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November 3, 2016
Greetings Almond Community,
Happy first week of November. May this month of Thanksgiving be filled with blessings and gratitude for the bounties in our lives.
As a lover of photography, this TEDxSF talk captivated me. Louie Schwartzberg shared, “to see them move is a dance I’ll never get tired of.” He was speaking of flowers and nature.
For me, the dance that enchants my soul is the journey of childhood and learning. I open my heart to the 539 unique flowers that grow, transform, and blossom at Almond on a daily basis. I welcome them with gratitude for their individual beauty.
Thank you to all those who water the flowers, to those who prune them a bit when needed, and who work together to ensure that each gets its appropriate amount of sunlight and nutrients. They are blossoming because of you.
With abundant appreciation,
Erika Benadom - Almond Principal
If you are interested in supporting small group instruction for students in grades 1 and 2, please let me (Mrs. Benadom) know. We are still looking for a caring adult to work under the supervision of our first and second grade teams to support learning in mastering literacy.
There are many items in the Lost & Found racks! Please come look for your family's missing jackets and other belongings. And a note to the wise: if you write your student's name on things, we do our best to return things to their owners! We will be bagging up all items and donating them to those in need the Friday before the week of Thanksgiving.
LAEF: Good news is coming soon!
We are busy processing donations from the many families who donated in support of our $100,000 Matching Challenge LAEF’s Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle. As of Friday 10/28, we were within a few hundred dollars of meeting the match. Stay tuned for good news and in the meantime a big thank you to the 1,520 families who have already contributed to LAEF to pay for essential enrichment teachers and program staff for this year’s programs. To learn more about LAEF, pledge or donate, go to
LAEF: Have you ordered your Holiday Cards? Buy from Tiny Prints & support LAEF
It’s that time of the year! By ordering your Thanksgiving or Holiday Cards through Tiny Prints at, you’ll save on your cards and LAEF will receive a donation from every order!
Left Over (or Too Much) Halloween Candy? Please Donate to Almond's Halloween Candy Collection Drive......
Don't know what to do with all that Halloween Candy that your kids collected or you just didn't hand out? Please consider donating it to the Halloween Candy Drive! Almond Community Services is conducting its annual candy drive - to help YOU get rid of all the candy and to help OUR TROOPS abroad. From November 1st through November 8th, please bring in your wrapped candies and drop it in the marked box in the main office. All candy donated will be shipped to Operation Care and Comfort (a non-profit organization) which creates care packages for our troops abroad using the donate candy. For more information on Operation Care and Comfort please visit their website ( If you have any questions please contact Seema Chavan or Polly Liu.
PARENT CONFERENCES, a note from Mrs. Benadom
The goal of parent conferences is to set aside time on 11/21 & 11/22 for a face to face conversations with families about learning. Of course we hope that many families will be able to partake in this experience on these two days. Please know that it is not mandatory.
A challenge exists in our current construct for parent conferences. The days reside during Thanksgiving week when many of our families plan vacations and travel. This reality presents a challenge for our teaching staff. The two days that our district has set aside for conversations about learning are underutilized and teachers must then offer conferences outside of these two days in order to maintain a close connection with parents.
In grades TK-4, conferences will remain at the homeroom level. Any conference requests from parents outside of 11/21 & 11/22 will be based on the teacher’s availability. Grades 5/6 are more complex due to regrouping and rotations. A teacher potentially sees 120+ students. If a family requests conferences outside of the designated days (11/21 & 11/22), we will collect this request and get back to you with an alternate day. Almond will provide an additional sub day to teachers in grade 5/6 for conferences that were not able to be held in November.
The Project Cornerstone program at Loyola is hosting Officer Ryan Langone for a digital safety presentation on Wednesday, November 9th at 7 p.m. and has invited parents from across the district to attend. HERE is the flyer is andHERE is the link for registering.
"Inland Voyage" presented by Marine Science Institute @ The Lost Altos Library on Saturday, November 5
Children ages 4 and up will learn about the influence of the tides on the rocky shore and the animals survive in he harsh conditions of the tidepool habitat. They will have the opportunity to handle live fishes and invertebrates, and examine how they are adapted to life in the rocky intertidal. (Registration is required)
Session 1: 1 PM (ages 4 & 5)
Session 2: 2 PM (ages 6, 7, & 8)
Session 3: 3 PM (ages 9-12)
Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
October 27, 2016
Greetings Almond Community,
1. able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
Another way that I’ve described this to my own children is, “Doing what’s right even when no one is looking. Not cutting corners just because you can. Being a person of integrity.”
On an annual (sometimes weekly, and other times daily) basis, I remind Almond students that our walkways are for feet, not wheels. This expectation is not simply in place to torture them and to make their lives miserable (although they might feel that way).
At the front of school by the crosswalk on the street, there is a narrow walkway that leads to the front of school. At the back of the campus is a narrow paved path that follows the field to lead to the blacktop.
Between the hours of approximately 8:00am and 8:30am, hundreds of students (some parents and young siblings) are making their way onto campus to start their days. Between the hours of approximately 2:25pm and 3:15pm (MTWF, Th. is a different time frame ;-)), hundreds of students (some parents and young siblings) are exiting the campus for afternoon activities. During both of these times the blacktop is filled with students waiting for school to begin or to connect with their buddies to walk home.
In order to keep these hundreds of human beings safe, it is necessary that they completely dismount their wheeled transportation (bikes, skateboards, scooters, rollerblades) and walk the entire way on campus and off campus. This includes the adults that accompany our students.
Please speak with your children about this expectation and ask for their support in being trustworthy. This is one way that they can demonstrate respect for the safety of others and where they can practice self control. Someday these young people will be behind the wheel of a car. Someday these young people will have phones. The evidence of the dangers of texting or answering a phone call while driving is overwhelming. They will need to dig deep and not answer that ding when it sounds. Getting off their wheeled vehicle is a great place for them to start executing restraint.
Erika Benadom - Almond Principal
Rain or Shine - The Halloween Carnival will go on! We'll just relocate our fun to the multi in the case of rain and see you there!
LAEF: $100K Challenge Match Deadline is around the corner!
Left Over (or Too Much) Halloween Candy? Please Donate to Almond's Halloween Candy Collection Drive......
Don't know what to do with all that Halloween Candy that your kids collected or you just didn't hand out? Please consider donating it to the Halloween Candy Drive! Almond Community Services is conducting its annual candy drive - to help YOU get rid of all the candy and to help OUR TROOPS abroad. From November 1st through November 8th, please bring in your wrapped candies and drop it in the marked box in the main office. All candy donated will be shipped to Operation Care and Comfort (a non-profit organization) which creates care packages for our troops abroad using the donate candy. For more information on Operation Care and Comfort please visit their website ( If you have any questions please contact Seema Chavan or Polly Liu.
