individual time with her - they trust and love her, and there's nothing more I could ask for from a teacher.” (Emily Guy)  “Ms. Shubert is such a great TK teacher. She is so amazing with these little children. She gets right down to their level and speaks their language. All her students love her so much! I have learned so much from watching, first hand, how she deals with this age group of children.” (anonymous)

(listed alphabetically by last name and submitted by the community)

  • Cai, Bingxue - “Run the Almond Hot Lunch Program which my daughter eats every day. That work alone requires the strength and perseverance of a saint!”               (Lori Sevcik)
  • Crosby, Christi - “She steps up for so many volunteer jobs. You can count on her to be helping at most every event.” (Erin Sobota)
  • Daniels, Barbara - “Barbara Daniels is one of those people who is always helping out and always with a smile and thank you. She has lead the Walkathon, Gala auction, Project Cornerstone (she will be leading 6th grade next year), Colonial Day and the PTA nomination committee - and I know she helps with hot lunch and participates in many other Almond activities. It is a pleasure to volunteer with Barbara as she calmly leads with a smile, incredible organization, appreciation, understanding and no drama. Barbara inspires others to volunteer, and there is no doubt, she makes a positive impact on our community. (Wendy McDowell)
  • Davari, Shahram - “Runs the Almond Hot Lunch Program which my daughter eats every day. That work alone requires the strength and perseverance of a saint!” (Lori Sevcik)
  • ElNaggar, Mona - “Mona has spent hours coordinating the Cornerstone Project.”           (Erin Sobota)  “Leading Cornerstone” Renee Boustead
  • Sevcik, Lori - “Lori brings her amazing sense of humor, patience, positivity and can-do spirit to tons of Almond activities. I probably don't know all that she does but am thankful she makes time in her busy weeks to be treasurer on the PTA Board,  lead Girls on the Run, work on the school play, be a Room Parent and  volunteer for other school activities and events. She also ran an Almond Girl Scout troop for a few years too. I'm thankful for her being at Almond and there for the children!”   (Bronwyn O'Malley)
  • Smith, Luisa - “She graciously heads up the Almond Singers, The musicals and is the 3rd grade class parent for Mrs. Dadigian's class. She used to be the Daisy Scout leader as well. She has dedicated so much time to the school and hosted many auctioned off playdates. Gracias, Luisa!” (Robyn Hughes)  “Leading the Musical.”  (Renee Boustead)
  • Steciw, Sandrine - “She's been a hero at our school, working in many ways to support the students, staff and parents.  Sandrine has served over the past 5 years as Room Parent three times, Hot Lunch liaison for two years (a very tough job, and very important job, but not an appreciated job), as PTA officer, Junior Olympic helper, Colonial Day cooking lead,  chaperone on many field trips and overall a great Mom to our kids!  She is a leader at Almond and I am very proud and grateful for everything she has done.” (Oleg Steciw)
  • Walker, Jen - “Jen has spent so much time and energy coordinating the Cornerstone Project.” (Erin Sobota)  “Leading Cornerstone.” (Renee Boustead)
  • Watson, Julie - “She has spent so many hours coordinating the Cornerstone project.” (Erin Sobota)  “Leading Cornerstone.” (Renee Boustead)  “She selflessly and quietly uses her many talents to support both students at Almond and various PTA committees that need her help.  Her kind, loving nature makes Almond a better place and she truly cares about kids and educators.” (Jen Walker)



  • For many, gender has existed in a binary paradigm (male/female).  Current research expands this construct to one that is multi-faceted and rich with dimension.  The greatest gift a parent can give their child is the assurance that they will be loved for who they are.  Period.
  • Join a group of distinguished guests, Coni Cullimore (Egan Assistant Principal), Dr. Jill Hagenkord (Almond Parent), Cade Maw (Egan Student), Mark Tanner (Almond Student), Kristin Clouser (Almond School Psychologist), and more still in the works.
  • When:  Tuesday, 4/18 at 6:30pm in the Multi.


  • A special thank you to the Almond families below who contributed $5,000 or more this school year to provide the cornerstone of LAEF’s grant. We’ll be recognizing all of our Leadership Circle donors in the Junior Olympics program.  It’s not too late to join them by donating before Friday, April 7th at or contacting the LAEF Office at 650.559.0445 /
  • Anonymous (2) * Alix & Steve Apfelberg * Rachel Harnish & Andrew Barton * Cheryl & Ken Branson * Jessica & Chris Chang * Victoria Lee & Alfred Chin * Amy Hsieh & Carty Chock * Jeff & Lisa Cuppett * Lucy & Jeffery Donovan * Sara & Brian Elkin * Lisa Guerra & Charles Kung * Rachel & Damien Lambert * Zhuyuan Liu & Yue Li * Wendy & Robert McDowell * Judy & Ron Nagy * Karen & Elliott Ng * Barbara Petit * Alina & Catalin Popescu * Jill & Jack Symon * Jane & Brian Tanabe

More will be explained in a subsequent message.  We apologize for the confusion.  Working to gain clarity and will then reach out.


ALMOND THURSDAY WORD, issued on a Friday

March 24, 2017



  • Thursday, 3/30 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Panel (Egan Library, 7:00pm)
  • Friday, 3/31 - Incoming 7th Grade Student Tour & Elective Faire (Egan, 8:30am)
  • Monday, 4/3 - STEM Expo School Day Showcase
  • Tuesday, 4/4 - STEM Expo Community Night (Multi, 4:30pm - 6:00pm)
  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)




  • The responsibility of a host family is to welcome a student from Hangzhou China into your home to allow them to experience what it’s like in America.  They will eat breakfast with you, travel to school with you, go home with you after school, partake in your dinner ritual, and spend the night with you.  The student will stay with you for 5 nights.  If your family has existing commitments (e.g. karate class, swimming), this student will accompany you.  On the day of Junior Olympics, you will transport them to the high school and they will remain with you and your child throughout the day.  On Sunday, you will drop them off at school for their tour to San Francisco and then pick them back up that evening.  The following Monday, they head back to China.
  • It is preferable that the host student from Almond is at the same grade level.  However, if we are not able to accommodate this, then we welcome any family at any grade level to host.
  • Our visitors are:  4th graders – 13  (3 boys, 10 girls), 5th graders – 9   (7 boys, 2 girls), 6th graders – 2  (2 girls)
  • If you are interested, please fill out THIS form and we will be in touch.  
  • Mr. Chan will be taking the lead in coordinating this visit.  THANK YOU MR. CHAN!!!!

Please take the time to celebrate a student, staff, or parent leaders by writing a brief statement about what makes them extraordinary.  These will be compiled during the week of 3/27.  Please submit a different entry HERE for each leader (student, staff, parent) you wish to celebrate.



  • The STEM Expo is just around the corner and I am looking for volunteers to help on both Monday, 4/3 and Tuesday, 4/4.  
  • On Monday, 4/3, I need about 5 parents to help set up the Multi on Monday morning around 7:00 and then check in student projects from 7:50-8:30.
  • On Tuesday, 4/4, I am looking for volunteers that are willing to talk with students about their projects. I need 7 volunteers during each time slot:  8:45-10:10, 10:30-12:00, 12:45-2:45.
  • I also need volunteers that are willing to run and get students for their interviews. I need about 3-4 volunteers per session for that job as well. Snacks and lunch will be provided for the volunteers.
  • The sign ups can be found at
  • Thank you for your assistance, Beth Leach



Starting with January, we will clear out the Lost & Found at the end of each month to keep it from getting ridiculously full.  Please put your child's name or at least a family name in your children's clothing and we will do our best to return it to you.  Remind your children to look in the Lost & Found regularly.  

If your student will be absent for any reason, there are two easy ways to inform the school office. You may call the  Attendance Line at 650-917-5454, or email us at This ensures that we can account for all 543 students every day. Thank you!

LASD NURSE - Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2017. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

  • It's time to plant tomatoes, dissect flowers, explore the plants used by the Ancient Civilizations, and harvest and make yummy pretzels from the winter wheat the students planted last Fall!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent!  LIving Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District.  No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed!  Our Spring Docent Training will take place Monday mornings in March from 9 - Noon on 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 and 3/27.  Please click HERE to view our Spring Training Flyer which lists the locations of each of our trainings.  Apprentice-style training also available to those who can’t make our Monday morning trainings.
  • Questions?  Email us at or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at

PTA Almond Used Laptop Donation Drive March 20-31
Do you have a working laptop that you don't need anymore?  We can put it into good use.  We are collaborating with a non-profit organization called Equal Opportunity Technology to provide refurbished laptops to needed students at Almond Elementary School. You may bring your working and password-disabled laptop with driver, operating system and charger (if available) to the office from March 20 -31.  All donations are tax-deductible.  For any questions, please email Alice Lee at




  • Egan Girl Scout Troop 61015 is hosting several after-school playdates at Almond as a fundraiser for our summer trip.
  • The troop will provide supervised play and activities to Almond students in grades K-3, and siblings ages 3 and up who are potty trained. Kids will have a lot of fun with board games, legos, arts and crafts, play time on the playground, and snacks will be provided. Most of the scouts have earned their babysitting badge and are Red Cross babysitting certified. Scouts will run the event, and several adults will be present to assist them.
  • The fee for each event is $25 per child and $10 for each additional sibling - you can pay at drop off or pick up. Parents who RSVP will be provided a permission slip to sign and turn in at the event(s). We will have extra copies to sign at check in.
  • All events will take place from 2:25-4:45pm in the Almond multi; click on each date to RSVP:  
  • We hope to see your child(ren) there! Please email Sara Elkin if you have any questions.

Speaker Series: Excellent Sheep: Reframing College as a Time for Self-Discovery

  • William Deresiewicz will give his perspective on how college should be a time for self-discovery, when young people can establish their own values and measures of success in order to forge their own path.
  • Tuesday April 4th, 7:00 pm , Los Altos High School Eagle Theater
  • Registration: https://
  • Due to the generosity of our sponsors, admission is free to MVLA Parent Education  Speaker Series events.