Carve out some family fun and submit your best decorated pumpkin for the Almond Halloween Carnival Pumpkin Decorating contest. Drop off your entry at the Rotunda during Drop Off on Friday, October 28. They will be on display all day. Ribbons and Prizes (provided by SUGAR BABY SWEET SHOPPE in Downtown Los Altos) will be awarded for "Scariest", "Funniest" and " Most Creative" in two age groups (3rd Grade and Below and 4th Grade and Above). Winners will be posted after school on the same day and prizes can be picked up during the Halloween Carnival. Pumpkins should be picked up and taken with you on your way home from the carnival. For more information contact: Lesley Sehnert at
SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL (SSC), Tuesday, 11/1, Library, 3:05pm
This council is a group of parents and school staff who meet together to provide input and review goals. This year, the Almond SSC will focus on next steps for bringing alive the mission and vision, while also focusing on school climate and how to create an environment that is inclusive of all types of learners. We will also generate a survey that seeks input from the community on a variety of school matters. If you are interested in participating, please join us at the date/time above. It will be a structured meeting where input will be gathered in an interactive way. It is not a sit and get, but a roll up your sleeves type of setting. Hope to see you there. Here is a draft agenda.
PRINCIPAL COFFEE, Thursday, 11/3, Library, 8:35am
The Almond staff is eager to ensure our families are aware of their children’s academic progress. We have been spending time updating PowerSchool so that you are able to monitor mastery towards standards. At this principal coffee, I will have a cart of computers available for you to log into your child’s account. I will talk through the shift in paradigm from a collection of assignments and tests to a report on standards based progress. You will see a sample report card and there will be plenty of time to ask questions. I hope to see you there. - Mrs. Benadom
PARENT CONFERENCES, a note from Mrs. Benadom
The goal of parent conferences is to set aside time on 11/21 & 11/22 for a face to face conversations with families about learning. Of course we hope that many families will be able to partake in this experience on these two days. Please know that it is not mandatory.
A challenge exists in our current construct for parent conferences. The days reside during Thanksgiving week when many of our families plan vacations and travel. This reality presents a challenge for our teaching staff. The two days that our district has set aside for conversations about learning are underutilized and teachers must then offer conferences outside of these two days in order to maintain a close connection with parents.
In grades TK-4, conferences will remain at the homeroom level. Any conference requests from parents outside of 11/21 & 11/22 will be based on the teacher’s availability. Grades 5/6 are more complex due to regrouping and rotations. A teacher potentially sees 120+ students. If a family requests conferences outside of the designated days (11/21 & 11/22), we will collect this request and get back to you with an alternate day. Almond will provide an additional sub day to teachers in grade 5/6 for conferences that were not able to be held in November.
We have been hearing from parents that the information in PowerSchool is not up to date and not scored. We finally got to the bottom of it yesterday at our staff meeting. Please see THIS link. While it appears that there is no “score,” there in fact is but you have to click the blue rectangular icon to expand the standards associated with the entry. I will speak more about this at the upcoming coffee.
Community Service Event - Food Pantry Volunteer Event (back by popular demand)!
Thank you to everyone who joined us last week at the food pantry - it was great to see our families hard at work helping others on a Thursday afternoon! Since we had families on the waitlist, we’re adding another event! Please join us to help fill emergency food boxes, sort cans, and stock shelves in the food pantry at the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP). EHP is an independent, non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, household essentials, support and advocacy to the needy in their local community. Limited spots available - first come, first served.
When: Thursday, November 3rd, 3:30-4:30pm
Where: Ecumenical Hunger Program, 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto
RSVP: Email Polly ( with # of people attending
Deadline to RSVP: Tuesday, October 25
NOTE: Adult Supervision required - this is NOT a drop-off event.
The Project Cornerstone program at Loyola is hosting Officer Ryan Langone for a digital safety presentation on Wednesday, November 9th at 7 p.m. and has invited parents from across the district to attend. HERE is the flyer is and HERE is the link for registering.
October 20, 2016
Greetings Almond Community,
For the past three years I have been Almond’s principal. During that time I have had the privilege of getting to know many amazing children and their families. I have also worked with an incredible staff. As we have spent time together, we have built relationships. I have authored approximately 125 weekly messages and participated in countless meetings with individuals, small groups, and larger audiences. It has come to my attention that some of my written messages and verbal communications have been considered condescending in tone. Because I take feedback seriously, I have not dismissed these remarks and have instead lent them much thought.
Please accept my apology for any message that I have delivered which resulted in a sentiment of judgement or lack of openness and transparency on my part. That was never my intent.
Through reflection it has become clear to me that on some occasions I have allowed relationships to establish a casual style of communication into which I injected humor, sarcasm, or emotion at a time or in a setting that was not appropriate. I am sorry for permitting a sense of familiarity to lead to a tenor of disrespect.
Education is a very different profession than any other because it involves your children. This demands a level of formality and objectivity of which I lost sight. I will be certain to be more mindful of this in all my future communications.
With great respect and humility,
Erika Benadom - Almond Principal
Boo! Come one, come all to the Almond PTA Halloween Carnival on Friday, October 28, from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm!
We’ll have all the favorites: Games, decorations, music, food, pumpkin-carving contest and the ever-popular Cupcake Walk. The kids love it, and the proceeds benefit our school. The carnival is run by student and parent volunteers, so please sign up to volunteerhere. Put it on your calendar now...and we’ll see you there. Parent costumes are optional, but always add to the fun! For questions about the Halloween Carnival, please contact Amy Heath, Halloween Carnival Lead, at
The Halloween Carnival Needs YOU
Almond's Annual Halloween Carnival is Friday, October 28, from 3:30pm - 5:30pm and we need your help. There are many opportunities to help out, so please sign up here (first tab on the left). If you have children who are Almond alums, they can help too (sign-up sheet is the second tab from the left). The Halloween Carnival is run by student and parent volunteers, and all proceeds go to our school. Thanks in advance for your support.
SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL (SSC), Tuesday, 11/1, Library, 3:05pm
This council is a group of parents and school staff who meet together to provide input and review goals. This year, the Almond SSC will focus on next steps for bringing alive the mission and vision, while also focusing on school climate and how to create an environment that is inclusive of all types of learners. We will also generate a survey that seeks input from the community on a variety of school matters. If you are interested in participating, please join us at the date/time above. It will be a structured meeting where input will be gathered in an interactive way. It is not a sit and get, but a roll up your sleeves type of setting. Hope to see you there. Here is a draft agenda.
PRINCIPAL COFFEE, Thursday, 11/3, Library, 8:35am
The Almond staff is eager to ensure our families are aware of their children’s academic progress. We have been spending time updating PowerSchool so that you are able to monitor mastery towards standards. At this principal coffee, I will have a cart of computers available for you to log into your child’s account. I will talk through the shift in paradigm from a collection of assignments and tests to a report on standards based progress. You will see a sample report card and there will be plenty of time to ask questions. I hope to see you there. - Mrs. Benadom
PARENT CONFERENCES, a note from Mrs. Benadom
The goal of parent conferences is to set aside time on 11/21 & 11/22 for a face to face conversations with families about learning. Of course we hope that many families will be able to partake in this experience on these two days. Please know that it is not mandatory.
A challenge exists in our current construct for parent conferences. The days reside during Thanksgiving week when many of our families plan vacations and travel. This reality presents a challenge for our teaching staff. The two days that our district has set aside for conversations about learning are underutilized and teachers must then offer conferences outside of these two days in order to maintain a close connection with parents.
In grades TK-4, conferences will remain at the homeroom level. Any conference requests from parents outside of 11/21 & 11/22 will be based on the teacher’s availability. Grades 5/6 are more complex due to regrouping and rotations. A teacher potentially sees 120+ students. If a family requests conferences outside of the designated days (11/21 & 11/22), we will collect this request and get back to you with an alternate day. Almond will provide an additional sub day to teachers in grade 5/6 for conferences that were not able to be held in November.
We have been hearing from parents that the information in PowerSchool is not up to date and not scored. We finally got to the bottom of it yesterday at our staff meeting. Please see THIS link. While it appears that there is no “score,” there in fact is but you have to click the blue rectangular icon to expand the standards associated with the entry. I will speak more about this at the upcoming coffee.
LAEF: Two weeks and $17,350 to go! Help LAEF meet our $100K Challenge Match by 10/31.
The LAEF Phonathon was a big success with 119 parents, LASD staff, and community volunteers calling 1,000 families. Thank you! In the past two weeks, 202 families have pledged or donated a total of $284,858 (and counting!). The exciting news is that we have already reached $82,650 in new and increased donations towards our $100,000 Challenge Match deadline on 10/31. It’s not too late to double your gift. To learn more about LAEF, pledge or donate, go to
The district will hold the first DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee) meeting on Friday, October 21, 2016 at 8:45am. The meeting will be held in the iLearn Studio adjacent to the district office at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos. All are welcome to attend. Call Nancy McSweeney at 650-947-1155 with any questions.
Carve out some family fun and submit your best decorated pumpkin for the Almond Halloween Carnival Pumpkin Decorating contest. Drop off your entry at the Rotunda during Drop Off on Friday, October 28. They will be on display all day. Ribbons and Prizes (provided by SUGAR BABY SWEET SHOPPE in Downtown Los Altos) will be awarded for "Scariest", "Funniest" and " Most Creative" in two age groups (3rd Grade and Below and 4th Grade and Above). Winners will be posted after school on the same day and prizes can be picked up during the Halloween Carnival. Pumpkins should be picked up and taken with you on your way home from the carnival. For more information contact: Lesley Sehnert at
Community Service Event - Food Pantry Volunteer Event (back by popular demand)!
Thank you to everyone who joined us last week at the food pantry - it was great to see our families hard at work helping others on a Thursday afternoon! Since we had families on the waitlist, we’re adding another event! Please join us to help fill emergency food boxes, sort cans, and stock shelves in the food pantry at the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP). EHP is an independent, non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, household essentials, support and advocacy to the needy in their local community. Limited spots available - first come, first served.
When: Thursday, November 3rd, 3:30-4:30pm
Where: Ecumenical Hunger Program, 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto
RSVP: Email Polly ( with # of people attending
Deadline to RSVP: Tuesday, October 25
NOTE: Adult Supervision required - this is NOT a drop-off event.
The Project Cornerstone program at Loyola is hosting Officer Ryan Langone for a digital safety presentation on Wednesday, November 9th at 7 p.m. and has invited parents from across the district to attend. HERE is the flyer is and HERE is the link for registering.
SELPA 1 CAC Coffee Talk - Special Education 101
THE WALKATHON SILENT AUCTION is also in full swing!
A few friendly reminders for the day:
Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
Barbara Daniels and Suzanne Jensen (Walkathon Co-Chairs) and Darren Crawford (Walkathon Silent Auction Chair)
The carnival is run by student and parent volunteers - Please contact Wendy McDowell ( to volunteer. We especially need volunteers for the set up and clean up crews.
Carve out some family fun and submit your best decorated pumpkin for the Almond Halloween Carnival Pumpkin Decorating contest. Drop off your entry at the Rotunda during Drop Off on Friday, October 28. They will be on display all day. Ribbons and Prizes (provided by SUGAR BABY SWEET SHOPPE in Downtown Los Altos) will be awarded for "Scariest" "Funniest" and " Most Creative" in two age groups (3rd Grade and Below and 4th Grade and Above). Winners will be posted after school on the same day and prizes can be picked up during the Halloween Carnival. Pumpkins should be picked up and taken home on your way home from the carnival. For more information contact: Lesley Sehnert at
Project Cornerstone ABC Reading
LAEF: $37,380 to go to meet LAEF’s $100,000 Challenge Match by 10/31
The time is counting down to get your donation matched by the LAEF Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle, up to a total of $100,000! Special thanks to the 78 families who made their first donation OR increased their donation during our phonathon. It’s not too late to double your gift and help fund district-wide enrichment teachers and program staff in addition to smaller classes in K-3 and 7-8. To learn more, pledge or donate at
LAEF: Have you checked out the LAEF Annual Report 2015/16?
Learn more about the amazing difference our community of supporters made in the well-rounded education of our students’ last year. Check it out at Thank you! Annual Report 2015/16 Link:
Community Service Event - Food Pantry Volunteer Event (back by popular demand)!
Thank you to everyone who joined us last week at the food pantry - it was great to see our families hard at work helping others on a Thursday afternoon! Since we had families on the waitlist, we’re adding another event! Please join us to help fill Emergency Food boxes, sort cans, and stock shelves in the food Pantry at the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP). EHP is an independent, non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, household essentials, support and advocacy to the needy in their local community. Limited spots available - First come, first served.
When: Thursday, November 3rd, 3:30-4:30pm
Where: Ecumenical Hunger Program, 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto
RSVP: Email Polly ( with # of people attending
Deadline to RSVP: Tuesday, October 25
NOTE: Adult Supervision required - this is NOT a drop-off event.
The Project Cornerstone program at Loyola is hosting Officer Ryan Langone for a digital safety presentation on Wednesday, November 9th at 7 p.m. and has invited parents from across the district to attend. HERE is the flyer is and HERE is the link for registering.