Awesome Comedic Jugglers Performing at MVHS on Friday, March 31 at 7 pm

  • Fun for the whole family! Mark & Marlo combine the best of clean comedy with the most amazing juggling stunts! Featured on television shows such as the Late Show with David Letterman, America’s Got Talent and Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, their Las Vegas-style production is family-friendly, but also jam-packed with humor for adults.
  • Purchase your tickets prior to March 16th for just $10 per person. Tickets purchased on or after March 16th are $12. Tickets can be purchased online through EventBrite at: Hurry, there are a limited number of seats available in the MVHS theatre.
  • Check out these awesome performers and get a taste of their show at:
  • This community wide event is being hosted by the MVHS Grad Night Committee. For questions or more info, contact:

March 16, 2017


  • Thursday, 3/16 - Bookwave Blast (Multi, 6-8pm)

  • Thursday, 3/30 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Panel (Egan Library, 7:00pm)

  • Friday, 3/31 - Incoming 7th Grade Student Tour & Elective Faire (Egan, 8:30am)

  • Monday, 4/3 - STEM Expo School Day Showcase

  • Tuesday, 4/4 - STEM Expo Community Night (Multi, 4:30pm - 6:00pm)

  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)

  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)



Please review the LASD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) with your children.  Throughout the year, we have to review this with students at all grade levels.  Recently, we’ve had some breaches in appropriate use.  It is important for students to know that in order to keep every member of the Los Altos community safe in the online world, there is network technology that filters and scans all communications that are transmitted.  School staff are notified by our Director of Technology of “content alerts.”  


Here are two things to highlight from the linked policy above.

  • District issued accounts are to only be used for educational purposes.  If you wouldn’t feel comfortable sending your teacher, your parent, or your principal an email - don’t send it to your friend.

  • Non district accounts are NOT to be accessed on any school device.


The school staff have the usernames and passwords of every school issued account.  We will begin more actively monitoring use by “popping in” and scanning emails and digital documents.  We are doing this to ensure we promote a safe online environment for students.


One possible consequence of not following the AUP is a temporary freeze on the account, along with a temporary restriction from using technology at school.  We will still ensure that students are able engage in their learning by providing a non-digital alternative.


As our world becomes more technology laden, it is that much more critical that we all demonstrate ethical behavior in this digital realm.  These are the years for our children to learn how to make these types of positive choices.



  • Please join us for the 2017 Bookwave Blast.  The event will be on Thursday, March 16, from 6-8 pm.  Bring your family and peruse all of this year's books, be inspired by our guest author, Arree Chung, and take home your child's masterpiece! It promises to be a fun family evening.  Light refreshments will be served.  No author at your house this year?  You can still join us for the Blast.  This is an Almond Community event and all are invited to come!  Please complete the google form here to RSVP for the event, so we can plan accordingly.  ~ The Bookwave Team

  • About the Author: Arree Chung makes picture books, but he did a lot of other things before finding his true passion.  Arree began his career in consulting where he made lots of spreadsheets.  Arree left the consulting field for an opportunity at Pixar.  At Pixar, Arree learned the secret to success: loving what you do.  To pursue his passion, Arree enrolled at the Art Center College of Design where he learned to draw, paint, and think differently.  In Steven Turk's Children's Book Illustration class, Arree discovered his love for creating children's picture books and the rest is history!  In the past decade, Arree has worked in the games industry as a Designer and Art Director.  Arree’s first debut picture book, “Ninja!” hits shelves June 3rd, 2014.  When Arree is not practicing his Ninja moves, you can find him playing basketball or riding his bike.  Here is a link to his website.  And, we will be raffling prizes for those coming to the event!



Please take the time to type a student, staff, or parent leader's name and write a brief statement about what makes them extraordinary.  These will be compiled during the week of 3/27.  Please submit a different entry HERE for each leader (student, staff, parent) you wish to celebrate.


It's WoW! time again!

  • Please join us for Almond's Walk-or-Wheel-to-school day next week on Wednesday 3/22. Make a special effort to walk, bike, or scooter to school on this day. Promote less car traffic near our school, better health for our kids and the environment, and community spirit!

  • Participating children can pick up another colorful foot charm to add to the chains they have on their backpacks from November and January. (We will have some chains as well, for kids who couldn't participate before.)

  • In addition, participating children fill out tickets before school with their first names and put them in their teachers' cans, for two purposes.

    • I count the tickets to determine which class has the highest percentage of participants, and that class gets the Golden Shoe Award for the next two months. Turn them in, or your class won't get credit! So far, Mrs. Hall and Miss Ohlund's classes have gotten turns with the shoe.

    • Also, the tickets are for a raffle; local businesses donated prizes which we will give to students at Friday assembly following WoW! Day.

  • ** We will have three stations this month for taking tickets and giving out charms: the front and back bike racks and the rotunda (only for walkers.) Come early so kids aren't late to class! **

  • Thanks for supporting your kids and our community!


$20K Matching Challenge Met!

Did you notice the growing arrow on the LAEF sign in front of our school? LAEF is pleased to announce that we just reached the $3.3M mark in donations! Thank you to the 57 families who contributed $24,774 to meet our $20,000 Matching Grant. With $386,690 to go to reach $3.7M, every dollar counts. That’s why we’re counting on another 224 families to donate at





  • Time to look at the *new* offerings for the Spring Semester at Almond!

  • What programs are offered ?  All of our old favourites are back again as well as **NEW** programs such as a new Ukulele & Guitar class and Skateworks is making a return to Almond.  The Hidden Villa off campus program is back as well!

  • It’s easy to sign up!  To see all the offerings go to the After School Programs schedule on the Almond website. Sign up is easy through Activity Hero.

  • We want to hear from you.  Thanks for all the feedback at the end of last year.  If you have comments or suggestions on great new programs you’d like to see offered at Almond please contact Jennel Massey.



Starting with January, we will clear out the Lost & Found at the end of each month to keep it from getting ridiculously full.  Please put your child's name or at least a family name in your children's clothing and we will do our best to return it to you.  Remind your children to look in the Lost & Found regularly.  



If your student will be absent for any reason, there are two easy ways to inform the school office. You may call the  Attendance Line at 650-917-5454, or email us at This ensures that we can account for all 543 students every day. Thank you!


LASD NURSE - Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6

Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2017. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!


Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

  • It's time to plant tomatoes, dissect flowers, explore the plants used by the Ancient Civilizations, and harvest and make yummy pretzels from the winter wheat the students planted last Fall!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent!  LIving Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District.  No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed!  Our Spring Docent Training will take place Monday mornings in March from 9 - Noon on 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 and 3/27.  Please click HERE to view our Spring Training Flyer which lists the locations of each of our trainings.  Apprentice-style training also available to those who can’t make our Monday morning trainings.

  • Questions?  Email us at or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at




  • Friday, 3/10  - Deadline to Sign Up for STEM Expo
  • Thursday, 3/16 - Bookwave Blast (Multi, 6-8pm)
  • Thursday, 3/30 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Panel (Egan Library, 7:00pm)
  • Friday, 3/31 - Incoming 7th Grade Student Tour & Elective Faire (Egan, 8:30am)
  • Monday, 4/3 - STEM Expo School Day Showcase
  • Tuesday, 4/4 - STEM Expo Community Night (Multi, 4:30pm - 6:00pm)
  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)



Your child’s report card on Powerschool will include trimester 2 grades this evening. The report card is available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. For a detailed reminder of how to log on and navigate the Parent Portal, viewthis screencastOnce you are logged in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal, you will click the Print Reports icon in the left navigation area. If you click the custom report card link provided, your child’s report will be generated for you.

The report should easily print in one or two pages. We have only sent home reports for families who we know do not have computer access at home.

The report card includes scores on standards assessed both during quarter 1 and quarter 2. The 
Grade Level Curriculum Guides include details on essential standards taught and assessed in Grades K through 6.

You can also see the 
mastery rubric and student friendly version of the mastery rubric here.  Our LASD Learning Behavior (Non-Academic) Rubric is also included for your reference.  Report cards include both standards based academic and learning behavior (non-academic) grades.

A trimester based report card is only a snapshot of a student’s academic progress at a point in time. The most accurate and current information on your child’s academic progress in his/her classes can be accessed through the Powerschool parent portal on an ongoing basis. Please contact your child’s teacher for questions regarding your child’s progress.



$10,000 in matching still available!
In the past three weeks, LAEF has received $10,000 in NEW donations and increases OVER last year’s donation amounts. It’s countdown time, and we still have $10,000 from two LASD families to match YOUR donation this year. LAEF’s goal is 100% participation from every family, so every dollar counts. Please donate today at


LAEF Needs Your Input! Survey Deadline Approaching!
We launched our survey last week to give the parent community an opportunity to share your feedback about LAEF-funded programs this year including enrichment programs, smaller classes, teacher support, and more at your child’s school. Your input will help our board of 20 parent volunteers, and LASD Leadership determine the Foundation's funding priorities for the 2017-18 school year.  Thank you for your participation.


If your student will be absent for any reason, there are two easy ways to inform the school office. You may call the  Attendance Line at 650-917-5454, or email us at This ensures that we can account for all 543 students every day. Thank you!



  • Please join us for the 2017 Bookwave Blast.  The event will be on Thursday, March 16, from 6-8 pm.  Bring your family and peruse all of this year's books, be inspired by our guest author, Arree Chung, and take home your child's masterpiece! It promises to be a fun family evening.  Light refreshments will be served.  No author at your house this year?  You can still join us for the Blast.  This is an Almond Community event and all are invited to come!  Please complete the google form here to RSVP for the event, so we can plan accordingly.  ~ The Bookwave Team
  • About the Author: Arree Chung makes picture books, but he did a lot of other things before finding his true passion.  Arree began his career in consulting where he made lots of spreadsheets.  Arree left the consulting field for an opportunity at Pixar.  At Pixar, Arree learned the secret to success: loving what you do.  To pursue his passion, Arree enrolled at the Art Center College of Design where he learned to draw, paint, and think differently.  In Steven Turk's Children's Book Illustration class, Arree discovered his love for creating children's picture books and the rest is history!  In the past decade, Arree has worked in the games industry as a Designer and Art Director.  Arree’s first debut picture book, “Ninja!” hits shelves June 3rd, 2014.  When Arree is not practicing his Ninja moves, you can find him playing basketball or riding his bike.  Here is a link to his website.  And, we will be raffling prizes for those coming to the event!



  • Time to look at the *new* offerings for the Spring Semester at Almond!
  • What programs are offered ?  All of our old favourites are back again as well as **NEW** programs such as a new Ukulele & Guitar class and Skateworks is making a return to Almond.  The Hidden Villa off campus program is back as well!
  • It’s easy to sign up!  To see all the offerings go to the After School Programs schedule on the Almond website. Sign up is easy through Activity Hero.
  • We want to hear from you.  Thanks for all the feedback at the end of last year.  If you have comments or suggestions on great new programs you’d like to see offered at Almond please contact Jennel Massey.