MVLA PARENT EDUCATION - Parenting with Presence: Raising Confident and Caring Kids by Susan Stiffelman
“Our children can be our greatest teachers…” Parenting expert Susan Stiffelman will talk about how the behaviors that push our buttons can help us build awareness, allowing us to raise our children with ease and enjoyment. With stories and practical advice, Susan will teach us how to become the parents we most want to be while raising confident, caring children and teens.
SELPA 1 CAC Coffee Talk - Special Education 101
ALMOND THURSDAY WORD - October 6, 2016
“There is a sweet spot where ‘originals’ seem to live...Look, being original is not easy. But I have no doubt about this; it’s the best way to improve the world around us.” - Adam Grant’s (professor at Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania) TED Talk: The surprising habits of original thinkers
Today I spent the day with some of my esteemed LASD peers visiting a school of original thinkers in Poway, San Diego at Design 39 Campus. This remarkable school follows its North Star of “developing complex thinkers who elevate humanity.” While visiting a classroom, I met a 1st grader named Ava who gave my friend and me a tour. As she transitioned us from one space to the next, she explained that this was where she went to learn in her “sweet spot.” Fluidity permeated every corner of the campus. There was a deep sense of ownership of learning and profound trust in the capacity of every member to contribute worth. The COD (chief door opener - aka principal) shared openly the successes and challenges that this community of learners has experienced together.
Almond and LASD educators - I am so proud of OUR work.
“Being original is NOT easy. But I have no doubt about this; it’s the best way to improve the world around us.”
Our tireless pursuit to reimagine the learning experience for children, will “elevate humanity.” The masterful blending of WHAT we want students to know > understand with innovative practices in HOW they learn - is the key.
Stay the course.
I am with you every step of the way.
LAEF: It’s LAEF Phonathon Week!
Our volunteers and LASD staff are busy making calls to help LAEF meet our $3.7M goal and to encourage 100% participation from every district family. We just hit the $1M mark, and it’s not too late to help LAEF pay for our amazing enrichment teachers and program staff for THIS school year. To learn more, pledge or donate at
LAEF: The LAEF Annual Report 2015/16 is Here
Our board of parent volunteers would like to recognize the amazing difference our community of supporters made in our classrooms last year. We are pleased to share our 2015-16 Annual Report. Check it out at, and you’ll learn more about which two newly-expanded programs received 42% of our grant, why 2,193 donors contributed, the Los Altos Art Docents’ big anniversary, and how 600 families doubled their donation. Thank you!
Carve out some family fun and submit your best decorated pumpkin for the Almond Halloween Carnival Pumpkin Decorating contest. Drop off your entry at the Rotunda during Drop Off on Friday, October 28. They will be on display all day. Prizes will be awarded for "Scariest" "Funniest" and " Most Creative" in two age groups (3rd Grade and Below and 4th Grade and Above). Winners will be posted after school on the same day and prizes can be picked up during the Halloween Carnival. Pumpkins should be picked up and taken home on your way home from the carnival. For more information contact: Lesley Sehnert at
The Project Cornerstone program at Loyola is hosting Officer Ryan Langone for a digital safety presentation on Wednesday, November 9th at 7 p.m. and has invited parents from across the district to attend. HERE is the flyer is and HERE is the link for registering.
MVLA PARENT EDUCATION - Parenting with Presence: Raising Confident and Caring Kids by Susan Stiffelman
“Our children can be our greatest teachers…” Parenting expert Susan Stiffelman will talk about how the behaviors that push our buttons can help us build awareness, allowing us to raise our children with ease and enjoyment. With stories and practical advice, Susan will teach us how to become the parents we most want to be while raising confident, caring children and teens.
SELPA 1 CAC - Let's Talk
A chance to ask questions and share ideas, resources, and support with other parents of students with IEPs, 504s, learning differences, mental health challenges, etc. All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality. Monday October 10, 2016, 10 am - 12 pm - in the Orchard Community Room, Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Road.
SELPA 1 CAC Coffee Talk - Special Education 101
September 29, 2016
Thursday, 9/29
Early Release Dismissal
TK/K = 1:10pm, Gr 1-2 = 1:20pm, Gr 3-6 = 1:40pm
Tuesday, 10/4 - LAEF Phonathon
Wednesday, 10/5 -
LAEF Phonathon
International Walk to School Day
Thursday, 10/6 - Food Pantry Volunteer Event (sign up required)
10/11 thru 10/15 - Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 10/12 - Photo Make Up Day
Thursday 10/13 - Minimum Day (Dismissal at 12:15pm)
Saturday, 10/15 - Almond Walkathon
Wednesday 10/26 - PTA General Meeting (Multi, 8:30am)
Friday 10/28 - Halloween Carnival (Blacktop, 3:30pm)
Friday 11/11 - Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
Principal Coffee
Approximately 30 parents attended. Thank you. It was wonderful to spend this time with you.
Here is the presentation. I did my very best to add notes to summarize what I spoke about.
We did have a Q&A session at the end and I very much appreciated the questions and comments that came forth. I was not able to stay for an extended amount of time but do invite any of you to reach out to me while I’m in the front of campus (virtually every morning and afternoon, sometimes standing by myself admiring the blue sky), or you may email me, or schedule an appointment with Jane.
Student Council Elections
As I headed down the hallway towards the lunch tables on Monday, I heard this.
Male Student A: “I’m only going to vote for a boy.”
Male Student B: “If you do that, that’s sexist. I’m going to vote for someone and she happens to be a girl.”
The vote these two students were discussing was Almond Student Council elections.
While supervising lunch with the upper grade students, I came upon this conversation.
Student A: “It’s not the actual percentage of votes that wins the presidency. It’s how many states each candidate gets. Even though [candidate*] has less states, s/he* has states with more value.”
[I stopped and listened with a smiled, marveling at the lunchtime discourse of one American student explaining “our” system to two Australian students.]
Mrs. Benadom: “You are describing the Electoral College system. I love that you are talking about this and am so impressed by your understanding.”
On Friday, Almond candidates will be delivering speeches regarding what qualifies them to hold a particular office with our student council. Every single student who is running is a winner. To stand in front of the electorate and speak, takes courage. I look forward to hearing their words and hope you are able to join us on Friday.
Adjustments to Lunch
I interviewed 3 people who will be joining the yard duty team. I created this document to provide clarity and guidance regarding expectations. I have made personnel adjustments.
On Wednesday I was present at the lunch tables from 12:00pm - 12:40pm. I asked lower grade students who needed more time NOT TO LEAVE so that I could provide them the time they needed. I was very explicit in that they were not required to leave. Less than 10 students remained. I did the same for upper grade students. Three students remained.
On Friday morning, the LASD maintenance staff will be re-orienting the nut free tables so that they face the same direction as the other tables, but are still a safe place for those with nut allergies. We have umbrellas that will keep them covered with shade. We will be adding 3 tables that will have signs that identify them as “NEED MORE TIME” tables. Lower grade students who want remain after 12:20pm will be encouraged to use these tables. In addition, lunch will be served a bit early to upper grade students so that those who want to start a bit earlier, may do so.
In addition, I gave the Hot Lunch chair my blessing to work with a former Santa Rita parent to explore different serving options to expedite the lines.
Please join us for International Walk to School Day on Wednesday 10/5 from 8-8:30am. Walk, roll, or bike to school along Almond Avenue and enjoy bagels and juice in the Rotunda when you arrive. The Los Altos Police Department, the LAHS Marching Band, and the Almond Eagle will be joining us. The band will play a quick concert on the Blacktop at 8:15am. Wear your favorite Almond Shirt and show your school pride. Please contact Christi Crosby at for more information. Hope to see you on the way to school!
Carve out some family fun and submit your best decorated pumpkin for the Almond Halloween Carnival Pumpkin Decorating contest. Drop off your entry at the Rotunda during Drop Off on Friday, October 28. They will be on display all day. Prizes will be awarded for "Scariest" "Funniest" and " Most Creative" in two age groups (3rd Grade and Below and 4th Grade and Above). Winners will be posted after school on the same day and prizes can be picked up during the Halloween Carnival. Pumpkins should be picked up and taken home on your way home from the carnival. For more information contact: Lesley Sehnert at
The Almond A Team played Gardner Bullis on Monday and won by a score of 19-2.
The Almond B Team played Oak and won by a score of 19-12.
THIS Friday, the Almond A Team will be playing against Springer Elementary at 4pm, at Almond. The B Team will be playing Gardner Bullis at Almond at the same time.
It would be great if we could get some Almond supporters out there to cheer on their school. We’ll see you on Friday!
LAEF: Save Us A Call! LAEF’s Phonathon is next week
Have you made your annual contribution to LAEF? We would love to take you off our call list, so please go to today and make your tax-deductible donation or pledge by September 30th. If you’re a first-time donor or if you increase your gift to LAEF this year, it will be doubled by the LAEF’s Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle, up to $100,000. Thank you!
Are you already an LAEF supporter?
We need you! Join the fun and help us meet our $3.7M goal by signing up for our phonathon on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4th & 5th. You’ll enjoy a cheap (free!) date night with a gourmet spread, flowing wine and enjoyable banter with parents and teachers. There are many ways to help, both on the phone and behind the scenes. Sign up now at
EXPANDING HELPING HANDS PROGRAM - The Helping Hands Program is looking for volunteers! This program is designed to help the First Graders adjust to being at the "Big Kid" lunch tables and playground, but really it is beneficial for all grades (1-6).
September 22, 2016
9/21 thru 10/15 - Stuffed Animal Collection in Office
Thursday, 9/22
Early Release Dismissal
TK/K = 1:10pm, Gr 1-2 = 1:20pm, Gr 3-6 = 1:40pm
Friday, 9/23 - Staff Development Day (No School)
Wednesday, 9/28
Vision screening for grades K, 2, 5
Principal Coffee re: Ending Grade Level Silos (Library, 8:30am)
Thursday, 9/29
Early Release Dismissal
TK/K = 1:10pm, Gr 1-2 = 1:20pm, Gr 3-6 = 1:40pm
Tuesday, 10/4 - LAEF Phonathon
Wednesday, 10/5 - LAEF Phonathon
Thursday, 10/6 - Food Pantry Volunteer Event (sign up required)
Saturday, 10/15 - Almond Walkathon
As I’m sure you already know, there’s much more that goes into “school” than ensuring ALL students learn.
Here’s just a small amount of what gets considered: is the campus safe, bathrooms must be clean, children need to feel welcome, inevitable injuries must be tended to, forgotten musical instruments must be received, sick teachers need to be covered by substitutes, students cannot get run over in the parking lot, tummies need to be nourished throughout the day (below I will specifically address concerns regarding lunch being shortened by 5 minutes), etc…
The list above goes on and on - endlessly.
It takes the efforts of MANY to ensure that the minds and bodies of students are well cared for.
These are the entities at Almond and in LASD that contribute to this work.
LASD Staff - Our district leaders have set the mission for “revolutionizing learning for children” while coordinating the efforts of every single district employee in making certain we are a cohesive unit.
Almond Education Staff - The site staff works through logistics to bringing the district’s goal to fruition. This not only includes the instructional components of our work, but also many nuts and bolts around daily happenings at the school.
Los Altos Education Foundation (LAEF) - Provides input and funding to help the district actualize its vision for learning.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - Provides input and funding to help the school actualize its vision for learning while also actively supporting the social climate of the community.
There are also two additional groups this year that will have a more prominent role in regards to providing input.
School Site Council (SSC) - A group of parents and school employees who meet together to provide input and review goals. This year, the Almond SSC will focus on next steps for bringing alive the mission and vision, while also focusing on school climate and how to create an environment that is inclusive of all types of learners. We will also generate a survey that seeks input from the community on a variety of school matters.
English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) - A group of parents representing English Learner (EL) students and staff that collaborate around ensuring the needs of ELs are met.
There are four types of site based community meetings that are open to all parents (in other words, public). Below I explain the general purpose and intent of each.
Principal Coffees: Facilitated by the principal and focused on providing information to the parent community regarding a variety of topics pertaining to “school.”
Almond PTA Meetings: Facilitated by the PTA President and focused on supporting a variety of topics under the purview of the PTA.
School Site Council Meetings: Co-facilitated by the principal and a lead parent and focused on providing information and seeking input from stakeholders on education initiatives.
ELAC Meetings: Facilitated by the English Language Development (ELD) specialist and focused on providing information regarding ELD program.
These gatherings are in place to make certain our school community is the best it can be. To ensure this, we need the partnership of our parents. As we work together, it is expected that you will have questions, wish to communicate needs, or express concerns.
Here are a few different scenarios and suggestions for the most effective way to reach out for support.
If you have a specific question about your child or want to address a specific situation, please ask that question in a 1:1 setting. In other words, please speak directly with your child’s teacher. If you need additional support, then feel free to seek me out. You may either chat with we me when I’m out and about, email me, or schedule an appointment. Please do not raise such a concern in a group setting (like a PTA meeting or Principal Coffee). Should that happen, I will respectfully request that we speak together during another time where I can better understand your issue and partner with you in seeking a solution.