  • Students in grades TK-6 can all participate in this great event on 4/3 & 4/4.  There are seven categories; Rube Goldberg (physics & engineering), Invention, Environmental Innovation, Engineering (Reverse), Engineering (Robotics), Scientific Inquiry, and Wearable Design.  View this link for additional information about the categories.  View this link for information specific to Almond School.
  • The intent to participate sign ups were extended to March 10, 2017 (not 2/28 as indicated on the website.  Clickhere to register.


PTA Almond Used Laptop Donation Drive March 20-31
Do you have a working laptop that you don't need anymore?  We can put it into good use.  We are collaborating with a non-profit organization called Equal Opportunity Technology to provide refurbished laptops to needed students at Almond Elementary School. You may bring your working and password-disabled laptop with driver, operating system and charger (if available) to the office from March 20 -31.  All donations are tax-deductible.  For any questions, please email Alice Lee at



  • The Pizza My Heart on El Camino and El Monte will be hosting the YMCA @ Almond on Tuesday, March 21st. 30% of purchases made from 4pm-9pm that evening will be donated to our Annual Giving Campaign. All they have to do is mention "Almond Kids' Place" at the register. All of our staff will be there and many of our families are planning on coming so it would be great to have the teachers and non-YMCA families join us as well! I was hoping you'd be able to help me push this out to the school and maybe even all the teachers?
  • Also, on Friday, March 24th, we will be hosting a Parents Night Out from 6pm-10pm. We provide dinner and activities and give parents a night off. Non-YMCA kids are more than welcome! This will be donation based since it is to help us reach our campaign goal but we suggest our normal rate of $25 per child. Only requirement is that children must be potty trained. If anyone is interested in signing up they may reach me at


Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

  • It's time to plant tomatoes, dissect flowers, explore the plants used by the Ancient Civilizations, and harvest and make yummy pretzels from the winter wheat the students planted last Fall!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent!  LIving Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District.  No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed!  Our Spring Docent Training will take place Monday mornings in March from 9 - Noon on 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 and 3/27.  Please click HERE to view our Spring Training Flyer which lists the locations of each of our trainings.  Apprentice-style training also available to those who can’t make our Monday morning trainings.
  • Questions?  Email us at or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at


LASD NURSE - Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2017. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!


Starting with January, we will clear out the Lost & Found at the end of each month to keep it from getting ridiculously full.  Please put your child's name or at least a family name in your children's clothing and we will do our best to return it to you.  Remind your children to look in the Lost & Found regularly.  


LASD EdTalk – The LASD Student Math Experience
Wed, March 15, 2017, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT
Covington School Multipurpose Room, 205 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024

  • Join us for a presentation for parents and community members to learn about the expectations and learning experiences the students of Los Altos School District engage in during math class. The presentation will provide suggestions about how best to support your child in deeply learning mathematics.
  • Presenter: David Foster, Founder and Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI) and Co-Director of the Santa Clara Valley Math Project.
  • To register:


PTA Almond Community Service - Planting Vegetables at Hidden Villa!  RSVP Required

  • When:  Saturday, March 1110-12 pm
  • Where:  Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills
  • What:  Let’s get dirty, build community and help a wonderful local organization!  Come help Hidden Villa prepare their fields and plant vegetables!  Volunteers are welcome to stay after to hike and see farm animals.  We have reserved a covered area for those who want to stay for a picnic afterwards.  Light snacks will be provided.  Hidden Villa has 11 acres of sustainable, organic agriculture contributing to our local food security. The food they grow is sold at the Los Altos Farmers Market and is available to "shareholders" of the Community Supported Agriculture Program.  They also donate 25% of the annual harvest to our low-income neighbors through the Community Services Agency of Mountain View.  
  • RSVP:  Space is limited so please email to reserve your space and indicate number of people attending.  First come, first served.  



  • Egan Girl Scout Troop 61015 is hosting several after-school playdates at Almond as a fundraiser for our summer trip.
  • The troop will provide supervised play and activities to Almond students in grades K-3, and siblings ages 3 and up who are potty trained. Kids will have a lot of fun with board games, legos, arts and crafts, play time on the playground, and snacks will be provided. Most of the scouts have earned their babysitting badge and are Red Cross babysitting certified. Scouts will run the event, and several adults will be present to assist them.
  • The fee for each event is $25 per child and $10 for each additional sibling - you can pay at drop off or pick up. Parents who RSVP will be provided a permission slip to sign and turn in at the event(s). We will have extra copies to sign at check in.
  • All events will take place from 2:25-4:45pm in the Almond multi; click on each date to RSVP:  
  • We hope to see your child(ren) there! Please email Sara Elkin if you have any questions.


Girl Scout Junior Troop 61025 is Partnering with Kids for Peace
The 4th grade girl scout troop 61025 is working on a community service project along with Kids for PeaceWe are collecting the following items to help a new school in a small village in Kenya! We need glue sticks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, pencils, GOOD STRONG pencil sharpeners, markers, kid scissors, gauze, bandaids. We have put a box for the donations inside the Almond Office until Friday, March 17. Any donations will be matched with the money we earned from our cookie sales! We appreciate your help.


Speaker Series: Excellent Sheep: Reframing College as a Time for Self-Discovery

  • William Deresiewicz will give his perspective on how college should be a time for self-discovery, when young people can establish their own values and measures of success in order to forge their own path.