If you have a concern regarding a school matter (e.g., the 5 minute reduction of lunch, regrouping, homework, etc…), it would be most appropriate for you to communicate that directly with me. If a challenge will ultimately involve school staff, require a systematic change of practice, necessitate coordination with multiple entities - the place to start is with school leadership. Part of my role as principal is to strategically manage our human resources. Depending on the need, I will follow up with whomever should be involved. That might include the Almond Leadership Team, SSC, or PTA.
Should you have ideas for any PTA related activity or funding, it would be most courteous of you to reach out to a PTA board member ahead of time to share your thoughts. By doing so, you afford this group of parent volunteer leaders the opportunity to meet together to brainstorm your need or concern and to provide you with a thoughtful response at an upcoming meeting.
At this week’s PTA meeting, a concern was brought up regarding lunch being shortened by 5 minutes and the impact of this on students. As a staff, we recognized this as a potential challenge after the first few days of school. We brainstormed potential ways to address this. Some ideas included shifting the 5 minute decrease from lunch to recess, adding on 5 minutes to the start / end of each day, or keeping an eye on the situation and working with students to be more efficient in getting to the lunch tables.
Moms, dads, guardians - I, Mrs. Benadom, am out at lunch virtually every day. Part of the reason for this is because it is my responsibility to oversee the overall function of our school. However, it’s also because we do not have enough noon duty supervision (not for a lack of trying to hire staff). While I have not physically been at the lower grade lunch tables from 12:00pm - 12:20pm, I have been at the upper grade tables from 12:20pm - 12:40pm. Let me share what I have observed.
Yes, there are some lower grade students who need more time. We will continue working on solutions to provide them with a safe space to extend their eating time.
Many upper grade students use their time effectively. When the 12:20pm bell rings, they stop their play, quickly get their lunches and are seated at lunch tables by 12:23pm, which gives them about 17 minutes to eat.
There are some upper grade students who bring their lunches who don’t get to the tables until 12:30pm or later because they do not stop their play when they hear the bell and instead of quickly getting their lunches, they saunter to it and take their very sweet time. I repeatedly speak to the same children on a weekly basis about this mismanagement of their time.
In general, students typically finish their food in 8-10 minutes. The last 5 minutes of lunch table time can be quite an experience for adult supervision. Think about it, 250 students waiting to be set free to play or to their classrooms who are forced to stay seated and keep the volume somewhat low. Adding “required” time to table time will exacerbate behavior challenges.
An idea was brought forth that we explore having ALL (which is exactly 454 grade 1-6 students) eat lunch at one time. We did brainstorm this as a staff and I did let the PTA board know that some parents had approached me about this idea. While this idea is not off the table, it does not appear to be the most viable and effective method to solve the current challenge. Students already stand in the hot lunch lines for a significant amount of time. Doubling the number of students trying to retrieve their hot lunch at the same time will require even more volunteers, an additional distribution space, new lunch tables, an additional canopy, and more.
Another proposition was to separate the areas for eating but to still maintain the two shifts. This would enable those lower grade students who need more eating time to take the time they need. This is a possibility and will require a significant investment of funds (in the tens of thousands range) along with additional supervision staff to not only monitor additional tables, but also those lower grade students who finish and begin play.
The Almond staff and I appreciate the commitment and passion our families have around supporting our school. Please know that we consider these issues very important as well and that we are examining every possible way to solve whatever challenge comes our way. We will keep you updated on this school matter.
EXPANDING HELPING HANDS PROGRAM - The Helping Hands Program is looking for volunteers! This program is designed to help the First Graders adjust to being at the "Big Kid" lunch tables and playground, but really it is beneficial for all grade (1-6)
Volunteer shifts are available Monday - Friday, 11:45-12:45. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Leslie Lee ( or you can sign up directly HERE.
PRINCIPAL COFFEE - The upcoming topic will focus on regrouping and the Almond’s staff around meeting the diverse academic needs of ALL students by strategically working across grade levels for targeted instruction. The structure of the meeting will be as follows: 35 minutes of presentation around pedagogy, terms, research. 15 minutes of Q&A about this specific topic. 10 minutes of open ended Q&A about general school matters. The meeting will promptly begin at 8:30am and end at 9:30am. Please complete THIS form with questions you hope to have addressed so that the meeting can be focused and worth your time.
Today, I write to you wearing a split hat - principal and parent. Actually, I think I always do that because it’s very hard for me to shed my parent lens. I am the mother of two children; an 11 year old sixth grader named Samantha and a 9 year old fourth grader named Alex. They have changed my perspective as an educator.
My husband and I share pick up, drop off, dinner prep, etc… However, over the years I have become the nightly reader, cuddler, and tucker-inner. I LOVE this role because it affords me the opportunity to hear all about the day’s joys and travails. I hear about “the worst substitute in the entire world,” crushes stealing the hearts of my own children and their friends, the fun game that was played in PE, the fact that football was banned at recess, and so much more. They seldom share about the math equation they solved with success, or the grammatical structure they incorporated into their writing. It’s always about how they are feeling. And truth be told, that’s what matters most to me.
Over the last few weeks, a half dozen Almond parents have reached out to me with in the following ways:
My son (4th grader) shared he’s not in the advanced math level anymore. I want to make sure he’s challenged. Who do I talk to?
Can you please give me ideas for how to explain to my 2nd grader why he’s going to a 1st grade classroom for reading?
I want my 5th grade daughter to have a 6th grade teacher for language arts. How can you help us with that?
Una de mis amigas que tiene un niño en el grado uno me dijo que su niño está volviendo al grado kinder. Ella quiere saber si su hijo fue retenido. [Translation: One of my friends with a 1st grader told me that her child is going back to kinder. She wants to know if he has been retained.]
These questions have not fallen on deaf ears, nor insensitive ones. In fact, they’ve deeply touched my parent and educator heart. My take aways have been that the reason you’re reaching out to me is because your little ones are expressing feelings to you when you debrief the day.
While we believe we have been mindful about preparing our students for cross grade level regrouping and for a growth mindset about their learning, it is clear we have much more work to do. It matters to us how our students are feeling. If their hearts are hurting, their minds cannot be ready for learning.
The Almond Leadership Team met before school on Tuesday to address this concern. At our Thursday Collaborative Meeting the entire staff worked in grade level spans to discuss how to address how students might be feeling.
We believe it is critical to provide students with both heterogeneous (diverse groupings that include mixed ability levels - potentially at the same homeroom grade levels) learning opportunities, and homogeneous (alike grouping based on similar learning needs - potentially across grade levels) ones. The driving force behind which model to use when, involves how to best meet the needs of students.
We will be incorporating additional team building activities into learning to give students the opportunity to get to know peers they do not typically spend time with outside of their homerooms. We have agreed to even more clear common messages to ensure grade level designations are shed during regrouping time. We will provide safe opportunities for students to share how they might be feeling so that we can address those feelings. We will increase our focus on the value of each learner’s unique brain design and that each one grows differently.
We have reflected on when it is most appropriate to team across grade levels and for what purpose it makes sense to regroup. We will incorporate adjustments in upcoming units of instruction.
Know that this spectacular Almond staff wants nothing more than to “empower our students to own their learning in a collaborative community.” Number two on our collective commitments is to “make students feel safe and welcome so they may thrive.” We will not stop our efforts in serving ALL students until we are honoring these promises to the best of our abilities.
LAEF: It’s the LAEF Phonathon! Join the fun and help LAEF raise $500,000
Our annual phonathon is coming up on Tuesday-Wednesday, October 4-5. It’s a fantastic opportunity to thank parents for all they do for our kids, to build community spirit and to educate our new families about the enrichment programs we fund. Last year, our group of volunteers and LASD staff helped to raise $478,850 by personally calling 700 families. Sign up today at
Wizbots After School Robotics Lab
Open to students in grades 3-6
Wizbots is THE best place for kids to learn the art and science of building robots. With no prerequisites, Wizbots is the perfect place for novices to first learn about robotics. Equally, students can spend years with us and reach such advanced challenges as robot navigation and proportional–integral–derivative control. BUILD with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® and lots of advanced robotics equipment, CODE your robots in Java, and PLAY our “Path to Mastery” game. You’ll journey from Novice towards Master, tackling new project challenges with each move and earning bands of recognition with each promotion. You'll learn engineering, programming, math & physics in a completely hands-on way. The journey is deep, so you can join us season after season and always try something new. And, parents get to experience all the fun too as their child's project videos are posted online to see and share!
Located on the Almond campus
Held Fridays: 3:00 to 4:30PM
10 sessions: 9/16 - 11/18
Cost: $280
Class size limited to 12 students
Register online now at
The District Nurses will be doing vision screening, both near and far, at Almond for all Kindergarten, 2nd and 5th grade students on Wednesday, 9/28/16. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure that they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening.
Too Many Stuffed Animals, Kids Outgrowing those Stuffed Animals, Stuffed Animals Just Gathering Dust? Or Does Your Child Want to Donate a Stuffed Animal to help another Child in Need?
Please consider donating your gently used/new stuffed animals and teddy bears to Almond Community Service's collection drive benefiting Good News Bears Good News Bears' mission is to provide teddy bears to hurt, traumatized, or abused children as well as adults. Almond Community Services is conducting a Gently Used and New Stuffed Animal Collection Drive from September 21st through October 15th. We will have a collection box in the office marked with "Good News Bears." So please consider donating 1, 2 or 3 or more stuffed animals to a worthwhile cause and give some comfort to a child in need (while cleaning out your closets!).
We will be collecting stuffed animal (any type of stuffed animal is fine!) from small “mini beanie baby” up to about 24” sized stuffed animals. Think of what you would give your child – if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for Good News Bears! Couple of requests: Please Plush Only (no battery operated animals, dolls, or hard toys); Ensure the stuffed animals are in good shape; Come from a non-smoking home; and if you have the inclination a tumble through the washer, or even just the dryer with a dryer sheet helps out lot!
If you have any questions, please contact Seema Chavan ( or Polly Liu (
Community Service Event - Ecumenical Hunger Program Food Pantry Volunteer Event! FEW MORE SPOTS AVAILABLE
Join us to help fill Emergency Food boxes, sort cans, and stock shelves in the food Pantry at the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP). EHP is an independent, non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, household essentials, support and advocacy to the needy in their local community. Limited spots available - First come, first served.
When: Thursday, October 6, 3:30-4:30pm
Where: Ecumenical Hunger Program, 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto
RSVP: Email Seema ( with # of people attending
Deadline to RSVP: Thursday, September 29th
NOTE: Adult Supervision required - this is NOT a drop-off event.
Jamba Juice Sales are Back!
Almond's 6th Graders are going to be selling Jamba Juice next Wednesday (September 21st after school at pickup) to raise funds for their class gift. Please come over to the table in front of the multi and purchase a Jamba Juice or two for your kids (all the while supporting the 6th grade class). There will be two flavors (Mango-a-Gigo and Strawberries Wild). Purchase a 16 ounce juice for $5. Any questions please contact Jeanine Stiff or Seema Chavan.
[None at this time.]
[None at this time.]
Send announcements to us at by 12:00pm Monday, for that week's Word. Keep your announcements brief and, if applicable, send a PDF version of any flyer or additional information to be posted on the website.
Quick Links…
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Almond Elementary School Website
Copyright © 2003-2016 Los Altos School District. All rights reserved.
Parents in grades 1 - 6 will be receiving the results of the most recent iReady reading and mathematics computer adaptive, diagnostic assessment administered to students in the past two weeks of school.
This is ONE measure that we use to inform our understanding of a student’s current strengths and areas of need. This assessment is NOT intended to grade, nor label a child. We send this home to honor a spirit of transparency in regards to information about your child.
We ask for your support in maintaining a balanced mindset around the use of data so that students have a healthy self-esteem when it comes to their learning. We hope that you do not hire tutors, require them to increase their homework load, or to the contrary message in any way that they can take it easy if they performed higher than their grade level designation.
We will continue our work in personalizing learning for ALL Almond students so that they are ALL appropriately challenged.
I will be sending out a Google form next week to capture any questions you might want me to address at the upcoming Principal Coffee.
LAEF: For EVERY child in EVERY grade in ALL LASD Schools!
Did you know that your donation to LAEF supports enrichment program staff and smaller class sizes NOW through June 2017? Here’s how elementary kids benefit from LAEF this school year:
Smaller class sizes in K-3
Literacy Aides in 1st and 2nd grade
Our STEM and computer science teachers
Librarian and PE instructor
Plus music and art!
Every TK-8th grade student’s education will be enriched by LAEF-funded programs, and that’s why our goal is 100% parent participation. The suggested donation per student is $1,200 (or $120 per month for 10 months). Every gift in any amount is appreciated.
Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at
The District Nurses will be doing vision screening, both near and far, at Almond for all Kindergarten, 2nd and 5th grade students on Wednesday, 9/28/16. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure that they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening.
Community Service Event - Ecumenical Hunger Program Food Pantry Volunteer Event!
Join us to help fill Emergency Food boxes, sort cans, and stock shelves in the food Pantry at the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP). EHP is an independent, non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, household essentials, support and advocacy to the needy in their local community. Limited spots available - First come, first served.
When: Thursday, October 6, 3:30-4:30pm
Where: Ecumenical Hunger Program, 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto
RSVP: Email Seema ( with # of people attending
Deadline to RSVP: Thursday, September 29th
NOTE: Adult Supervision required - this is NOT a drop-off event.