March 2, 2017


  • Friday, 3/3 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Tours (Egan Multi, 9:30am)
  • Tuesday, 3/7 - Minimum Day, School Ends at 12:15pm
  • Monday, 3/8 - Deadline to Sign Up for STEM Expo
  • Thursday, 3/16 - Bookwave Blast (Multi, 6-8pm)
  • Thursday, 3/30 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Panel (Egan Library, 7:00pm)
  • Friday, 3/31 - Incoming 7th Grade Student Tour & Elective Faire (Egan, 8:30am)
  • Monday, 4/3 - STEM Expo School Day Showcase
  • Tuesday, 4/4 - STEM Expo Community Night (Multi, 4:30pm - 6:00pm)
  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)


...from Mrs. Benadom


Last night’s Science Family Night was truly amazing!  There was a forensic fingerprint station, three tables of animal organs and parts, sound makers, laser challenges, bees, bats & other live animals, a Lego building room, and was SO MUCH FUN!

Children were enthralled and running from one spot to another.  Sixth grader volunteers hosted stations with a partner parent.  The excitement in the room was audible and it was the perfect way to end the day.


Science is a field that fosters curiosity, creativity, predictions, overcoming failure, experimentation, risk, the translation of ideas in words so others can understand, modeling, looking into the past, looking inside of things, looking to the future, observing, etc…

At Almond, our goal is to foster thinkers, not acquirers of knowledge and skills.  Tonight was a terrific example of what it looks and sounds like when minds are active and engaged.

Here are a few Tweets that captured the evening.
Mission ImpossibleBattyPhoto Collage


Thank you Bronwyn O’Malley, Christi Crosby, and Tara Larson for organizing this remarkable evening.  We are so blessed to have a PTA that sponsors such events.  Thank you also to the many parent volunteers and organizations that set up, served as educators for the evening, and who cleaned up.  YOU are a huge part of what makes Almond a very special place. 




  • Students in grades TK-6 can all participate in this great event on 4/3 & 4/4.  There are seven categories; Rube Goldberg (physics & engineering), Invention, Environmental Innovation, Engineering (Reverse), Engineering (Robotics), Scientific Inquiry, and Wearable Design.  View this link for additional information about the categories.  View this link for information specific to Almond School.
  • The intent to participate sign ups are due by March 9, 2017 (not 2/28 as indicated on the website.  Click here to register.


  • As many know, Almond has decided to support the cause of homelessness this year. This year’s goal is to raise $2,750! Money can be donated by check, bill, and/or coins. The classrooms have boxes to donate money. Donations will go towards CHP (Community Housing Partnership).
  • There were so many awesome crazy hair ideas on February 17th! Even the rain couldn't stop kids from letting their hair really stand out.
  • The next spirit day is Twin Day! This day will be taking place March 10th. Kids can have the opportunity to dress alike. Can't wait to see the twins and multiples at our school!

The District Nurses will be conducting Hearing screening at Almond for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th grades on Friday, March 3. If your child has a known hearing loss, please notify the Health Services Staff before the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form and call the parents of students who do not pass the Hearing screening.


PTA Almond Community Service - Planting Vegetables at Hidden Villa!  RSVP Required

  • When:  Saturday, March 1110-12 pm
  • Where:  Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills
  • What:  Let’s get dirty, build community and help a wonderful local organization!  Come help Hidden Villa prepare their fields and plant vegetables!  Volunteers are welcome to stay after to hike and see farm animals.  We have reserved a covered area for those who want to stay for a picnic afterwards.  Light snacks will be provided.  Hidden Villa has 11 acres of sustainable, organic agriculture contributing to our local food security. The food they grow is sold at the Los Altos Farmers Market and is available to "shareholders" of the Community Supported Agriculture Program.  They also donate 25% of the annual harvest to our low-income neighbors through the Community Services Agency of Mountain View.  
  • RSVP:  Space is limited so please email to reserve your space and indicate number of people attending.  First come, first served.  

LASD EdTalk – The LASD Student Math Experience
Wed, March 15, 2017, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT
Covington School Multipurpose Room, 205 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024

  • Join us for a presentation for parents and community members to learn about the expectations and learning experiences the students of Los Altos School District engage in during math class. The presentation will provide suggestions about how best to support your child in deeply learning mathematics.
  • Presenter: David Foster, Founder and Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI) and Co-Director of the Santa Clara Valley Math Project.
  • To register:


Starting with January, we will clear out the Lost & Found at the end of each month to keep it from getting ridiculously full.  Please put your child's name or at least a family name in your children's clothing and we will do our best to return it to you.  Remind your children to look in the Lost & Found regularly.  



Girl Scout Junior Troop 61025 is Partnering with Kids for Peace
The 4th grade girl scout troop 61025 is working on a community service project along with Kids for PeaceWe are collecting the following items to help a new school in a small village in Kenya! We need glue sticks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, pencils, GOOD STRONG pencil sharpeners, markers, kid scissors, gauze, bandaids. We have put a box for the donations inside the Almond Office until Friday, March 10. Any donations will be matched with the money we earned from our cookie sales! We appreciate your help.


Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.