Almond's ABC Reader Program, part of Project Cornerstone [], is underway! We have 40 dedicated parent volunteers visiting classrooms each month and using children's literature to share concepts such as bucket filling, interpersonal competence, empathy, being an UPstander, and digital citizenship.
This month, 1st - 5th graders are reading Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon, by Patty Lovell. This book helps students recognize that they have the power within themselves to deal with teasing or bully behavior. The goals of this lesson for our students are to identify caring adults in their lives, develop their personal power and believe that they have control over their lives, and increase self-esteem.
The Kindergarteners are starting the year with Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids, by Carol McCloud. This book uses the image of a bucket to represent our good feelings about ourselves. When we are kind to each other, we fill our friends’ and classmates’ buckets, as well as our own! The book also discusses bucket dippers, whose negative behavior removes warm fuzzies from other people’s buckets and makes them feel sad. The lesson’s goal is to help students intentionally choose to fill their classmates’ buckets with kindness in order to treat each other with respect.
The 6th graders are beginning this year with a discussion about friendship, including being open to getting to know students that they do not usually interact with.
For more information about the ABC Program, see our section [] on the Almond website or contact Jen Walker, Julie Watson, or Mona ElNaggar
Afterschool program UPDATE
There are many new programs on offer since last you looked as well as new days for old favorites.
NEW TO ALMOND: sign up for Karate, Ukelele, Guitar, SkateWorks, DezignKidz accessories and a new Drawing program.
MANY OLD FAVORITES HAVE NEW DAYS: Find Mathletes on Monday, Tennis for G3-6 on Tuesday, TechKids on Thursday and Wizbots now on Friday
Sign up is easy :
See the week at a view calendar linked to the Fall Session and then register using Activity Hero.
For any questions please reach out to Jennel Massey or Kylie Owen
Walkathon and Silent Auction
Almond’s biggest event of this year, the Walkathon, is on October 15. This is our largest community event and our biggest PTA fund-raiser, and we ask you all to do the following:
Mark your calendars!!! (if you haven’t already)
Sign up to volunteer on the day - if you didn't sign up on the BTS system, contact Andrea Baum ( to volunteer
Consider what you can donate to the silent auction - for example:
hosted events (for adults of for kids by grade level) - make sure the date is set
sporting event tickets
vacation getaways
other items
reach out to Darren Crawford ( with any potential donation items
Be prepared to register your child and start collecting pledges! More information will follow.
Many more communications and details will follow, so stay tuned!!
Suzanne Jensen & Barbara Daniels (Walkathon co-Chairs) and Darren Crawford (Silent Auction Chair)
We have 2 committees that need parent leadership. Please contact Jon Meyer if you are interested in supporting Almond with any of these programs.
Bookwave - This involves someone to manage the packets that get distributed early in the year and to organize the Bookwave evening event in the spring.
Spring Book Fair - In the spring we work with a local book fair to bring books to Almond so that families may increase their home libraries. This person works with the bookstore to coordinate timing and with volunteers to get everything set up.
Parents - It was terrific to see so many of you at Back to School Night!!!
Almond Staff - You SOARed and were remarkable as always!!!
Here is the presentation from the school wide address in the multi.
Before I get on my metaphorical soap box (in forthcoming paragraphs), I would like to extend a tremendous thank you to both LAEF and the Almond PTA for their incredible financial support that enables us to offer an unparalleled program to our students in Los Altos.
Okay, I warned you. Soap box speech starting.
Your children are OUR students. We want the same thing. We want ALL of them to be challenged and to be supported in their learning. The Almond staff is working as a cohesive, unified team to accomplish this. Students are being regrouped for language arts in and across grade levels. When this happens, a grade level teacher is NO LONGER teaching a particular grade level. Did you hear that? They RELINQUISH their grade level status and are simply teaching a group of students with similar learning needs for a specified amount of time. Students will be flexibly regrouped throughout the year.
Let me give you a concrete example. The 5th and 6th grade homeroom teachers are working TOGETHER to meet the needs of all 172 students in these two grade levels in the area of language arts. Now there are 6 teachers available to support these learners. EVERY SINGLE regrouping combination contains BOTH 5th and 6th grade level learners. EVERY SINGLE GROUP. The teacher supporting instruction in any of these 6 groups is NOT teaching 5th or 6th grade, they are teaching STUDENTS...not grade levels.
For some, this goes against the way you learned. Your own experience in schools.
We can either perpetuate a failing past or forge a path towards an innovative future. Here is a video that paints a picture of what is possible and where we are headed as a district. This forward thinking approach may make you uncomfortable. It might be disruptive to your existing paradigm.
Please hear me clearly. This IS how we are supporting our learners at Almond and in LASD because we have made the following promises to OUR students and each other. This IS what is best for our children.
Put the needs of students first
Make students feel safe & welcome.
Think school-wide. We are Almond teachers, not teachers of certain grades or classes.
Collaborate by sharing ideas & resources to best support each other.
Use instructional strategies to work towards personalized learning goals.
Assess regularly with common assessments and use the data to help drive student learning.
Stay positive, professional, and respectful.
Have a growth mindset by being flexible & learning together.
Challenge ALL students.
The Almond staff is the most talented and capable staff I have ever known and has an unwavering commitment to ensure ALL children learn at high levels. It is my true honor to be a part of this group of professional educators.
What’s new with LAEF this year? Check out Eric’s Video!
Check out this new student-created video "LAEF 2016-17: Are You IN?" to learn what’s new at LAEF this year and how the programs we fund enrich every school day for your child.
Donate now to help LAEF pay for teachers and program staff for STEM, PE, libraries, art, music, and computer science, in addition to smaller class sizes in grades K-3 and 7-8, more junior high electives and a new Instructional Support Teacher (IST) focusing on 6th-8th grade math.
Our goal is $3.7 million and 100% participation from all of our LASD families. The suggested annual donation is $1,200 per student or $120/student per month. Every gift in any amount is appreciated. To donate now, make your pledge or to learn more, please go to Thank you!
Follow #laefonline on Facebook and Twitter
Afterschool program UPDATE
There are many new programs on offer since last you looked as well as new days for old favorites.
NEW TO ALMOND: sign up for Karate, Ukelele, Guitar, SkateWorks, DezignKidz accessories and a new Drawing program.
MANY OLD FAVORITES HAVE NEW DAYS: Find Mathletes on Monday, Tennis for G3-6 on Tuesday, TechKids on Thursday and Wizbots now on Friday
Sign up is easy :
See the week at a view calendar linked to the Fall Session and then register using Activity Hero.
For any questions please
3/8/25 6:09 PM