Quick Links…

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

Almond Elementary School Website

Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District.  All rights reserved



February 17, 2017



  • Friday, 2/17 - Crazy Hair Spirit Day
  • Monday thru Friday, 2/20 to 2/24  - Holiday, Winter Recess (NO SCHOOL)
  • Wednesday, 3/1 - Family Science Night (Multi, 6:30-8pm)
  • Friday, 3/3 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Tours (Egan Multi, 9:30am)
  • Tuesday, 3/7 - Minimum Day, School Ends at 12:15pm
  • Thursday, 3/16 - Bookwave Blast (Multi, 6-8pm)
  • Thursday, 3/30 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Panel (Egan Library, 7:00pm)
  • Friday, 3/31 - Incoming 7th Grade Student Tour & Elective Faire (Egan, 8:30am)
  • Monday, 4/3 - STEM Expo School Day Showcase
  • Tuesday, 4/4 - STEM Expo Community Night (Multi, 4:30pm - 6:00pm)
  • Monday thru Friday, 4/10 to 4/14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • Saturday, 4/29 - LASD Junior Olympics (MVHS, 8am - 4pm)


...from the Almond Staff

The following are highlights from each grade level in regards to the current focus of instruction.


Counting to 20 and beyond.  Learning to put sounds together to make words and to chunk words.  Writing complete sentences with correct capitalization.  Learning about our 5 senses. Learning about our emotions and that it is “OK to be mad but not OK to be mean”.


Celebrated the 100th day of school: did 100 exercises, counted 100 snacks, made a 100 bead necklace.  Science - Arctic animals, wood and paper, went to Youth Science Institute: pond animals, insects, nature walk


Paying it Forward video (collaboration with buddies to film and edit) Finishing up Foss Plants and Animals. About to begin NGSS Light and Sound Unit. Opinion Writing. Place Value in math.


Second grade has been very excited as we begin our unit on our earth. We are integrating science and language arts and students become geologist and study rocks and their formations.  We have been able to compose written pieces describing rocks, their properties, and how they formed using nonfiction texts and observations.


Next week every third grader will have an opportunity share what they learned about one Famous American. They will use their presentation skills to teach others about people who have contributed much to make our country great.  They have been learning about character traits and what it takes to accomplish greatness.


In 4th grade we are working on math talks.  Students are given the same problem (this month is long division)  and they share different strategies to solve the problem.  This promotes student ownership of learning.  The students lead the discussion as the teacher becomes the recorder/ facilitator.  Verbalizing their process allows students to move from knowledge (the how) to understanding (the why/ what the number sentence represents).


In 5th grade we are working on taking ownership over our learning and sharing our learning with others.  Each 5th grader became an expert on one element on the periodic table and created posters to teach about that element.  Together, the 5th graders have nearly re-created the entire periodic table with element expert posters.  Students can’t stop admiring each other’s work and learning about our amazing elements!  


Many of our sixth graders are owning their learning by fulfilling their responsibilities to complete work, but others are not.  We are working hard to determine whether it is a “skill” vs. “will” issue.  What that means is - are students not participating because the learning is not accessible - OR - is it the will of the student who is not motivated to do so.  We are exploring how we might celebrate those owning their learning and better motivate those not doing so. Ask your child what they are getting accomplished in class. Are they coming prepared to class? Are they owning their learning?  Or evading the hard work of growing their brains?


Almond STEM celebrates Engineering Week with the Pasta Challenge! TK-6 students are invited to build something completely from pasta and bring it to school for display on Friday, March 3, 2017 to Room 5.


Students from China will be visiting in April.  We’re starting the planning process.



  • Please help us fight homelessness! Our goal is to raise $2,750. Money can be donated by check or case to the containers in each classroom.  All donations will be donated to Almond has decided to fight homelessness this year. Ilanit, Nisha, and Shannon are helping the student council fight this cause.  Our donations to (CHP) Community Housing Partnership will help buy materials for their Learning Academy, which trains and prepares people without homes to get and keep a job. The class with the most money donated for March will get a pizza party, the class with the most money for April will get an ice cream party, and the overall class with the most money will get a popcorn and movie party. Keep your eye out for the informational posters hung around school created by the 3rd-6th grade Student Council Representatives.
  • Tomorrow is crazy hair day! We look forward to seeing lots of crazy hair! Make sure to get as creative as possible.

LAEF:  Get Matched in February
Love is in the air this week, and two LASD families have offered to match your LAEF donation! That means that all NEW donations and any dollar you give OVER your donation amount last year will be doubled, up to $20,000. Celebrate this Valentine’s Day and get matched by giving to LAEF at


LAEF Celebrates the 100th Day of School
Did you know that LAEF pays for teachers at every school enhancing your child’s education every day? LAEF funds STEM, PE, Art, Computer Science, Music, Library, smaller class sizes in K-3 and an Instructional Support Teacher for Math.  Learn more at about what your child has learned in his or her first 100 days, thanks to contributions to LAEF.


Family Science Night is Wednesday March 1st 6:30-8 pm. 
It's an Almond PTA sponsored event with a pizza and bake sale too! Enjoy a fun night, where children (TK-6th) can explore 25+ hands on stations. Check out Stanford Optical Society's lazer maze, make slime, create with Kidizens in the STEM lab, observe Bees, Bats, Reptiles and more!



  • Don't forget that you can order Hot Lunch by midnight every Sunday for the upcoming week!
  • You can always change, add or cancel orders during the session. There is a lot of flexibility in the ordering system so your child always has the option of trying something new.
  • It is advised that you print your child's calendar to verify that you have orders for the week. This will give you the opportunity to view all days ordered and to check for accuracy.
    If you used the Quick Order Option, please double check all entries when viewing your child's calendar. This option will only select 120 days of orders per session.
  • Thank you!


  • Please join us for the 2017 Bookwave Blast.  The event will be on Thursday, March 16, from 6-8 pm.  Bring your family and peruse all of this year's books, be inspired by our guest author, Arree Chung, and take home your child's masterpiece! It promises to be a fun family evening.  Light refreshments will be served.  No author at your house this year?  You can still join us for the Blast.  This is an Almond Community event and all are invited to come!  Please complete the google form here to RSVP for the event, so we can plan accordingly.  ~ The Bookwave Team
  • About the Author:  Arree Chung makes picture books, but he did a lot of other things before finding his true passion.  Arree began his career in consulting where he made lots of spreadsheets.  Arree left the consulting field for an opportunity at Pixar.  At Pixar, Arree learned the secret to success: loving what you do.  To pursue his passion, Arree enrolled at the Art Center College of Design where he learned to draw, paint, and think differently.  In Steven Turk's Children's Book Illustration class, Arree discovered his love for creating children's picture books and the rest is history!  In the past decade, Arree has worked in the games industry as a Designer and Art Director.  Arree’s first debut picture book, “Ninja!” hits shelves June 3rd, 2014.  When Arree is not practicing his Ninja moves, you can find him playing basketball or riding his bike.

The district will hold a DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee) meeting on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 8:45am in the district Board Room. All are welcome to attend.


ALMOND COMMUNITY SERVICE - Planting Vegetables at Hidden Villa!  RSVP Required
When:  Saturday, March 11, 10-12 pm 
Where:  Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills
What:  Let’s get dirty, build community and help a wonderful local organization!  Come help Hidden Villa prepare their fields and plant vegetables!  Volunteers are welcome to stay after to hike and see farm animals.  We have reserved a covered area for those who want to stay for a picnic afterwards.  Light snacks will be provided.  Hidden Villa has 11 acres of sustainable, organic agriculture contributing to our local food security. The food they grow is sold at the Los Altos Farmers Market and is available to "shareholders" of the Community Supported Agriculture Program.  They also donate 25% of the annual harvest to our low-income neighbors through the Community Services Agency of Mountain View.  
RSVP:  Space is limited so please email to reserve your space and indicate number of people attending.  First come, first served.  



Starting with January, we will clear out the Lost & Found at the end of each month to keep it from getting ridiculously full.  Please put your child's name or at least a family name in your children's clothing and we will do our best to return it to you.  Remind your children to look in the Lost & Found regularly.  


Los Altos Library to Celebrate Extended Hours

  • Hosts Puppet Show featuring The Fratello Marionettes on Sat. Feb. 18
    • WHO: The Los Altos Library
    • WHAT: The Los Altos Library will host a special celebration in honor of the library’s new extended hours of operation.
      • New hours as of Tuesday, January 3, 2017
        • Monday – Thursday: 10 am – 9 pm
        • Friday – Sunday       10 am – 7 pm
    • WHY: In October 2016, the North County Library Authority voted unanimously to fund an additional five hours each week in the library’s schedule. The new hours are reflective of the suggestions and wishes of over 500 Los Altos Library users who completed a SCCLD survey last spring. Their responses provided valuable input into various library offerings, including additional hours of operation should funds become available.
    • WHEN/WHERE: Saturday, February 18, 2017, 11 am, Los Altos Library, Orchard Room, 13 S. San Antonio Road Los Altos, CA 94022, 650-948-7683
  • ABOUT THE SHOW: The public is invited to join The Fratello Marionettes as they perform “Aladdin,” a free puppet show in the Orchard Room of the Los Altos Library. “Aladdin,” one of the most popular legends from “1001 Arabian Nights,” tells the story of a young boy who finds himself enlisted by an evil sorcerer in search of a magic lamp.  Watch as Aladdin thwarts the evil sorcerer, discovers the magical lamp, befriends the powerful genie, and saves the princess.  Traditional music and intricate costumes showcase storytelling from ancient cultures of the Far East.
  • The event is free and open to the public. No reservations required. Remarks from local dignitaries will follow the performance. For more information on the Santa Clara County Library District, visit:


  • Time is running out for Early Bird fee discount so register TODAY for SRVCPTA’s Parenting Conference and save $10 off of the regular $45 registration fee by Friday, February 17! Whether you are a parent, educator or someone who works with kids & teens, you’ll want to check out our great lineup of speakers & topics for this year. Along with a keynote address and book signing by Michele Borba on her recent book, UnSelfie: How Empathetic Kids Succeed In An All-About-Me World, there will be 17 session selections for you to choose from. Topics include: Executive functioning for kids & teens, Preparing your child for the online world, Nutrition for healthy sleep and stress reduction, College preparation & funding strategies, Multi-cultural parenting, How to talk to kids about LGBTQ issues, Raising a special needs family, Manifesting mindfulness to kindfulness, and much more! Continental breakfast bar, lunch, and the opportunity to pick up information from our Vendor Row are also included in this day of learning!
  • For updates, full descriptions of session topics, speaker bios, conference schedule and more information on the Parenting Conference, go to 

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